
World Dream Experiment

Mashiro Hiro suddenly found himself in another world with his classmates. Not only that, the world is the world of the VRMMORPG Omnipossibilia. And since he's the main character, he gets to be the OP Hero. Unfortunately, he's in a world filled with overpowered people, some even stronger than him. His mission to save Gaia won't be easy. Lumiere D. Hyacinth, named after his father's childhood hero from some storybook he read, had always wanted to be a pirate, mostly because his father told him that pirates are the embodiment of freedom and fun. Follow his misadventures as he meets new friends and experiences. Updated every two days at least. Hopefully, daily. Cover sucks. I know. I am sorry for my lack of artistic talent. This will only be continued until the end of WFP. Please check out the full version here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/world-dream_18424750706767605

Blue_Crow · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Mashiro Hiro - Act 1: Just Idle Talk (Cuz You Don't Just Go On Adventures Right Away, Do You?)

In every MMORPG game... one thing remains the same: we need a party; not the celebrating 'party', but adventure parties; even the strongest needs a party. And that was what Mashiro Hiro is trying to do. However, Hiro wasn't really known to be a very... charismatic dude. After all, it is not a light novel/manga/anime where the character just finds random girls to save so those girls could fall for the character and follow them on their journey. If that were the case, many men would have multiple wives right now. This is the harsh reality of the game called Life. It has horrible mechanics, imbalances, and sometimes have viruses and very annoying bugs. And plus, it is not an open-world game and you can't be anything you wanted to be. Not to mention that corruption is rampant in this time and age. Omnipossiblia is basically an upgraded version of Life, so there are no horrible mechanics, but we still do have the annoying bugs (bad design).

And now, Hiro was back in the castle, laying on those chairs used for therapies. "I just don't understand why no one wanted to be in a party with the Hero," Hiro stated his problems to his doctor who was surprisingly Prince Lumiere Gerechtigkeit.

"Maybe because you're too flirty."

At that moment, Hiro thought, "What the fuck does that have to do with anything!?"

"Aren't there like other problems I could do like... defeat cults or something?"

"Oh, the cults. We have those."

"Really!?" Hiro was excited, "Where is the nearest?"

"The cult once praised the Devil Pirates."


"Yeah, the Devil Pirates destroyed all their hideouts and told them to stop doing that 'cause it's creepy," the prince therapist laid back on his chair, "Well, I would do the same if I saw people bowing and praying to a picture of me placed in the middle of a Devil's Circle surrounded by some candles in a very dark cave."

Is this even therapy anymore? "Oh yeah, you said there are five other siblings with the same name as yours, so what am I supposed to call you if you guys are together?"

"Just call me..." the prince thought for a while before finally settling on 'Luge' (pronounced as Luji, not to be mistaken as Luigi).

"Luge... That is... okay... I guess."

"I know right. I am good at making names, am I right?" Luge started laughing by himself.


"I wonder... how did your father meet your mother?"

"Oh that. My mother always told me that story. It went something like this."


Luge: Back then, my mother was actually really physically weak. She had always been that way ever since she was born. The doctors said it was a medical condition that couldn't be cured and that my mother would die at a very young age. One day, when my mother was ten... my mother fell ill.

It was severe and to my mom, it was fatal. My grandfather, the previous King, assembled the best doctors in the kingdom to save her, but even they could not diagnose the disease, only saying that she will surely die. However... he came... My father, that is... when he was 12 years old...

My mother said that he was there with his father to ask for trading rights in Gerechtigkeit. According to witnesses, my father noticed my grandfather's worry and questioned him about it. It wasn't long before my grandfather led him to my mother's bed.

He acted like every other doctor at first, questioning my mother's symptoms and checking her temperature. However, unlike other doctors, he took out a needle and sucked out a sample of my mother's blood. My grandfather told me that in only a few minutes, he had already diagnosed the disease and had the medicine for it. It would have ended there, but then, my father questioned my grandfather about her physical condition before the sickness.

Worried sick for his daughter, my grandfather told him everything. That was when my father stated that he could fix that condition as well if they gave him extra compensation. Of course, the King agreed and my father soon gave him the medicine and asked my grandfather to feed it to his daughter three times a day for the next two weeks.

My father would visit her every week to check on my mother's conditions and during those weeks... my mother fell for him. When my mother was healed, my father asked for his compensation: ten million yeris. However, before my grandfather could give him that money, my mother announced that instead of ten million yeris, she wanted to give him her hand in marriage.

Hiro: Did he accept?

Luge: Nope. He said he didn't want it and found it more of a burden than a reward, but his father signed the engagement contract drunk so...

Hiro: ...


"And that's how my father and mother met," Luge stretched, "So how's it?"

"I feel so sorry for your father..."

"Eh? Why?" Luge was clueless of the predicament his father went through.

"Nothing..." Hiro tried to change the topic, "Now... enough procrastination... I need to get a party."

"Oh that... I already made one for you."

"WHAT!?" Hiro shouted, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN I FIRST ASKED YOU!?" (=> the first-ever dialogue in this chapter)

"Oh... I thought you were referring to those parties for celebrations and all."

"... How...? Just how did you assume that?"

"You acted all flirty with the girls back in the city and plus, you didn't allow the males to join your party."


"Well, don't be so down. You're not the only hero who flirted with the girls and didn't allow males to join your party. Actually, all the male heroes did that."

"..." Hiro had finally learned that girls do not fall for charms that easily.

"So... who's in my party?" Hiro asked Luge.

"Oh. It is me, you, and that Maiko girl."


"Well, the fact is that everyone else didn't want to; the female heroes called you very creepy and perverted and surprisingly the male ones too. I tried recruiting from the city, but the males thought of you as arrogant while the females... called you a pervert and a creep."

Hiro felt many arrows stabbed into his body. "Even Maiko was reluctant, but she said this: I am just going to join 'cause I feel pity for him. Everyone is probably not going to join his party because he's a creep and pervert."

That is no longer an arrow, but a fucking missile. "Even my crush..."

"Well... you're pretty unpopular, but don't worry, I am here for you."

Hiro looked at Luge with very cheerful kitten eyes. "Because you're a creep, a pervert, and when it comes to politics, you're an idiot."


"Oh yeah, talking about politics..." Luge began another conversation, "We got our first mission."

"Huh... where!?" Hiro was jumping in excitement.

"We're going to the Kingdom of Farlands, specifically its capital, Bonjouraux."

"What are we going to do there!?" Hiro asked enthusiastically.


"..." Hiro's heart screamed in disappointment; he was hoping for some really tense battle.

"So... why am I needed?"

"You're a political tool for an alliance between Gerechtigkeit and Farlands."

"..." Hiro wanted to die.

"So... when are we going...?" Hiro asked with way less energy.

"We leave at dawn, my friend. Hohoho," Luge announced.

As he laughed, he saw Hiro's shoulders droop. "We might meet some pirates, you know," Luge whispered into Hiro's ear.

"Let's go."


And there goes another useless day documented into history...

======= End Of Introduction Arc =======

The real story starts now.

Blue_Crowcreators' thoughts