
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 7

As the new day arrives Lex wakes up fully rested his accumulated stress melts away like there was none.

'Now it's time to make so work out' He yet again enters mind space as projection materializes not seeing Cas he shouts 'Where are you!?'

After a while hears Cas reply almost almost not hearing: 'Wait for me' so he waits looking at levitating skeleton before he didn't have time to inspect his work. As he gets closer he sees more details

'skelly looks a little bit different than I first saw him, he looks… more alive?'Lex continues his observation "From what I remember, I imagined bones to be entirely white, but now they are blood supplied? maybe it's the effect of the technique?'

As Lex still looks at the skeleton then suddenly a wisp flies from under his projection now being between him and the object of his interest 'Good morning Lex' 'Hi Cas what where you doing below me?'

' mental space is rather boring so I chose to explore a little bit

'did you find anything during your mini adventure?'

'weirdly enough nothing special, your mind space is simply too huge in size. With is weird in normal cases minds space expands by age, spiritual power, and many experiences in life. For example, you compare a sheltered monk that all of life only meditates in the temple on his four walls and an adventurer that lives to his fullest. At the end of their lives adventurers even if died young would have bigger mind space than the sheltered monk who died of old age.'

'Okey Cas but what benefits do I get from having humongous mind space? For now, it seems to me like a useless thing '

'At present, you can do shit with it '

Lexes projection eyes get bigger as if looking at all of his cash invested in the NFT market drop by more than 90% {sorry I'll not make any more non-functioning testicle jokes I just can't stop myself with this one}

'Don't fuck with me Cas, When you start something then end it '

Hearing a somewhat rude response he gets happy 'I didn't hear something like that in many years, did you grow some balls overnight?'

'No, just after knowing at what ground I stand my confidence grow bigger, continue your explanation please'

Cas continues his explanation by trying to condense the amount of information 'When your spiritual power pool becomes bigger you could start to use some defensive techniques to protect your mind from the outside,

Lex gets excited 'So I'll be able to become immune to mind control spells?'

'only if you bolster your defences high enough, it depends on how powerful the spell is let's make an example

moderate mind protection vs low power level spell = you are immune to it

moderate mind protection vs medium power level spell = you will get stunned as your defences are battling against a spell

moderate mind protection vs high power level spell = you get controlled, but the time of the spell is limited

moderate mind protection vs overwhelming power Level spell = your mind defences shatter, as you are permanently controlled and at the mercy of the caster '

'Cas what would happen if I don't invest any of my time in mind protection?'

'it is based on your race, let's say your previous body I remind you was normal baseline species that would get eternally controlled even by an amateur magician that learnt his spell 10 seconds ago '

'baseline species?'

'it's a term used by beings of some power to describe beings that have zero mana/aura in their bodies'

Cas continues his lecture 'I expected to find some doors to the lower lever of your consciousnesses'

Lex gets sceptical and feels hidden danger from a person that he meet one day ago 'And that you would do with them? try to get into something like the core of my existence to control it!?!?'

Cas says with the same tone as he always speaks: "No, I was just curious about your inner desires, and when I've seen how big your mind space is, I got a little bit worried, because mindscape is shaped like an iceberg the lower you go the more sizeable it gets, who knows what can be hidden in deeper levels, now we are in awareness strata, that is located going back to by example at the tip of the iceberg"

Lex couldn't tell lies from the truth, he accepts most of the information, but still doubts the motive of Cas

'okay Cas let's get to work, I need to get stronger to face the dangers of today and the future'

'no problem, Lex did you know what you need to work at?'

'yes I still have problems with my body movements, it's awkward and imprecise'

'look at skeleton Lex'

they both look at the levitating skeleton with a brain as body fluids still leak from him

'And what about him?'

'do you think I created myself that method allowing you to move your body?'

'I'm not sure, as you mentioned you are very old'

'Well yes I am, but I'm a warrior, at some time when looking for a new world to conquer, I stumbled upon (world) of flesh mage, as he could control both mana and aura his spells and aura technics were very strong, he was able to control an army of flesh monsters. Our battle lasted years before he ran out of juice, if I would come across him in my later years it would be my end as dual users have higher potential. Afterwards, I looted his inheritance and found this technique

'all right but your explanation doesn't help me he speaks clearly annoyed at the newer ending background information

'just tell me what I need to do, I don't have all of eternity to hear your rambling, In the near future enemy will come, we have approximately 1 year to get stronger'

'ehh Lex you are still a little boy, not even wanting to hear the wisdom of elders.

Fine now training regiment will begin to hear my words'

Lex concentrates as Cas starts to explain

'First, I'm experienced in ways of aura, so I will train you to be a fine warrior. To pull yourself together, you need to start using most of your body parts I recommend training like running and lifting weights'

Lex gets dumbfounded 'It sounds very simple I expected something different'

'goal of this training is to use all of your muscles, weight lifting allows you to use diverse sets of muscles and running for bipedal species does literally the same, as when moving all muscles of your body are used, it increases your coordination and allows to learn your body coordinates in space'

Lexes eyes spark 'Thank you, teacher!'

'No problem Lex'

'But what about the strength of my body? As you exclaimed its as powerful as you in your younger years, although I don't expect one muscle fibre to be enough as muscles have a shit ton of them'

'Yes you are correct I was planning to expand on this topic but you stopped me from doing it. now I don't have any willingness to do it'

Lex gets desperate, and his projection starts to kneel before small will-o-wisp trying to get in his good graces 'Please teacher.. no master! I beg you to lend me a ray of your unmeasurable knowledge! '

Cas 'give me a moment I must think about it'.