
The End of Peaceful Life

The boss was fuming. As soon as I entered his office, he started screaming at me. I didn't even bother to pretend to listen. I wanted to get fired anyway, so what was the point? That, of course, made him even angrier. I honestly found it quite funny.

The whole ordeal didn't take long. When I left the office around 10 minutes later, the woman was waiting for me by the door with a worried look on her face. "So, what did he say?"

"Hmm? I'm fired obviously. Anyway, do you have time this evening? Let's go get a drink or something," I answered nonchalantly. Who cares about employment, that's so boring.

"Not today, but… What are you going to do now?" She didn't give up.

I just waved my hand dismissively. "No worries, I have plans. How about Friday, then?"

She paused for a second, stunned by my complete lack of care, but in the end, she agreed. "…Friday should be fine."

She looked like she had more things to say, but I couldn't be bothered to stay and listen to her now. I hope that at least after a few drinks she won't be such a bore.

"It's a date then, I'll text you later!" I smiled at her and left, not giving her any chance to speak. I still managed to notice a small blush on her face. Was it because I called it a date? I guess my theory was right then. She liked the other "me".


Having cup noodles for dinner really gave me post-apocalyptic vibes.

As I could not cook at all, all I had left to eat in a destroyed world was instant, dry, and canned food. It was tolerable, some of the flavors were actually pretty good, but it was still annoying that I had to resort to it in a new world, where so many great take-out options were available. Better safe than sorry though. I didn't wanna end up poisoned.

In the past two days, I've been spending a lot of time just wandering around the city, hoping to lure out my assailant. I had absolutely no luck, however.

It was so frustrating. I might have watched anime or some movies instead.

At least the world was not hunting me for now, since I managed to replace this world's version of me. Thanks to that, I could get some decent sleep. I haven't been this well-rested in ages.

Sipping my noodles, I put on something to watch, when I was interrupted by the doorbell.

I clicked my tongue annoyed. Seriously, what now?

I went towards the door without making any noise and looked through the peephole. It was better to be careful. It could have been my attacker, after all.

On the other side of the door, however, I saw two police officers.

I had a bad feeling about it. I recalled the questions the police officer asked me the other day. Was it about that? In the end, though, I still opened the door, appearing perfectly calm and collected. If it turned out to be nothing serious, it'd be better to deal with it straight away.

"Mr. James Foster?" one of the police officers asked as soon as the door was open.

"…Yes, that's me."

"You are under arrest for…"


Not letting him finish, I slammed the door in his face and turned the lock.

I guess my peaceful life is over.

The police were banging on my doors, urging me to open up. How stupid. Why would anyone willingly get arrested?

I quickly started packing up my things. There wasn't much I needed to take, just a change of clothes, my phone and the bank cards. Plus my usual stuff, the collection of keys and fake IDs. From now on, I would return to my usual lifestyle, squatting at different places. No big deal. It was just a shame it all ended up so quickly, after all the effort I put into securing this place.

I opened up the window and jumped out. Moving through the rooftops, soon I managed to get a safe distance away.

I lit my cigarette, sitting down on a roof. It was early afternoon, but the sky was dark, forecasting a storm. I liked that kind of weather.

I reached out for my phone. It was only Thursday, but if I wanted to hookup with that Emily girl, it had to be today. I can't really hang out with people who know me when the police are looking for me, now can I?

[Change of plans. I won't be available tomorrow. How about we go out tonight?] I texted her.

She responded pretty quickly, even though she was supposed to be at work. [Okay. I'm off at 6.]

How nice. Not only do I get a date, but if I play things right, I should also have a place to stay for tonight. [See you at 8 in Verra Blue then!]

It wasn't one of my usual spots, but that was probably a safer choice. Plus the place had a nice atmosphere. Should make it easier to get her in the mood to have some fun.

Having a lot of time to spare, I got something to eat from a convenience store and went to a hotel nearby to take a nap.

In the evening, I arrived at the lounge ahead of time, but she was already there, sitting by the bar. She looked very pretty, dressed up in a fitting blue dress, her light brown hair falling on her shoulders. She already ordered herself a cocktail and was sipping it through a straw. I gave her a charming smile as I sat down next to her.

"Whiskey on rocks," I went with my usual choice. Whoever was hunting me was unlikely to know I'd be coming here, so the bottles shouldn't have been poisoned in advance. I still observed the barman closely as he poured my drink, just in case.

"James? Are you listening? Can you tell me what's going on now?"

Focused on the barman, I ignored the girl, who has been trying to talk to me. I turned toward her with a sigh. "Nothing much, really. I just have a new job. Anyway…" I needed to change the topic. What were her hobbies again? I thought back to all the chat logs I'd read, looking for something suitable. "How have your piano lessons been going?"

She visibly brightened at my question. Seems I've picked the right thing.

Soon she was busy telling me all about music and stuff. She was quite talkative, but as long as I wasn't required to contribute to the discussion, I didn't mind it so much. I just made sure to order us more drinks as she emptied her glasses.

Looks like things would go my way tonight.