
World Dragon survival system 2:The beginning of the progenitor.

Daneel the Dragon Celestial has awoken from his deep slumber and is erupting with energy . As his journey unfolds he meets formidable adversaries that threaten his existence and the existence of his world. From the Dragon Monarch Muldu & Marsians , to demons who seek to conquer to universe. this is the amazing saga of Daneel Hillan Wallheart, his son , brother and wife as they traverse the 9 heavens . ... Other tags : Overpowered, Eastern , Cultivation, noharem , webnovel. Sequel to World Dragon Survival System 1: A Dragon's Mortal life. Follow me on Facebook @Empyreanskys

Empyreanskys · Fantasy
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45 Chs

For Superior ate tribulation

Daneel's P.O.V

Do you know what it feels like to lose what you love? My emotions are on a rampage as I bury my mother. Eloise is gone, and though I've gotten stronger, I wouldn't rush into a fight with the demons. One thing is for sure, I eradicate all those bastards from the surface of Utopia.

No, the Universe!

I'm a Wallheart herh? What's so special about that, well I guess I'm yet to realize it, the system prompts it to be special, but i don't understand.

Aren't the Wallhearts just a clan on Utopia.

<<Congrats! Host on awakening your Wallheart bloodline. You have inherited Samuel's Cosmic Heart.>>

<<Congrats! Host for unlocking a special Super form.< p>

You can now use Wallhearts' Immaculate Superior Super form >>

<<Congrats, 5 Host gor breakingthrough times!< p>

You now have 1000 primordial energy!

You have gained Dominator tittle>>

<< Wallhearts' Immaculate Superior Super form;

The cosmic heart has further purified and integrated all the bloodlines, and races in your Blood. Your Wallhearts' family is now a noble race.>>

<<Dominator tittle;< p>

Your have shed the Survival tittle. Now your total goal is to Dominate! You gain 1% stats increase every time the title is active. Note: The title can only be activated once a year>>

<<Host can no longer transform into Dragon-Phoenix>>

<<Since you have the highest bloodline amongst Progenitors, are now Progenitor head>>

<<All 3 superior skills have been upgraded to tier Qiankun>>

<<It is due for you to create a Hood's mark>>

<<Heavenly Tribulation is ready, without going through the Tribulation, you won't be able to mobilize your full power>>

After I briefed through the notifications, I decide to create a God's Mark first.

<<Design your Mark of Qiankun hoods>>

I pondered for a while, then finally, I asked

'Show me some examples of God's Marks'

<<Xiao Long: First, it's Qiankun hoods marks. Some examples are;< p>

Some choose marks in the numbers categories like, 777, 666, 645. These marks can be improved. Eg. If you gain 1 as a mark,you can defeat someone with 2 to gain their position.

Others choose things like left dragon wings, fangs, fire symbols, axes e.t.c>>

Hmmm, that sure is interesting, I'm a Wallheart right. I remember several marks I've seen, the Vampires' Banner, the Humans' flags, the dragons' scales.

I remember the mark I used in my Guild.

I edit upon it, and

<<Mark acknowledged.< p>

3 intersecting circles with a golden heart within.>

The 3 circles represent the 3 families, maybe Veronica, Gem, maybe my life. That's for me to know, and for you to find out.

<<You know that you could simply re-challenge Taikong Expert>>

I think the stupid dragon is just sending me to my death.' Are you already tired of having me as a host.?'

<<Xiao Long & System AI: It is now better to have you as a host. First I hated that fact, that's why set such high standards when would come out if hibernation!>>

Nice! No, I'll train, and be prepared! Come tribulations!

Clouds gathered in the skies. These clouds are golden, but not like mine. These are the clouds that judged my Ascension! Sentient tribunalist.


The clouds laugh as it reaches over my head, and the biggest lightening bolt I had seen struck down. I circulated all my strength, and looked at it.

"Go to hell!"


Lucian's POV

I know that I will never win this battle, but I was carrying the weight of thousands upon my shoulders, so I must try!

Zhang Yu is a powerful adversary that was stronger than the average Below-Hood. It seems that he doesn't practice Arcanism(Magic), neither did he practice The Fighters' Body refining. It seemed that he outright practiced what Dad practices, Cultivation!

In our initial clash, I almost thought he was a Qiankun hood.

He fought like a rapid dog, betraying his Dragonic form. I hate how he behaves, for I know that I, and my father were initially Dragons.

"Little one, I am surprised you you made it so far!" Zhang Yu snorts. We had already exchanged more than 300 blows, and skills. Now, the Empyrean West was in shatters.

"Let us end this then!" I was about to implode my Arcanism core, when a familiar voice resonated throughout the entire world.

"I WILL BE SUPERIOR!" Father? A tear dropped down my face as I felt empowered the the Unwavering determination in the voice.

<<Auxiliary host: Lucian J. Wallhear.< p>

A Progenitor head has been chosen amongst the 3 Superior Progenitors. You'll obey his commands until you attain similar bloodline purity.>>

<<Bloodline message being conveyed.< p>

A new cosmic heart has been chosen. All those under his jurisdiction have been granted his Unique Ability!>>

Shall I prove myself too? The Dwindling flames in my eyes were reignited. How could I, one that calls himself a superior Progenitor lose to a demon's sorry arse.

"Dawn of light." I reactivate my Progenitor form, and dashed towards Zhang Yu. During these 7 years, I didn't slack off...

To be continued...

Next chapter..

Lucian breaks through and becomes a hood.

Lucian, and Daneel .... their tribulations.

Ryan Starfire appears..

To Be Continued...

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