
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 30

..gift from my mum"

"No problem, if you want then let it be, it's nice to have something that would remind you about your parents"

The girl tries to change the topic of conversation from her to him

"what about your loved ones?"

"My parents are probably mourning over my dead body. In a few days, a funeral will begin" He says while not changing his expression as if he had spoken about the weather. She feels a shiver at the back coming from his cold words

"Everyone is rested? If yes I'll teach you another martial art, called [Evasion] like its name tells it should help you in evading blows"

While activating it his body light in green colour. He comes to the realization that the colour of light must be connected to a type of martial art, probably green colour is intertwined with the agility aspect

"Try to concentrate your aura around the hip"

They do the same as he did with no problem, the usage of aura in battle hastened their growth

Sara stands up "Let's see if it works, Ludger try to punch me"

"Alright" After a moment he does a simple straight punch at her head

she evades it with ease by bending her knees and changing the position of her torso "It not nice to attack a woman in the face"

"tell that to monsters or serial killers" He does another attack this time with a leg aiming at a stomach, the swift move gets dodged by a nimble girl doing a bridge, and then she makes a contra using her arms like launching pads striking her feet at Ludgers jaw, he does dodge too by doing few backflips

Lexes eyes widen from disbelief almost pooping out, as he observes the fight 'Woow I feel like I'm watching a First martial arts tournament in dragon ball, Is the future of all fiction to at some point to power scale into oblivion?'

They fight for one minute to the moment of not being able to catch a breath

[evasion] buffed their agility making it easier to evade, even so when tiredness comes to play they become sloppy. First Ludger was hit by her foot in the left eye making plum in revenge he punched her in the chest, making her unable to breathe properly for a dozen seconds

"Guys you know that we'll be coming back to sewers?"

Exhausted Ludger looks at him with his left eye closed "Are...you...serious?" with every breath he says one-word

girl can't say anything as she is struggling to catch air in her lungs

"Yes so you better eat something to have energy" He takes out some fresh food bought from the restaurant with a wooden cutlery and gives it to an exhausted man for Sara he grabs Bota's bag full of water.

Ludger sits and grabs a dish in the form of roasted meat and some groats with sliced carrot, after a moment he starts to eat

after a moment girl grabs Bota unplugs it and drinks

"When we become richer I'll hire talented blacksmiths to forge canteens"

"What is it?" asks chewing Ludger

"A small metal box that you can unscrew and pour water to it, then drink it"

"So it's a more costly version of a good old waterskin, if things don't rot in your inventory, wouldn't it be meaningless?"

"If you remind me about my inventory then yes, but I plan to move this world forward"

After gulping a lot of water she says "Forward? You men about 'technology', that you praise to the heavens?"

"You are right, It is weird that players who arrived into this world in the span of centuries did almost nothing, as players of Yggdrasil were characterised by their high creativity, it's just strange that this world is so backwards"

"What was so specialll~ about your home?" She speaks while mocking him

"If you're so full of energy to scoff then you are ready for more training" In the meantime he looks at Ludger eating his food "After he ends you'll come back to meet friends in the form of giant rats"

all of the enthusiasm on her face passed long ago

"How many times we're gonna come back there?"

"Until we end all pathetic lives of rats in E-Rantel"

she looks at his visage, like looking at a madman spouting mindless drivel

"ehh…" her gazes don't give him any hope "How many rats are there?"

After a bit of heavy thought, he spokes "I don't know, maybe thousands? Or more as creatures in a world of high fantasy almost always have more efficient metabolism allowing them to form less make more, I can imagine something as vile as rats being almost a perpetuum mobile"

her imagination runs wild imagining her team fighting rats for years

"No! We can't do that! I don't want to spend any more time here!"

"When you get better at your job it should be done faster"

Ludger ends his meal "It's a real training arc, proud adventurer's faith against unending swarms of rats, against an ancient evil that chosen form of a vermin tide, don't worry Sara when you pass away I would still fight while having you in my hearth. Squirming, contorting and ever-expanding…this horror must be unmade!"

Corruption of his ancestor runs deep in his blood as it unravels a bit scaring her shitless

"YEAH!! Ludger, We need to purge this World from All of its darkness! I'll be a radiance that would lead us to victory!"

Two up man run to the sewers, as the hype train leaves the station it can't stop

She looks at them like on deranged individuals and shouts "What about stench! And We don't rest enough!"

"She's right" The Hype Train hits a thick wall made from reinforced concrete wreaking itself like most pre-ordered games

Lex stops Ludger and comes with him to her "Let's wait a quarter of an hour, and then go"

They rest for said amount of time, afterwards reinvigorated group goes to sewers.

In the sewers they meet the same group of rats composed of Three brown rats apparently they are consuming the remains of rats killed before, they must be lured by the stench of blood, they are eating not giving a single fuck about people that are coming to them, hunger must be their biggest problem, as they madly chew flesh and bones leaving nothing.

Ludger Fires an arrow at one of the rats and hits it in the head, his skill as a professional shows itself

two other rats after seeing one of them lays dead run at the people. Because of their inherent gluttony, they almost eat carcases, and they slowly come to the team. The second arrow flies making another headshot, bored girl runs at a rat stabbing her spear in its bulging stomach. Her instinct tells her to back off as moment after stomach of the rat explodes bursting parts of meat everywhere.

Eaten meet and its intestines cover everything in a radius of two meters from implosion

"Turn off your strengthen perception"

Ludger does it in an instant like a trained dog, don't asking any questions

"Why? I don't want to be in the dark"

"We'll be camping there waiting as hungry rats get to our trap, as they are lured by the smell of meat and blood. They'll be coming in waves so it would be better for you to conserve stamina" In the meantime Lex goes to Ludger grabbing one of his knives to cut off tails "I'll take that one" and proceeds to do it

"Waves? Can we even survive it?"

"Believe in yourself, without it how humans can fight monsters?"