
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 18

...World Enemy

Sara:" It sounds quite good"

Ludger: "Yeah it sounds menacing, however why World Enemy?"

Lex: "World because it represents our future weight class and Enemy because it sounds cool"

Sara "weight Class?"

Lex: "In other words how strong we'll become"

Ludger: " Everything makes perfect sense. Let's go we don't have all day to talk. Our rations would last for 3 days"

Sara: "Yeah I don't want to starve"

And they proceeded. The team marched until dusk then they started camping? It is hard to say so when you don't have any materials to make an encampment, so their only option was sleeping on the ground

Lex: "Okay so who would be watchman first?"

Sara "I, as I don't like to be woken up"

Ludger: " Second would be you Lex because even if you wanted you wouldn't be able to wake me"

Lex "I don't mind it"

Sara: "So good sleep guys, I'll wake you up when I get really tired"

Lex: "All right"

Ludger immediately falls asleep on the ground, and Lex starts to meditate entering his mind space

'Something changed when I was gone, beforehand there were many colours blending with each other forming something like a galaxy, now it's toned down as if something diluted most of the intensive tones. Let's meet the Skelly' Lex Projection looks around searching for the white-boned Skeleton and can't find him 'Maybe I'm doing something wrong, now pops up a question what exactly happened to me when training with Cas?' Lex transforms himself into a jet plane and starts to fly around looking after Skelly 'Hmm after training I felt like something changed about me on a fundamental level, surely awakening changed colours but what does that mean? I'm not some psychologist, I know shit about mental stuff. using logic if mental space represents my consciousness, then losing colours means that my creativity plummeted? Eeh fuck this stupid shit, where is Skelly?'

After flying for some time Lex finally reaches his goal then jet plane shifts to his plain-looking projection

'what happened to you buddy?!'

The skeleton looks completely different than before, white bones become black like a tar with red veins supplying them with blood, giving clearly seen contrast. Two small bulbs come from the front of the skull, and all of the fingers/toes bones are more pointy, if someone used them to stab they would easily penetrate through flesh, the tail bone was extended by a few sacral vertebrae, making the mini tail. Skeleton

is coated with more muscles

'It looks like when I was gone skelly was going to the gym, from zero to anorectic good progress. It's a shame that I couldn't supply you with protein shakes when you were gaining mass. By the way, the changes that I observe are quite worrying. that technique is weird, altering Skelly's physique without my knowledge is bad. I think that Skelly in some way is me, beforehand Cas said something about increasing my connection to my body, if Skelly is an embodiment of that then any changes in him influence me. For now, he looks like some kind of daemon, so I'm one? Idk. Let's think about how to automate the process of making muscle fibres, it looks fucking stupid when I need to fly around like some retard'

After a moment of thought he comes up with an idea 'I know let's make a 3d printer, but I don't think that it would work for free, in the world nothing is gratis, I'm sure that automatic mode would use spiritual power like a steel mill, so maybe make it active then I do certain actions like a training? I'm a fucking genius' Lex gets hyped 'like Cas said I would need to make training to supplement this technique so when training I would be doing three things at the same time

1 improving synchronization via 3d printer, making skelly more bulky

2 supplementing and training my other stats. I need to increase that shitty agility

3 training my capacity for spiritual power so I wouldn't feel tired so fast, my regeneration of it definitely won't last forever else it would be completely broken, so I need to capitalize on it until I can

in advance let's make a spiritual power meter so I can clearly see how much juice I still have

And so Lex starts to imagine a neon meter after it materializes he says solidify

'hmm it tells me that I have 100sp, it's sad that I don't make it earlier so I would like to see how the number goes up, I'm a big fan of clickers'

'Okay let's make a 3d printer now' and Lex starts to imagine it. As it's complex and big in size construct as it needs to fit a skeleton that is the size of Lex from the outside, its quite hard to make something like it. While he imagines SP {Spiritual power} meter drops from 100 to 99 and so on until he finishes

it shows 95

A big white 3d printer materializes if one needed to it would be able to make a 5m statues, why to size of 5m? Forewarned is forearmed. Lex looks at Sp meter '95!? only 95? me from before the thing, wouldn't be able to make something like that '

As he still looks at the numbers on Sp meter to go up to 100, it takes a moment to regenerate the lost Sp.

'Like I thought it gotten slower, before it would take like a moment of rest, now it takes one minute to regain 5 Sp so going from 0 to 100 should take a 20mins. Fuck I really wanted to see by how much my Sp reserves increased' After a bit of calming down he puts the skeleton into a gigantic 3d printer

and goes to the control panel 'Let's see how it'll work in automatic mode' he turns it on and uses the touchpad to select auto mode and clicks the "work" button that is at the right of the control panel with "stop"

Three giant independent rings with needles pouring Sp start to rotate. As it is a real 3d printer that can move in three dimensions being able to reach any smallest portion of a levitating skeleton

'Now it's a real job, not some gayish flying with needle and thread' As Lex looks proudly at his creation to his view comes Dwindling Sp. An Instant after activating the 3d printer it dropped from 100 to 85 per second he loses 5Sp 'Holy shit!' he madly slams his palm onto the "Stop" button

Sp meter shows 70Sp 'I was expecting it to don't be effective but so much fucking wasteful? What a scam, only the rich can expect their capital to increase from doing nothing

'Let's put it on training mode, by design it should work at the same time when I exercise myself minimising cost and increasing gain… hmm it would be pretty annoying to go to mental space every time I want to turn it on/off. In the future, I need to think about some quality of life improvements and other questions about what will happen when someone tries to wake me up when I'm in there. And do I even need to sleep? For sure I can, but it's required? After a reincarnation questions only multiply. Lex leaves mental space opens his eyes and sees everything as if he is wearing sunglasses "Oh really I can see in the dark too? Fucking dark vision for free"

"Shut up Lex" she yawns when speaks "You're a watchman now"

"All right, go rest on the cold ground princess"

"Sure thing" and she falls asleep