
World Dragon survival system 2:The beginning of the progenitor.

Daneel the Dragon Celestial has awoken from his deep slumber and is erupting with energy . As his journey unfolds he meets formidable adversaries that threaten his existence and the existence of his world. From the Dragon Monarch Muldu & Marsians , to demons who seek to conquer to universe. this is the amazing saga of Daneel Hillan Wallheart, his son , brother and wife as they traverse the 9 heavens . ... Other tags : Overpowered, Eastern , Cultivation, noharem , webnovel. Sequel to World Dragon Survival System 1: A Dragon's Mortal life. Follow me on Facebook @Empyreanskys

Empyreanskys · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Embers of Love

**Title: Embers of Love**

"Yay. ." I laughed inwardly as I looked at the wood elves who were kneeling submissively in front of me. "All hail Lord Volcanic Lord .!!" Some said with conflicted expressions but some were genuine and happy about having an exceptional being as myself their leader. "Hail!!!"

"We move to the Darkness region," I commanded.

On one of the newly formed continents, dozens of monoliths stood. There was a core implanted on the tallest monolith, shining dangerously red, illuminating the surroundings.

* Crack*

Cracks began appearing on this particular monolith. Black energy could be seen flowing in these cracks.


The monolith erupted, with its strange black energy painting the sky. 13 men and 13 women with blank void like eyes and pale skin materialized from the energy. The Zamriks stood tall on the Dungeon Prone Continent.

"Daneel..." Under the starry night, a Human form dragoness turned around. Her body moving like that of a fairy of heaven. She stretched her hand out to touch the red-haired Human form dragon's cheeks. "Rana." Daneel stretched his hand out to grab hers.

"Shuush... I have something for you." Rana put her hand in her pocket dimension and pulled out two dragon necklaces. When the dragons were placed together they would form a beautiful couple. "Keep this close to your heart and we will remain together no matter how far away we are." She smiled as she handed the female dragon necklace to Daneel.

"Let me show you something else." Daneel blushed then grabbed Rana's hands, transforming into a young Dragon-Phoenix. He soared the sky passing through many places until he reached a tall black Mountain.

"This is the Cupid's Love Secrets Lake." Ge soared down transforming back into a human form Dragon. He pointed at a blue lake as he and Rana sat down.

"If lovers confess their love here the love will be true forever.." Daneel muttered slowly as he twirled his fingers in the lake.

"I know that I love you." Rana kissed Daneel on his left cheek causing him to blush more. The two cuddled for a while, watching the brilliant stars shining down on the planet.

* Boom *

Without warning, these Giant stars began hitting the ground, large amounts of Ancestral Beast Qi flew out of the world through the Giant craters the fallen stars created.

"Daneel." Rana looked pale, her eyes lost that previous brilliance and weakness replaced them.

"What is going on?" Rana clenched Daneel's chest as she began reverting into her Gold Dragon form.

* Ao *

Her eyes became red and savage, losing all the sanity in them. She looked as if she had become savage.

* Ao *

Countless bestial roars rang out from all over the world of Utopia as the Ancestral Qi continued to seep out.

Rana in her large Dragon form clawed at Daneel, her power was feeble and weak and would not be able to hurt Daneel no matter how she tried. But Daneel felt pain, pain for the loss of his loved one.

"Who!!!" Daneel roared into the skies as he watched Rana stampede weakly on the ground.

* Hua *

A large crimson light flew from above and severed Rana's head from her body.

"Letting her live any longer is just hurting her." Alex flew down from the sky, his her was soaked in beast blood, showing that this wasn't the first kill of the day.

"Master?" Daneel was sad, he didn't expect his family's Master to arrive and slay Rana.

"Cherish what you have when you have it.. love does not come easy." Alex seemed to be pained, as if he himself had experienced this.

"But don't ever choose more than one woman as you wouldn't be fair to any of them."

Daneel stared into the starry sky, remembering the past live he had lived.

"Sigh ... Love doesn't come easy." Daneel sighed as a tear drop slipped down his eyes.

"Have you now realized that." Maria whispered into her son's ear. Daneel was shocked, he didn't know when she entered the room but just remained stiff to her words.

"Eloise." Daneel walked out of the room leaving his mother to her thoughts.

"What happened to Dad actually." Daneel turned to his mother as he reached the door.

"The Plague." His mother gave a light response.

"The-never mind." Daneel dashed out of the room.

He finally realized what had been close to him, something he cherished but did not want to admit. Eloise was that slit on his neck the thing he didn't want to lose.

He was afraid of admitting this as almost all his loved ones die prematurely, he didn't want this to happen to Eloise, never again would he hide a true feeling.

Soon he found Eloise, she was in the garden standing under the moonlight. Her features looked mysterious, but Daneel knew it was her. The bubbling anxiety in his heart came up. He neared Eloise and the closer he got his heart missed a beat.

"Eloise, I love you," he confessed, his voice trembling with emotion. He hugged her from behind, feeling the warmth of her body against his.

Eloise was taken aback by the sudden declaration of love, but she felt a surge of joy and relief wash over her. She turned around to face Daneel, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"Do you have a headache?" Eloise asked, her voice soft and filled with concern as she reached out to touch Daneel's cheek.

"It's me, and I am well," Daneel reassured her, his eyes locked with hers, conveying his sincerity and love.

"Sorry for not noticing my love for you sooner," he apologized, his voice tinged with regret.

"I love you," he declared once again, his words filled with passion and longing. He leaned in and captured her lips in a tender kiss, their hearts beating as one.

Daneel gently lifted Eloise in his arms, holding her close to him as he carried her to her room. The moonlight cast a soft glow around them, illuminating their path as they walked together, their love shining brighter than any star in the sky.

As they reached the room, Daneel gently laid Eloise down on the bed, his eyes filled with adoration as he looked at her.

"I want to show you how much I love you today," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.

Eloise's heart fluttered with anticipation as Daneel leaned down to kiss her once again, their love igniting like embers in the darkness.

"My son has grown up," Maria sat by the window of Daneel's room, a smile playing on her lips as she watched the couple embrace, their love conquering all obstacles in its path.

The night was filled with whispers of love and promises of forever, as Daneel and Eloise embraced the new chapter of their lives together, their hearts intertwined for eternity..