
World Fantasia : The Supreme Grand Mage

The Supreme Grand Mage is reborn in a new world called Fantasia in Medieval times where technology continues to evolve while the magic that remains in these traditions only regresses. It was changed thanks to an academy of the Snow Empire where all races landed from the four corners of the continent.

Empereur_Mage · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Prologue: Reincarnation

In a large, lush Palace an old white-haired man stood on a throne watching the thousands of ancient Demons marching towards the Magical Capital.

Light ships hit the protective dome which was destroyed in an instant.

''Tonight will be my last fight in this world so I will use all my strength'' said the old men who disappeared from the palace.

The ancient Demons began to ravage the magical capital.

The old men appeared in the air and released a magic power.

Magic of Creation - Ten Thousand Sacred Sword

In the dark night thousands of light swords of hundreds of meters appeared on the head of each Elder Demon and tore in two.

'' HAHAHA THE GREAT EMPEROR SUPREME MAGE IS NO LONGER THAT HE WAS '' laughed the Demon King who stood in front of the old man who spat a throat of blood.

''Your body can't hold my dear Master anymore'' another figure appeared near the Demon King who was held in the air.

The old men looked at his former disciples who became a Demi-Demon '' Judas you have betrayed humanity for power ''

"Of course master, I want to continue to grow strong no matter the consequences as long as I can surpass you."

The Old Man sighed.

"You were the strongest person to become the next Supreme Grand Emperor after my death but I was wrong.

Your sister is more apt to become,' said the old men as they pulled out a dragon-shaped talisman.

The faces of the two changed upon seeing the talisman.

'' To the Primordial White Dragon, I, the 24th descendant of the Pendragon, sacrifice my life to eliminate the Demons of this world '' the old men put blood on the talisman which lights up.

A huge circle made of ancient runes appeared in the sky of the entire capital.

''BASTARDS YOU FOOL ME!'' shouted the Demon King who struck Judah causing him to fall into the magic capital.

Boom 💥

The energy in the old man's body increased exponentially, his body rejuvenating into a young man.

A smile appeared on his face and then rushed at the Demon King taking him by the blow.

''Demon King Dying Together''




A Holy light power appeared throughout the Magical Capital that purges all Demons.

A silver-haired young woman stood out of the debris looking up at the sky with tears in her eyes.

''Farewell Master''

The old man's soul left the Divine Continent and appeared in the Reincarnation Tribunal.

He appeared before a giant two-faced man.

'' Arthur Pendragon it's been a long time when it was not seen '' White God

''White God we haven't seen for 1,000 years'' says Arthur Pendragon

''You have done a lot of good deeds in this lifetime so you have the possibility to enter Heaven or enter the cycle of reincarnation'' said Dark God

''Of course you will receive three wishes if you return to the cycle of reincarnation'' says White God

Arthur did not want to enter Paradise.

"I will enter the cycle of reincarnation.

First I want to keep all the memories of my old life as Arthur Pendragon. "


''Secondly I want to be born in a world similar to the Divine Continent''


"Third, I benefit from a system that allows me to see the status of others and a large space comparable to the world that allows cultivation with a temporality of 100 times outer time and a fusion functionality"

'' To agree ''

'' Have a nice trip Arthur Pendragon ''