
World Dream Experiment

Mashiro Hiro suddenly found himself in another world with his classmates. Not only that, the world is the world of the VRMMORPG Omnipossibilia. And since he's the main character, he gets to be the OP Hero. Unfortunately, he's in a world filled with overpowered people, some even stronger than him. His mission to save Gaia won't be easy. Lumiere D. Hyacinth, named after his father's childhood hero from some storybook he read, had always wanted to be a pirate, mostly because his father told him that pirates are the embodiment of freedom and fun. Follow his misadventures as he meets new friends and experiences. Updated every two days at least. Hopefully, daily. Cover sucks. I know. I am sorry for my lack of artistic talent. This will only be continued until the end of WFP. Please check out the full version here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/world-dream_18424750706767605

Blue_Crow · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Mashiro Hiro - Act 2.06: The Battle's Not Over! Athos' Past With Lumiere Aegis Crow!

"Damn!" Maiko blasted her final Glitch into kingdom come before plopping onto the ground, "Finally! Ha... ha... It's done! Ha... ha... The battle's over! Ha... ha..."

"Heroes!" a voice called out to Luge and Maiko.

The duo turned to find a panting soldier on his knees due to exhaustion. However, his joy was greater than his exhaustion and he shouted his gratefulness towards them. As he did, more soldiers formed a crowd around Luge and Maiko, thanking them with handshakes, salutes, and more. The little girl (=> recall Chapter 6 or Act 2.03) gave Luge and Maiko a cute white flower each, her naive and innocent words bringing a smile to everyone's face: Thank you, Big Brother, Big Sister.

Luge rubbed her head. "No problem. We're just doing what we're supposed to do. It is no big deal."

"MEN! LOOKS LIKE WE'RE HAVING A FEAST TONIGHT!" someone, who was probably the general shouted among the crowd.

"HOOOO!!!" the men cheered.

"Isn't it too early to be celebrating?" a womanly voice sounded.

"Miss, there was never such thing as too early-" the general didn't say a word after.

Luge noticed the sudden pause and looked up, only to wish he had never looked. A woman wearing musketeer clothing and wielding a rapier; not too unusual, except for the fact that Luge recognized the clothing... and so did the soldiers. "Athos... you're..." the general's voice was shaking in disbelief.

And there, Luge and the soldiers synchronised with the general, "You're a woman?"

. . .

(whooooooooo => 100% real wind)

Finally, the woman cleared her throat before attempting to hide her disappointment, which she failed. "I was expecting 'alive' instead of 'woman' but it's fine. That's way more shocking than me being alive. Yeah."

Maiko stood there, thinking to herself, "She sounded really disappointed. Well, I could relate..." (=> elementary school memories)

Luge finally veered off the awkward topic. "Hiro. Where is he?" he unsheathed his blade.

"Oh my... pointing your weapon at a lady? How rude."

"Answer me," Luge did not put down his weapon, and Athos smiled.

"Well, he's unconscious... for now..." Athos unsheathed her own blade, "If I would be the villain, I would say 'once you all are dead, I will kill him as he despaired' or something like that."

"You traitor!" a soldier charged at her despite the general's orders not to and the result: a bloodstain on Athos' clothes.

"Me? A traitor?" Athos turned to face the frightened soldiers and started chuckling, "It is you humans that are the traitors."

Just then, an invisible blade appeared behind her, only missing her cheek by a centimeter. "Hmmm... Interesting... why didn't you kill me... Lumiere Gerechtigkeit?"

Luge didn't answer. "I see you do not want to answer... Well..." Athos pressed the blade away with her own blade, "I see you're a rapier user; that changes my plans."

Athos turned to face Luge. "How about a duel?"

"A duel? What are we betting on?"

"That rapier... It sure is of excellent quality. My life for that rapier."

"Your life for a rapier; how funny."

"You think I do not know whose rapier you're holding?"

Luge suddenly froze. "Then tell me... whose rapier am I holding?"

"A simple question, really? It is definitely the Rapier of Life which was forged and wielded by none other than..." Athos fixed her hat before continuing, "Lumiere. Aegis. Crow. Your father, I believe."

Luge's eyes widened. "You knew my father?"

Athos nodded. "He was the one who trained me after all."


==== Bonjouraux, 17 years ago ====


Athos saluted along with her three other boyfriends. Their trainer, a muscular man of the name Avant Montagne, nodded to his right, and from the shadows came a charming, handsome man with eyes that allures anyone around him. "Kids! This is your trainer for the next two weeks: Monsieur-"

"I can introduce myself, Monsieur Montagne," the man interrupted the trainer before introducing himself, "The name's Lumiere Aegis Crow. Nice to meet all of you."

"Sir! Permission to speak, sir!" one of the boys spoke.

"Permission granted!" the trainer shouted in reply.

"You have been training us for a long time. Why bring in a guest trainer? Aren't you the strongest musketeer?"

"Hahaha!" the trainer laughed before lightly punching the boy, "D'Artagnan! I am the strongest! In Bonjouraux, that is. If it were a duel between me and Monsieur Crow, I will surely lose."

"Monsieur Montagne, no need to be so flattering. You have the potential as well, you know."

"No need to be so humble, Monsieur Crow. You truly are the strongest."

"HAHAHAHA!" Lumiere Aegis Crow started laughing, "Maybe... But I assure you, my son is going to be way stronger."

"Which one, Monsieur Crow? You have more than one son, you know."

"Hmm, I guess... my fifth son..."

"I see! I wish him luck then!"

"Thanks, hahaha!"

"Uhm, sir..." the two men stopped laughing immediately and began looking serious once more.

"Sorry for the delay. I should leave. Monsieur Crow, I leave them to you."

"Yeah! Thanks for inviting me, Monsieur Montagne," Lumiere Aegis Crow waved at Avant Montagne until the door behind him closed in which his mood suddenly shifted.

"So... how should I start...? Hihihi..."

Athos' knees shivered. "This man..."

"Okay! How many pushups can you do?"

D'Artagnan: 1000!

Porthos: 1000!

Aramis: 1000.

Athos: 2000! Sir!

"Ooo, you kids sure are strong. Well, let's see. You there!" Lumiere pointed at D'Artagnan, "The boy who asked for permission to speak. You do 5000!"

Lumiere looked at Porthos and Aramis. "You two! Do the same! What are you waiting for!? Start now!"

As the boys started doing pushups, Lumiere turned to Athos. "He's definitely going to ask me to do 10 000 pushups. Don't worry, I'm ready."

"20 000 pushups!"

"Heh?" Athos was shocked.

"What are you standing there for!? Start doing it or you won't catch up!"

Athos quickly started. At first, everyone was doing fine. However, as time goes by, the boys' energy began to falter. "Can't... do... any... more!" Porthos fell to the ground at his 3400th pushup.

"Me... too..." Aramis fell as well at his 3391st pushup.

D'Artagnan pushed onwards until eventually succumbing to his exhaustion at his 4400th pushup.

Athos was also struggling. "Man, I want to take my clothes off... but then, they will know... that I am girl..." Athos kept on going.

5000... ... ... ... 10 000... ... ... ... Athos felt her arms turning numb at her 10 047th pushup. "C'mon!"

11 000... ... ... ... 11 500 ... ... ... ... Finally, her arms couldn't take it anymore and collapsed. Athos panted. "So... tired..." Athos panted in her mind.

"Okay! Time for some swinging practice, Athos!" Lumiere called out to the exhausted Athos while watching the other three struggling to even hold the wooden rapier.

Athos wanted to complain, but she didn't. She only follows orders. That's it. She stood up, grabbed a wooden rapier, and began attacking the target. "My blows were too weak... I am too tired... But... must... keep... going..."

Athos' mind suddenly blanked and when she came to, it was already night. Athos' body ached as she rose from the bed, but it was still endurable. "What happened...? Where... am I...?"

Athos' feet stepped onto the floor and Athos nearly fell from lack of energy. She continued onwards and stepped outside the room she was in. "The clinic... That means I am still..."

Athos' legs wobbled towards the common room where her stuff sat, basking in the moonlight. Athos quickly grabbed onto it and prepared to leave when she suddenly heard Lumiere's voice behind her. "Where do you think you're going?"

Athos didn't answer as she had always done.

"If you're going home, I already told your parents."

Athos' heart started to beat quickly. "Crap! My cover's blown!"

"Don't worry... your cover's not blown," Lumiere stepped out of a blind corner, "I only told your parents that you suffered heatstroke and that you're resting at the clinic until you get better."

Athos turned to face Lumiere who was resting his back on a wall. "You think I didn't know you were a girl...?"


Athos froze... "He knew...!"

"How... how did you know...?" Athos finally spoke.

"While bathing you. It was pretty hard, you know, being a man in my 20s."

Athos blushed and covered herself despite her body already being covered by a white nightgown.

"Don't worry... I didn't do anything. I don't get easily sexually aroused by a naked female body."

Lumiere approached Athos, who retreated until her back hit the wall. "Get away...!" Athos closed her eyes and screamed in her head.

However, she only felt her hands getting lighter. She opened her eyes and saw that her stuff was returned to its initial spot. Athos suddenly felt weightless and her body was caught by Lumiere. "Don't rush. You're still tired..." Lumiere lifted her body up along with her legs and carried her to her room.

"Oi... let me down..." Athos was blushing; she hated the princess carry...

"And let you fall? No thanks," Lumiere finally arrived at the clinic and opened the door.

He then placed Athos on the bed she was unconscious on before tucking her in. He then threw a whistle to Athos. "If you need me, just call me using that," Lumiere turned to exit the room, "I will be sleeping. Good night."

Athos heard the door close, leaving her alone with her rapid heartbeat. "That was... the first time..." Athos turned away to face the window, "So there are men like that... who didn't care about a woman being a musketeer..."

Athos slept with a smile that day... The days after that were filled with grueling training after grueling training. However, each day that passed has increased the musketeer's stamina, speed, and power. On the final day of Lumiere's visit, Avant Montagne visited his trainees as they were practicing. "They seem to be doing very good. I am impressed, Monsieur Crow."

"Don't be. It's just their determination that brought them here."

"Okay! Attention, students!"

The four musketeers-in-training immediately dropped whatever they were doing and saluted to Avant Montagne and Lumiere. "You did well! From now on, Monsieur Montagne will be the one doing the training. Well, toodles, kids!"

Lumiere left the training area and the trainer asked everyone to continue what they were doing. However, Athos stood where she was. "Athos, start training already!"

Athos pointed to her left, which indicated 'Toilet'. "Hurry," the trainer smiled and Athos rushed to the toilet or that was what she was supposed to be doing.

"C'mon. Hurry..." Athos ordered herself as she dashed through the streets.

Finally, she arrived at the dock, and there she saw him; a charming, handsome man walking towards a ship along with a demihuman wearing a maid's attire. "WAAAAIIIIT!" she screamed, grabbing the attention of Lumiere and the demihuman, stopping them in their tracks.

"Wait..." Athos panted in exhaustion.

"Girl, Master's going to be late so please hurry up," the demihuman had a threatening tone in her voice.

"Nyarin..." Lumiere squinted at the demihuman and she relaxed her guard.

"What is it, Athos?" Lumiere kindly questioned Athos.

"Why..." Athos paused for another breath before continuing, "A female is not supposed to be a musketeer. You could say it is taboo so why... why didn't you just tell everyone that I was trying to be a musketeer?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lumiere kneeled down and smiled widely, "That's because it would have been a waste of talent if I did."

"Plus, why do you even care about that stuff?" Lumiere grumbled, "You'll grow older faster if you worry too much-!"

The demihuman, who seemed to be named Nyarin, knocked on his head, forcing Lumiere to apologize.

Lumiere stood up to leave or so Athos thought. He placed something on her head which she immediately took it off... only for her eyes started filling with tears when she saw what it was... "Keep it safe, would you?" Lumiere smiled once more, "One day... I want you to find him."

"Who?" Athos looked up.

"You will know when you meet him in person," Lumiere began to walk away along with his 'maid'.

"When we meet again!" Athos shouted at Lumiere at the top of her lungs, "I will a musketeer as strong as you! I will!"

"I can't wait!" Lumiere shouted back in reply with a large smile on his face.


Athos stood at her spot as she watched the ship passed by. Suddenly, that happy feeling became horror when she realized she just screamed at the top of her lungs. She peered around; no one seemed to care. "What happened? Was that all a dream?"

Just then, she felt something bump her head. "A paper glider?" Athos put her gift on her head before opening up the paper glider, revealing a note saying, "Oh, about that announcement of your dream, don't worry, I made sure no one remembered that part."

Athos crumpled the letter. "Thank you... Lumiere..." Athos sent her message as the wind blew past her, the feathers on her fat twitching, symbolizing her happiness.


"My father's... your trainer...?" Luge stepped back.

"Yeah, when I was about eight. Although it was only for a short while, it was still the best moments of my life," Athos smiled as she took off her hat, revealing her silky, black hair, "He gave me this as well.

"Wait... if you're eight, that means... how old are you!?"


Athos sighed in disappointment. "I died when I was about 17, so my body always stays seventeen no matter what. Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah, thanks. So... why do you want the Rapier of Life?"

"I never said I wanted it..." Athos put her hat back on, "I just want to see... whether you're the person your father was referring to..."

"What do you mea-!?" Luge's rapier clashed with Athos'.

"Hey! What the hell!? The duel hasn't starte-!" another last-minute block by Luge passed.

"Since when does an enemy need to tell you when you're fighting?" Athos fixed her hat, "If you actually think that, you're weaker than I thought..."

"Let's see if you'll say the same thing once I'm done with you."

"Sure... Give me the best you got!" Athos smiled enthusiastically.

======= TO BE CONTINUED =======

Happy New Year!

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