

The King of Lanthanor's jaw dropped as he viewed the two figures standing in the air and looking at him as if he were an insect.

Their emotions were quite clear in their eyes and their expressions. It was apparent that both of them thought that they were highly superior to him, and that it was quite a boon for him to even look at them.

The one on the left was a tall, thin man wearing very tight-fitting black clothes with a robe underneath. His eyes had an additional aspect of rabid craziness, almost as if he were a mad dog that had been released from its leash. He reminded Daneel vaguely of the Mad Doctor, but that man's madness couldn't even come close to what he was seeing here.

As for the other figure, he was quite strange.

He was very short. According to Daneel's estimation, he was definitely not taller than 3 feet.

He wore a top hat as if to add more height to his figure, and he was wearing a very old-fashioned three-piece suit complete with a monocle.