

Young Chen Xiang had a fateful encounter with a goddess & demoness and received their peerless heritage, divine pulses, ultimate martial arts, and transcendent alchemy techniques, which gave him an easy ride in his journey of cultivation. When hungry, he refines some spirit pills to eat as snack, when lonely he flirts with the goddesses, when bored he teases those martial artists who came to beg for spirit pills, when tired he lets his beautiful wives massage him.

DJROM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


Chen Xiang quickly dived down and released his Dragon Aura because most demon beasts would cower in terror at a dragon's might. After that white squirrel sensed the pressure of a dragon, it could not help but be distracted for a moment and hit the trunk of a tree, creating a very comical scene.

Just as Chen Xiang was preparing to smack a deadly palm towards that squirrel, a burst of white light soared from that squirrel to his surprise. But that white light soon disappeared revealing a white robed little girl who had a fair face and delicate skin, sitting cleanly onto the snow. She was using her cute little hands to hold her head, flat mouth and tears on the edge of her eyes, she looked like she was about to cry and looked very adorable.

Seeing a squirrel suddenly turn into a seven or eight year old lovely little girl, Chen Xiang could not help but be taken aback. Although he heard that demon beasts could change forms, only very strong ones could do so! But this furtive squirrel, apart from having extremely high speed, did not look strong at all!

"Why did you steal my True Qi Dan?" Chen Xiang asked with a cold face. Although she was hateful, she was still a lovely little girl. However, Chen Xiang didn't have a nice expression on his face as he glared at her.

"I was hungry… you confused me and knocked my head… it hurts… I hate you!" That little girl looked up and two drops of tears had already dropped down from her watery eyes. Biting her lips she glared at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang suddenly caught a glimpse of two small things on the little girl's head, it looked very similar to small antlers!

Antlers…No, was it not a dragon's horn!? Chen Xiang quickly associated the two because he recalled that eight months ago, a dragonling had been born. Was this little girl a transformation of that dragonling?

"Dragon! This little girl is actually a dragon! Anyway, no matter what means, we must keep this dragon!" Su Meiyao's voice became very excited and quickly exclaimed.

"She is strong… although she is a dragonling she is by no means weak!" Bai Youyou warned.

Suddenly, Chen Xiang's mind became blank. He had totally not expected to encounter this dragonling. After the shock passed, he quickly calmed down.

He then leaned over, took a few grains of True Qi Dan and held it towards the girl. His face had a look of shame and with a gentle smile he said, "Little sister, I'm sorry. If you had told me you were hungry I would not have chased you! I thought you were a thief!"

That little girl sniffed the five True Qi Dans in Chen Xiang's hands. Her tears didn't fall again as her big eyes rotated a bit. Like lighting, her hands reached over and snatched away the True Qi Dans from Chen Xiang's palm. Seeing such a speed made Chen Xiang suck his own tongue.

"Can you forgive me now?" Chen Xiang sat back and watched the little girl's delicate and cute little face.

After that little girl devoured those five True Qi Dans with relish, she revealed a sweet smile. "After you give me ten more of those things I'll forgive you!"

Chen Xiang had not expected this little girl to actually be so smart at such a young age. It was as if this dragonling had not just been born recently. Is it that after a dragon was born, their wisdom would develop very quickly?

Chen Xiang had a lot of True Qi Dans, he took out twenty of them and handed them all over. The little girl soon ate them all. At this time, the little girl had an irresistible expression in her eyes as she waited for Chen Xiang. A neat and pitiful appearance, it was so potent that it made Su Meiyao anxious and she almost ran out to hug that little girl.

Chen Xiang was now akin to taking out candy to beguile a child. He once again took out ten True Qi Dans before asking, "Little sister, how can you transform…"

"My name is Sister Long(龙姊姊), do not call me little sister." The little girl interupted him

[TLN: 龙姊姊= Dragon Sister ]

"Oh, Sister Long, why can you transform into a little squirrel?" Chen Xiang asked.

The little girl suddenly giggled, "Just a moment ago, you called me Sister Long! This brother is really stupid, looking at you being so stupid I will tell you! I'm a dragon, whatever beast I see, I can transform into them, formidable right!"

Chen Xiang's mouth slightly twitched. He had actually been cheated. He originally thought this little girl was smart, but had completely not expected her to be so high-profile to the point where she revealed that she was a dragon.

"Moron, you're not thinking why I dared to say I am a dragon are you?" The little girl mischievously laughed.

Chen Xiang was once again taken back by surprise. Just a moment he had indeed thought of this.

"Fool, I'm very clever! I also know that you can tell that I'm a dragon." The little girl grabbed a handful of snow, and squeezed it into a snowball. With a mischievous laugh, she threw it straight towards Chen Xiang.

Just before Chen Xiang was about to react, that snowball smashed right on his face. It made the little girl even more happy.

"My name is Long Xueyi (龙雪怡), I am a newly born white dragon!" Long Xueyi mischievously laughed and said, "Previously I heard someone tell you that I'm a dragon, and you should do anything to keep me! Am I right?"

Chen Xiang was shocked, Bai Youyou and Su Meiyao were shocked as well. That dragonling girl could actually hear their voices despite them being inside the ring.

Long Xueyi looked at Chen Xiang's hand. Although there was an invisible ring, it seemed as if this dragonling could actually see it. Chen Xiang suddenly had a feeling that he was being completely seen through by this little girl.

"Good! Very formidable. Yin and Yang Divine Vein, Shinto Infant Soul, and your cultivated martial art is also our dragon family's most powerful [Dragon Slaying Divine Martial Art], the [Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Exercise]! You also seem to be in possession of the Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade that was refined with the help of our dragon family's Azure Dragon." Long Xueyi's small face was filled with shock. She had not expected in this world that a single human had actually collected all these heaven defying things!

Chen Xiang gulped, he was ever more surprised than the little girl inside his heart. This feeling was a little bit uncomfortable because he had just been totally seen through by this young girl!

"You should be Chen Xiang who was being searched by those group of people from before! In the forest I had heard many people mentioning your name. I know that you're a very powerful guy." Long Xueyi licked her lips and once more used a hungry expression as she looked at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang gulped, in his heart he was even more surprised, this feeling was a little bit uncomfortable, because he had been totally seen through by this girl!

Chen Xiang was shocked. After a sigh, he took out a box of True Qi Dan.

"Little girl, although I am not a good person, you will absolutely not find a single good soul who can give you this kind of thing to eat everyday." Chen Xiang smiled. He calmed himself down and could see this little girl also had ideas to be together with him.

"Indeed. If I expose my identity as a dragon, it would become very troublesome for me! You have so many good things, but you should not have any ideas to fight with me!" 'Nom Nom Nom'. Long Xueyi nodded her head while she ate those True Qi Dans like she was eating rice. It was clear that she had been hungry for a very long time.

"I can give you these things to eat, but I also have much better things, provided that you give me some help? Although you look like a little girl, you are by no means stupid." Chen Xiang said.

Long Xueyi stuffed those True Qi Dans inside her mouth. While chewing, she also spoke at the same time, looking very cute. This made Chen Xiang unable to help himself as he touched her cheeks.

"Although I don't know how you cultivated out Shinto Infant Soul. I know that you definitely don't know a way to cultivate it, however I do! You should know that we dragons from the very start do not cultivate our bodies but instead practice Shinto until we are able to congeal out our bodies, only then will we break our egg shells!"

People are seldom able to cultivate Shinto, even Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou did not know how to do so. If there was no guide and he were to carelessly cultivate, it would be easy to take a wrong turn.

Seeing Long Xueyi being able to transform into a squirrel, Chen Xiang believed what she just said was the truth because such a thing could only be achieved with the invisible and stateless spirit.

"I call this the [72 Transformations]! This is a way to manipulate spiritual power that only those who can cultivate Shinto can use. This is what I learned as soon as I broke out of my egg shell, it should be an inheritance passed down by my parents when I was born. They taught me a lot of things and most of them are inside my head!"

Long Xueyi with a delicate and sweet voice complacently said.

"Do you know the [Dragon Slaying Divine Martial Technique]?" Chen Xiang asked, in his heart he was moved.

"Of course I do!" Long Xueyi replied in a delicate and sweet voice.

"So you agree to cooperate with me?"

"En! Although you are not a good person, you can not be considered as a bad one either, as such I reluctantly agree." Long Xueyi replied. She extended her delicate and lovely pinky finger, "Quickly, do pinky promise! After the pinky promise, we can not go back on our words."

This childish act made Chen Xiang secretly stifle a giggle inside, but he still extended his pinky finger and hooked it with Long Xueyi's. But who could expect that when their two pinky fingers hooked up with each other a bright light would suddenly appear.

"Alright! This is our dragon family and humankind contract. Later on if you try to lay your vicious hands on me then you will definitely be in a lot of pain!" Long Xueyi giggled with a mischievous smile as she extended her beautiful little hands as if begging for True Qi Dans.

Currently in Chen Xiang's opinion the True Qi Dans were indeed basically jelly beans, which were now being eaten like snacks by this little dragoness.

"Little girl, in the future are you going to follow alongside me? Why don't you go inside this ring?" Chen Xiang asked. He intended to have this adorable and lovely girl accompany Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou inside the ring and also play with them.

Long Xueyi shook her little head and replied, "It wouldn't work. I'm unable to enter the space inside storage equipment, they have no effect on me because I cultivate Shinto."

Obviously Chen Xiang could not allow this little dragoness to always follow beside him. Not even mentioning that it would be rather inconvenient, her safety was also a very big issue.

"Do not worry, I have a way to solve this!" Long Xueyi laughed before she suddenly transformed into a white glow that shot towards Chen Xiang's arm. He only felt some warmth on his arm before a very strong power could be felt coming from his arm.

He was very shocked, this warm type of feeling was spread out from his left arm to the left part of his chest. He quickly took off his clothes and saw a lifelike white dragon baring fangs and brandishing claws that twisted from his left arm to his left chest. It was as if a tattoo had been drawn on his upper left body using special means, the entire mark was exuding white light and looked very beautiful.

Combined with Chen Xiang's robust muscles, the white dragon tattoo made him exude a bizarre and unique charm!

Of course, the thing Chen Xiang was most shocked about was Long Xueyi's strength! He could clearly tell how powerful she was and it was many times more than him!

"I'm formidable right! Like this, I will not be in your way when I follow you." Long Xueyi said in a tender voice. She was actually able to transmit her voice very clearly although it looked like the white dragon tattoo was talking to Chen Xiang.

"When there are other people around don't say anything!" Chen Xiang exhorted. At this time he was somewhat worried because this little dragoness was clearly a bit naughty and very cunning.

"I know that! I'm not stupid like you my human brother!" Long Xueyi replied as she smiled mischievously. This time she used her divine sense to respond.

Chen Xiang gave a low 'Humph', before breaking into a gallop and proceeded straight for Fragrance City.

Not long after, Long Xueyi started chattering continuously with Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou. This was the first time since Chen Xiang got acquainted with Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou that he saw them talk to other people. Of course, this is only because Long Xueyi was now following Chen Xiang.

Even if Fragrance City was covered in the white snow, it still looked beautiful. The entire city was drifting with a soothing fragrance, and it was very refreshing.

Not many crystal stones were left over from the last time Chen Xiang sold the Metal Spirit Fruit. While there was a set of materials left for refining a Building Foundation Dan, it was for him to plant as a seed to use in the future.

Fortunately he had refined a lot of True Qi Dans. He took out the remaining two hundred as the rest had already been given to Long Xueyi for her to eat.

A True Qi Dan is equal to five hundred crystal stones, so two hundred dans was precisely a hundred thousand crystal stones. Chen Xiang went to Danxiang Tower to sell them, this time too Mrs. Li was responsible for trading and recognized Chen Xiang in a single glance. After all, she was the governor's wife and had seen his portrait pop up many times.

Chen Xiang had disappeared in the vicinity of Fragrance City, obviously this matter was of great concern for the governor as the Extreme Martial Sect's Dean personally seeked him out and request him to help find Chen Xiang.

"Mrs. Li, I've come once again, this time with two hundred True Qi Dans!" Chen Xiang said with a slight smile.

"Are you Chen Xiang, Young Master Chen?" Mrs. Li asked. There was clear surprise in her eyes because it was rumoured that Chen Xiang had already been killed. She had not expected him to suddenly appear in front of her and even take out two hundred True Qi Dans to sell.

Just after reaching Fragrance City, Chen Xiang rushed directly to Danxiang tower. He didn't get to learn about what had occurred during his seclusion. With his advancement of strength and divine sense, he could now clearly probe Mrs. Li's strength. It turns out that she was a True Martial Realm martial artist of the 2nd Level!

"Mrs. Li can still recognize this brat, I'm truly honored!" Chen Xiang was slightly surprised in his heart, but still responded with a smile. .

"It's really hard to not recognize you now that the Beast Martial Sect placed a three hundred thousand bounty on your head! In order to find you many people turned the city and its outskirts inside out!" Mrs. Li exclaimed.

Chen Xiang's brows wrinkled, "Humph! Anyone who want to take my head for the crystal stones reward can, come and try! No matter how many come to try and take my head they will all end up dead!"

While he stated this, a huge amount of Slaughter Qi was released, making even Mrs. Li retreat a few steps back. Her eyes were filled with fear, she had no expected such a young person to contain such heavy and dense Slaughter Qi. If she was an ordinary person, she would have definitely fainted from the pressure and resulting fear from this level of Slaughter Qi.

Chen Xiang's strength also made Mrs. Li somewhat doubtful. She was unable to clearly sense Chen Xiang's power but she felt that he was clearly a lot stronger than before!

"Here's one hundred thousand crystal stones! Right, young master I have already inquired the Dean about the person you mentioned last time. If you want to see her, you would have to stay here for a while. It would be a lot safer for you to stay here actually, Danxiang Taoyuan and the Extreme Martial Sect have very good relations. Also, your Dean said that if you came back here, I would have to try my best to keep you here!" Mrs. Li regained her wits and gradually said everything. She now finally understood Chen Xiang's worth and why even the Extreme Martial Sect's Dean had personally come to pay a visit!

Chen Xiang nodded his head and laughed, "Then thanks a lot! I'll go buy some herbs, if that girl called Hua Yueyun comes to find me, feel free to directly call me, don't worry about bothering me."

Twenty sets of White Jade Dan herbs, the total cost was forty thousand crystal stones. Twenty sets of True Elemental Dan herbs, and the total cost was thirty thousand crystal stone. In just a short moment, Chen Xiang spent well over half of his total crystal stones. However, Chen Xiang was sure he would be able to smoothly refine the two different types of High-Grade Spirit Level Dans.

To Chen Xiang's surprise, he was allocated in the twentieth floor. It was said that all the people who resided on this floor were of a noble background. While not all of them were outstanding alchemists, they were at least martial artists on the same level as Mrs. Li.

This gesture made Chen Xiang feel flattered and also put him at ease. At the very least, it was indeed very safe here.

After Chen Xiang successfully refined the Building Foundation Dan, this precious Low-Grade Profound Level Dan, it would now be smooth and easy for him to refine the White Jade Dan and True Elemental Dan. After only a few failed attempts, he was successful in refining the latter out.

It also just took three days of time!

White Jade Dan, fifteen. True Elemental Dan, twenty. Whenever he refined a set of herbs to make the True Elemental Dan, the little greedy dragoness, Long Xueyi, took away half of them! However, with just one set of herbs, he was able to refine four True Elemental Dans!

Chen Xiang was profusely sweating inside his private room, but a familiar sense wafted into his nose before he saw the stunning beauty who was reclined on his bed.

The girl wore a light pink veil which covered her crystal white skin and voluptuous body. She bore a magnificent and noble temperament that added to her already mesmerizing charm.

Chen Xiang would never be able to forget this alluring and bewitching figure that belonged to the mature, tender, and breathtaking beauty in front of him. He immediately recognized that this enchanting, noble and dignified girl was Hua Yueyun whom he had met in the secular world.

"This is my bed, quickly get off!" Chen Xiang didn't know what to say so he unconsciously blurted out this sentence.

With a sweet smile hanging on her beautiful face, her pretty eyes were filled with sorrow and a special type of hate as she gradually got off his bed. She softly laughed, "I know that you are regretting not accepting me as your maidservant! Aren't you very upset?"

Chen Xiang indeed had some regret in his heart, but his face didn't reveal an ounce of it. He indifferently said, "I've found you, now tell me your real name!"

"Hua Xiangyue (花香月)!" The beauty took out a fragrant silk towel, and wiped the sweat off Chen Xiang's forehead. She lightly chuckled "Doesn't my name sound nice?"

[TLN: 花香月, 花 flower, 香 fragrance, 月 moon. Moon of flower fragrance]

"Your name sounds good, and you're quite beautiful! You're also powerful, in the end, who are you?" Chen Xiang shook his head and sighed as he bluntly stated his question.

Hua Xiangyue was sitting beside a table as she slowly lowered a teapot. In each of her gestures a unique charm was overflowing, the scene was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm just a maidservant, it just so happens that my master is Danxiang Taoyuan's Dean. However, I can leave Danxiang Taoyuan whenever I want to, but it's just that this little miss still hasn't been able to find a good liege." Hua Xiangyue sent a coquettish glance towards Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang knew he had nothing which could been seen fit by this woman, yet he also remembered previously that this woman truly intended to become his maidservant but for what reason would she do so?

Hua Xiangyue stood up, standing by the window her back was facing towards Chen Xiang. She faintly sighed, "Chen Xiang, recently you've created a lot of commotion…."

"That booty is truly marvelous!" A voice was suddenly heard.

Chen Xiang was startled, as for Hua Xiangyue, she started blushing red all over her pretty face. She immediately turned her head and shockingly stared at Chen Xiang with her pretty eyes wide open.

This voice sounded exactly like Chen Xiang, but it was not spoken by him. Its source was that little mischievous dragoness Long Xueyi. Chen Xiang gulped and ruthlessly smacked his left chest. He had not expected Long Xueyi had this sort of ability and could perfectly imitate someone's voice!

Chen Xiang really wasn't worried for no reason at all previously!

"Did you just say something?" Hua Xiangyue asked with a frown. She was sure that she had not heard wrongly, yet she also felt that Chen Xiang would not say such frivolous words, in spite of the fact that he usually had a nasty expression in his eyes when he looked at her.

Chen Xiang had a wry smile on his face, how could he say it was not him? But then again who would he say spoke? This loss, even if he didn't want to suffer, he still had to own up to it!

"I just...felt like it, but didn't express well, I meant to say your body is very good." Chen Xiang quickly explained.

"Humph, your guts have increased immensely, you even dare to verbally molest me!" Hua Xiangyue tenderly spat. In her heart, she was strangely excited.

Chen Xiang poured himself a cup of tea. While drinking it, he used his divine sense to warn that naughty little dragoness, "Girl you are so dead, don't act so unreasonably, that sort of statement nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I only said what I felt was true." Long Xueyi giggled. "Such a beautiful woman should be flirted with."

"Chen Xiang, you have provoked Elder Dan during your stay in the Extreme Martial Sect. She is very powerful, what are your plans for the future?" Hua Xiangyue asked with a strange expression in her eyes as she looked at Chen Xiang.

"What plan do I need? That woman would not dare to go against me now, hei hei!" Chen Xiang, thinking about Elder Dan having to call him martial uncle, made him secretly delighted in his heart.

Hua Xiangyue frowned and walked over to Chen Xiang's side, "Why?"

"This is my confidential secret, I can't tell you." Chen Xiang replied. His face was brimming with a triumphant smile.

"Sister Hua, don't you have high and powerful authority within Danxiang Taoyuan?" Chen Xiang was worried about her continual probing and immediately changed the subject.

"Just simply call me Xiangyue or else I'll ignore you." Hua Xiangyue pressed her jade finger on Chen Xiang's lips, making his mind sway.

"Xiangyue! Okay!"

Hua Xiangyue softly laughed, "That's good. I just manage some very headache inducing things in Danxiang Taoyuan. Usually I'm very busy. I specially took some time out just to see you."

"Xiangyue, why are you so good to me?" Chen Xiang curiously asked, He could not think of a reason why he gained this girl's favor.

"Are you not even confident about your own charm?" Hua Xiangyue affectionately and lovingly looked at Chen Xiang, causing his heartbeat to rapidly speed up.

"Of course not, but in front of you I don't have the confidence!" Chen Xiang flung his head.

Hua Xiangyue seeing such appearance from Chen Xiang, softly giggled. She no longer harassed Chen Xiang and listened to him talk about the things happened to him during the past few days. He also told her about his experience in the Extreme Martial Sect.

They talked late into night. Chen Xiang had just finished with his alchemy so he was even more tired than usual but still endured up until now.

"It's late, I ought to return to my own room!" Hua Xiangyue yawned. She stood up and just as she turned around, she heard Chen Xiang's voice.

"Stay! Let's sleep together!" That naughty Long Xueyi once again imitated Chen Xiang's voice!

Chen Xiang's mouth was twitching because this was not spoken by him, but rather Long Xueyi. He was once again teased by Long Xueyi.

Suddenly two enchanting blush marks emerged on Hua Xiangyue's pretty cheeks, she turned around and lightly smacked Chen Xiang's head, angrily scolded, "You little brat! You're getting worse and worse, also you have a fiancee."

Long Xueyi's soft giggles resounded in Chen Xiang's mind. He could not wait to get a hold of her and slap her little ass until it is swollen red for daring to tease him! It was okay right now since it was Hua Xiangyue but what if this little dragoness acted up when it came to Elder Dan, his good days would come to an end!

After thinking so, Chen Xiang could not help but feel chills run down his spine. He now thought he had wrapped himself in a cocoon of trouble by asking this naughty little dragoness to follow him.

"I meant that you should sleep here on my bed while I cultivate meditating." Chen Xiang explained with a wry smile.

"Humph, no need!" Hua Xiangyue lightly snorted, but in her heart she was very happy.

This is because previously she was not able to draw Chen Xiang to Danxiang Taoyuan, even resorting to selling her own body and allowed Chen Xiang to see all of her, but she was still not successful. Yet now she saw Chen Xiang was regretting his decision, and very much wanted her. She was secretly pleased.

Chen Xiang naturally didn't know her thoughts as he watched Hua Xiangyue leave. Then he hastily shut the door, took off his clothes, and started ruthlessly hammering the white dragon tattoo on his body.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Even after hearing Long Xueyi's tender cries Chen Xiang continued to beat the mark on his chest.However it didn't take long before he heard her giggle, "Stupid! Your beating doesn't hurt me, you're just hurting yourself! You're truly an idiot, just look at how you're seriously beating yourself, ha ha ha!"

"Little girl, don't challenge my bottom line or else you won't get any dans to eat from me in the future!" Chen Xiang did not say so angrily but rather dismissively. He knew the more angry he sounded the more it would make this little girl happy.

"No... I was just playing a prank on you! I admit my mistake!" Long Xueyi said in a low voice.

As long as the situation was not serious, Chen Xiang would not look into. In the past he had learned from Su Meiyao, if there were some special circumstances, you could make this little dragoness lend her fearsome strength to yourself, and if he could fuse her strength with his own strength, that would be but very terrifying.

Of course, the most Chen Xiang was looking forward to was the fact that Long Xueyi would teach him the cultivation method of Shinto. But currently his infant soul was too young, and at least it would have to be one to two years old.

If Chen Xiang let those immortals from the Heavenly Realm know he had raised a dragon, and he was also complaining about it, he would certainly be scolded to death. He even got the advantage this cheaply and was still not appreciating it.

Chen Xiang had successfully refined the White Jade Dan and the True Elemental Dan, so he planned to take the Level-4 Alchemist's assessment tomorrow, and become a Level-4 Alchemist.

The next day, Chen Xiang came to know Hua Xiangyue had already left the Danxiang Tower, and returned to Danxiang Taoyuan. If he had something important to say, he could let Mrs. Li know.

Chen Xiang suddenly felt Hua Xiangyue was not just a simple maidservant, otherwise Mrs. Li would not be so respectful towards her.

Chen Xiang arrived at the location for the assessment registration, and after he arrived he found out about the new improved standards of the alchemist's assessment. Such as, Level-3 Alchemists now needed to know how to refine three kinds of Middle-Grade Spirit Level Dans, and Level-4 Alchemists needed to know how to refine three kinds of High-Grade Spirit Level Dans. An extra kind of dan had been added to the previous requirement!

Chen Xiang only knew how to refine two kinds of High-Grade Spirit Level Dans, and a Low-Grade Profound Level Dan, the Building Foundation Dan!

Danxiang Taoyuan's assessments could be considered as very strict. You would only be given one set of herbs, and if you fail, you need to pay half the price of the herbs. And if you're successful, the dan is given to the Danxiang Taoyuan.

Chen Xiang found Mrs. Li, and after Mrs. Li came to know Hua Xiangyue and Chen Xiang relations were very good, she became respectful towards Chen Xiang, and this sudden change in attitude made Chen Xiang harder to adapt.

"Mrs. Li, I want to take part in the Level-4 Alchemist's assessment, but I now only know how to refine two High-Grade Spirit Level Dans and a Low-Grade Profound Level Dan, I don't know whether or not I can also sign up?" Chen Xiang asked.

"What?" Mrs. Li suspected she had gotten it wrong, and she looked at Chen Xiang with a surprised look on her face. Chen Xiang was just twenty year old, and to her surprise he could actually refine two High-Grade Spirit Level Dans and a Low-Grade Profound Level Dan. It was very hard to believe, and her heart was pounding faster and faster. She began to suspect Chen Xiang was in the True Martial Realm, and she even guessed the Low-Grade Profound Level Dan Chen Xiang knew was the Building Foundation Dan!

The Building Foundation Dan and High-Grade Spirit Level Dans had the same difficulty, and many alchemists already knew this. Mrs. Li also knew Chen Xiang had purchased a good few amount of Building Foundation Dan's materials.

"Is it okay if I replace a High-Grade Spirit Level Dan with Low-Grade Profound Level Dan? Currently I don't have much time to learn refining a different kind of High-Grade Spirit Level Dan, I must return to Extreme Martial Sect to participate in Extreme Martial Grand Tournament !" Said Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang only heard about the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament from Hua Xiangyue last night, and he still had more than ten days before it started. Extreme Martial Grand Tournament was a competition of alchemy as well as of martial arts. This exchanging martial art grand tournament was held once in a decade, and it was also a big test for all the disciples of the Extreme Martial Sect.

"Yes, but... we currently lack materials like Azure Profound Fruit, as for others there is no problem." Although Mrs. Li was shocked, but there was no change in her expression.

"I have the Azure Profound Fruit!" Chen Xiang also had one, and it was originally left to be used as a seed, but he still had the Azure Profound Tree in the Extreme Dan King Courtyard, so he didn't need to worry about using it.

"That's good, the entire process would be supervised by me and ten Level-4 Alchemists of Danxiang Tower, do you agree?" Mrs. Li asked.

Chen Xiang readily nodded his head, and then followed Mrs. Li for signing up. Finally he had the extra dan for the assessment. Chen Xiang arrived at the tenth floor, and this floor was specialized for the assessment.

Chen Xiang saw those ten Level-4 Alchemists, and all of them were old men with few white shinny hairs, each of them were highly respected. Mrs. Li had a very high respect for them, because these ten level-4 Alchemists were all most-renowned, besides they were responsible for supplying a large number of dans to Danxiang Taoyuan, and all of them were above the True Martial Realm.

Chen Xiang after seeing them, respectfully gave a salute to all of them, these ten old men usually were either refining dans or cultivating, and they rarely came outside. They were not aware of the outside matters, and when they learned that this immature brat in front of them was here for the Level-4 Alchemist's assessment, all of them could not help but reveal a contemptuous expression in their eyes. What made them despise him even more was when they came to know Chen Xiang would actually refine two High-Grade Spirit Level Dans and a Low-Grade Profound Level Dan.

These old men themselves, for many years, were never able to successfully refine the Building Foundation Dan. They certainly had the materials, but it just took a long time to gather them

"Even all of us have not been successful, and this brat wants to refine? He doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, and it is simply a waste of an Azure Profound Fruit!" An old man said to another man in a low voice, his voice was full of contempt.

When Chen Xiang heard, he just laughed and didn't say anything. He had successfully refined the Building Foundation Dan a good few times.

Originally, these old men were all reluctant to waste their time supervising Chen Xiang's assessment, but after they heard from Mrs. Li he was Hua Xiangyue's friend, each of them were happy to stay, which made Chen Xiang even more doubtful regarding Hua Xiangyue's status.

Hua Xiangyue said she was just one of the many maidservants of the Dean's, but her identity was a point higher!

Chen Xiang took out the Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace, and gave it to those impatient looking old men to check. The Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace just looked very beautiful, but it was very difficult to see where it was extraordinary.

Chen Xiang already knew the rules of the alchemist's assessment, such as, Chen Xiang's level-4 test. It was needed to be supervised by ten Level-4 Alchemists. Of course, for a high rank test, only one or two were simply needed, because high rank alchemist were harder to find.

Chen Xiang started refining a dan. He was refining the True Elemental Dan and the herbs were all provided by Danxiang Tower while their quality was good. Chen Xiang performed very well, and in just half an hour he had successfully refined it.

"All right, refined a True Elemental Dan!" Chen Xiang slightly exhaled, while wiping the sweat on his face.

Those ten old-men looked at each other, and they had a I don't believe it look. How was it possible to refine in just half an hour? At least they couldn't.

But Mrs. Li was convinced, because she knew Chen Xiang's deeds, and understood all the things Chen Xiang did were earth shaking. She personally went over, opened the lid of the Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace, and then saw five exquisitely carved, glittering white dans.

Mrs. Li took a deep breath with surprise, and though she was not alchemist, she knew ordinarily only four True Elemental Dans were refined out from one set of herbs. And these ten Level-4 Alchemists she found, most of them were only able to refine out three!

These ten old men one by one gathered around, looked at those five True Elemental Dans with a questioning look. They had suspected Chen Xiang had somehow cheated. But when they took those True Elemental Dans in their hands, they were able to feel the dan was still hot, as well as the rich herb fragrance, which was the distinctive features of a dan that was just refined out!

Their thin and old bodies could not help but shudder, and they all looked at Chen Xiang with wide open eyes, as if they had seen a monster. It was very hard for them to believe, a twenty year old little guy could actually refine the True Elemental Dan, moreover five from one set of herbs!

"Who is your teacher?" An old man, after taking a deep breath, asked.

His voice actually sounded very respectful, and he looked at Chen Xiang with a look of admiration. At this time, all of them didn't dare to look down on Chen Xiang, and at the same time, they felt ashamed about their previous behavior.

"I'm a disciple of the Extreme Dan King Courtyard of the Extreme Martial Sect. I don't have a teacher, but Elder Dan would from time to time guide me." Chen Xiang calmly replied. After hearing his reply, these ten old men's legs became soft, and they almost knelt from fear.

Extreme Dan King Courtyard! Although they had not seen it, its name reverberated like thunder. Simply because it was the residence of the Extreme Martial Sect's Dan King, and only someone authorized by Elder Dan could enter. Although Elder Dan was mysterious, her skill in alchemy was well-renowned in the Chenwu Mainland.

Many alchemists believed Elder Dan had become a Dan King, but she was not, in fact, she was just a step away.

Chen Xiang was the only exception who could enter the Extreme Dan King Courtyard. Mrs. Li had already heard that Chen Xiang had also taken in a level-3 Alchemist, Yao Haisheng, as his apprentice.

In Chenwu Mainland, only two alchemists were the most excellent. One was the Dean of Danxiang Taoyuan, and the other was Elder Dan from the Extreme Martial Sect. And both of them were also the most mysterious!

Chen Xiang had the support of Elder Dan's guidance, and it could be clearly seen that Chen Xiang must be better than the others, otherwise, he would not be favoured by Elder Dan.

Chen Xiang was even more faster while refining the White Jade Dan, and also refined a lot of them. It once again gave a heart attack to these old men. They felt very ashamed and were unable to even lift their head due to the fact that they had previously looked down upon Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang rested for a moment, and then started refining the Building Foundation Dan!

Ten level-4 Alchemists didn't dare to bat their eyes, looking at Chen Xiang quickly processing the herbs. The familiarity and speed by which he arranged those herbs, made them secretly shocked in their hearts. They could see Chen Xiang had refined many times, at least more than them, otherwise, he would not be able to distribute the herbs so evenly.

As of now, when those old men looked at Chen Xiang, their expressions were as if they were looking at a grandmaster. After all, that was the Building Foundation Dan, and not to mention the refining, it was even rarely ever seen because Building Foundation Dan's material were too little.

They very much wanted to know how Chen Xiang could get so many Azure Profound Fruits, and some were even playing with the idea of making Chen Xiang sell a little to them.

After the herbs were processed, Chen Xiang, with same familiarity and speed, once again started throwing them in the alchemical furnace, and then he placed them in the alchemical furnace in an orderly manner. All of those old men engraved the whole process in their mind.

Chen Xiang closed his eyes, with both hands placed on either side of the burner design of the Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace, and started pouring the flames. Then using his divine sense, he observed the internal changes of the Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace, as the flames simultaneously started incinerating the herbs in the furnace.

In this way, those old men ghastly stared at that Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace, except the subtle changes in the temperature, they were not able to sense anything else. Even more so, they didn't know the flow of time in the Brilliant Flame Dragon Furnace.

One hour passed, Chen Xiang fiercely opened his eyes, and with a smile, he said, "Successful!"

What? Successful! Although those old men saw Chen Xiang stood like a statue, it was not fun to watch, and Chen Xiang was successful. Did he really refine the Building Foundation Dan? In just a single hour, he had actually refined it, besides, Chen Xiang looked as if he was making a dumpling, simple and easy.

Mrs. Li's eyebrows were also knitted together, she doubtfully went over and opened the lid of the alchemical furnace. She suddenly let out a cry of shock, because she saw two Building Foundation Dans!

"He had actually refined two Building Foundation Dan!" Mrs. Li exclaimed.

Generally, it was good if one could refine a Building Foundation Dan, but Chen Xiang had actually refined two. This was really scary, even though Mrs. Li had good accomplishment with her cultivation, she still could not help but forget herself from shock.

Those ten old men were even more shocked, their mouth were wide opened, their teeth almost fell off from shock.

"This is the Building Foundation Dan?" An old man stuttered.

"Yes, it is the Building Foundation Dan, it is the same as what has been described, they have veins like Thousand Vein Fruit, golden and azure like Metal Spirit Fruit and Azure Profound Fruit!" Another old man exclaimed.

They could not describe their feelings, they looked at Chen Xiang with envy and jealousy, their eyes were filled with a look of worship. If Chen Xiang want to receive them as his apprentice, maybe they would immediately kneel!

Chen Xiang was now already a level-4 Alchemist, however, he was better than them. Because Chen Xiang was able to refine the Building Foundation Dan!

Refining the Building Foundation Dan not only represented that the divine sense had achieved a certain level, it also represented their True Qi had reached a higher level.

Those ten old men and Mrs. Li could not help but feel shocked, if Chen Xiang was now in the True Martial Realm, then it would simply be abnormal!

Chen Xiang got a jade card, there were four golden stripes on the jade card, and on the jade card's back there were also ten signatures carved using blood and divine sense aside from his name. Those were the signatures of the people who supervised Chen Xiang's assessment!

Out of two Building Foundation Dan he had refined, Chen Xiang only acquired one. But Mrs. Li still felt a little sorry for him, so she decided to give Chen Xiang a hundred thousand crystal stones, if Chen Xiang didn't have the Azure Profound Fruit, they would never be able to witness the refinement of Building Foundation Dan!

"Chen Xiang, how about I send some True Martial Realm escorts with you to the Extreme Martial Sect? It might be dangerous on the way." Mrs. Li said.

"Mrs. Li, thank you for your kind considerations, but it's not needed!" Chen Xiang slightly smiled. Because of of Gu Dongchen's previous statement, if anyone powerful than Chen Xiang tried to grab him, then the Extreme Martial Sect's Elder Courtyard would take action, and no one would dare to take that risk, even the Nirvana Realm martial artists didn't dare to do so.

Chen Xiang left Fragrance City, released the [Vermillion Bird Fire Wings], and flew towards the Extreme Martial Province! In order to ensure Chen Xiang's safety, Mrs. Li and those ten level-4 alchemists didn't spread things about Chen Xiang, and they also maintained secrecy about Chen Xiang.

At this time, any Extreme Martial Sect's disciple who was out or arranged in a distant place had already returned to the Extreme Martial Sect, in order to participate in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament, which was held once in a decade. It was the time to reveal how much their own strength had elevated, and at the same time, it was also the time to witness the birth of the new generation's most outstanding disciple of the Extreme Martial Sect.

Chen Xiang, while flying in the air, was very relaxed and casual, this was exactly the benefit of True Qi wings.

"Brother Chen, give me that Building Foundation Dan to try!" Long Xueyi tenderly said, after Chen Xiang left Fragrance City, Long Xueyi never stopped asking, using all kinds of lovely and sweet words as she tried to cheat Chen Xiang into giving the Building Foundation Dan to her.

"No, I also am in need of it, wait for me to collect the herbs again, then I'll refine them for you." Chen Xiang flatly refused.

"Just let me taste it a little! I'll only lick!" Long Xueyi once again muttered pathetically, her voice was very likable, but Chen Xiang still rejected her. If she got it in her mouth, that was like hitting a dog with a meat-bun, which would never return.

[TLN: 肉包子打狗 hit a dog with a meat-bun, using the wrong method to approach a problem]

This little greedy dragon was not so easy to keep, besides, she loved to eat dans, the more high-grade it was the more she loved to eat it, this made Chen Xiang's heart bleed.

Flying high in the air, Chen Xiang suddenly heard a sound from below. When he looked down, he saw a group of people were surrounding a white robed girl. At this time, he was already at the border of Danxiang Taoyuan and the Extreme Martial Province, it was also a very chaotic area.

"Wu Qianqian! How could she be here?" Chen Xiang immediately dove downwards.

Wu Qianqian was originally an arrogant girl, but after fighting with Chen Xiang, she became aware of her own faults, and turned over a new leaf, which led to her improved impression on Chen Xiang.

A person making a mistake was normal, but if one was unable to realize their own mistakes and obsessions, then this person would end up getting destroyed from their own mistakes.

Wu Qianqian's arms were fully covered in blood, and a bloody sword slash stained her beautiful cheeks. The Level 3 Spirit Weapon in her hands had already been chopped into two. She was surrounded by twenty or so men, but she had a resolute look on her face, it was evidently clear she was not planning to retreat. She looked calm even though she was facing death, she knew her situation was already hopeless.

"Girl, obediently give us the treasure, and we will spare your life!" A handsome man coldly said. Although Wu Qianqian was beautiful, he was more or less concerned about the thing in Wu Qianqian's hand.

"Even in death, you will not get it!" A blue bead suddenly appeared in Wu Qianqian's hand, she opened her mouth and quickly swallowed the bead.

"Slut, you dare to eat this treasure!" That handsome man angrily roared and rushed over.

After Wu Qianqian swallowed the blue bead, she felt an excruciating pain coursing all over her body but she clenched her teeth and endured the pain. But as a result, she was now devoid of strength. Just as that handsome man's sword was about to stab her, a scalding heat engulfed the group. A ball of flames fell from the sky, fiercely crashing onto that handsome man's body, making him issue a blood curdling scream.

Wu Qianqian only saw a tall silhouette appear in front of her, and on the back of this tall silhouette, there was a pair of huge wings fully composed of flames!

Chen Xiang! Wu Qianqian remembered that Chen Xiang had huge fire wings exactly like those in front of her. She didn't know why, but when she saw Chen Xiang appear in front of her, Wu Qianqian felt she was now safe. She slumped on the ground while enduring the stabbing pain, she strugglingly said, "Thank you for rescuing me."

Chen Xiang huge fire wings were already very famous, and to his surprise, Wu Qianqian's attackers actually recognized him.

"Ha ha... so it's Chen Xiang who has a bounty of three hundred thousand crystal stones!" A man laughed and said. However, his laughter quickly disappeared, because he saw Chen Xiang was stepping on the handsome man's head, and it was already buried deep into the ground. Chen Xiang had actually trampled the handsome man to death.

"They are True Martial Sect disciples. I accidently obtained an orb, but when they saw it, they wanted to rob me. They have been hunting me for the last ten days!" Wu Qianqian said while clenching her teeth. At this very moment, she was experiencing unimaginable pain.

Chen Xiang coldly snorted, "True Martial Sect's disciples, you're truly good! You actually dare to blatantly bully my Extreme Martial Sect's Disciple!"

"Chen Xiang, do you also want to make the True Martial Sect list you as a wanted man?" That man gloomily said.

"Everyone is welcome to come at me!" Chen Xiang loudly shouted, accompanied by an invisible True Qi spewing from his mouth which struck that man's body. Soon, that man spouted a mouthful of blood as an explosion rang inside his body along with the sound of breaking bones! In blink of an eye, he was killed!

Those True Martial Sect's Disciples were astonished, their faces were filled with shock. Just by speaking, Chen Xiang could instantly kill one of them. In the end, just how strong was Chen Xiang?

"Go back and tell Liao Shaoyun to not die quickly, I'll kill him with my own hands!" Chen Xiang said in an imposing manner. An invisible pressure suddenly enveloped those True Martial Sect's disciples, making all of them them kneel and vomit blood. Their faces contorted in pain, some even fell unconscious.

"Humph!" Chen Xiang coldly snorted. Soon, all of those disciples spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, before the invisible pressure immediately disappeared. Actually, Chen Xiang had not wanted to kill them. Otherwise all of them would have been dead long ago.

Right now, Chen Xiang was already at the 1st level of the True Martial Realm. Mortal Martial Realm martial artists were just like ants in front of him. As long as he wished to, he could make them turn into a puff of smoke in the blink of an eye.

Wu Qianqian, who was behind Chen Xiang, saw everything clearly. Regarding Chen Xiang's strength, she too was very surprised, even though it was not the first time she saw Chen Xiang taking action! Seeing him safely returned, she secretly sighed in relief within her heart, she had been worried about Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang turned around and hugged Wu Qianqian, and then released his [Vermillion Bird Fire Wings]. In the blink of an eye, the pair flew away. Those True Martial Sect's disciples all let out a sigh of relief. Just a moment ago, they felt that their death was imminent. Even if they hated Chen Xiang in their hearts, they could not help but admire Chen Xiang's strength. In front of Chen Xiang, they were nothing more than ants!

While holding Wu Qianqian's tender body, Chen Xiang felt her soft body trembling, and her body temperature was extremely hot. He could see that Wu Qianqian was in a lot of pain.

"What did you eat?" Chen Xiang landed on a mountain peak, held Wu Qianqian's wrist, and probed the situation within her body. He was unexpectedly surprised to see a group of blue flames appearing in her body. These flames were emanating scalding hot Qi waves one after another, as if they were trying to refine Wu Qianqian's True Qi and meridians.

"I also don't know. To put it simply, this orb contained a huge amount of Fire Spirit Qi!" Wu Qianqian said while grinding her teeth. Even though she was suffering from intense pain, she didn't cry at all, she didn't want to appear weak in front of this man.

Wu Qianqian appeared to be in huge amount of pain, and Chen Xiang was also at his wits end.

"Yes, Blur Star Fire Spirit. When seventy-two blue stars fell on the mortal world from the sky, all of them became Fire Spirits. This is one of those star's fire, and was bred inside a blue colored plant." Long Xueyi said. It was evident that she too was surprised from her voice.

Fire Spirit! It was actually a Fire Spirit, this was the stuff of the legends! Even Immortals would be captivated upon hearing its name, yet it had actually ended up within Wu Qianqian's possession! Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou were also very surprised,.They had not anticipated that after Elder Dan, they would once again see yet another individual possessing a Fire Spirit.

If an alchemist had a Fire Spirit, it would be very handy for them to refine dans with. It was a sacred object in the eyes of all alchemists!

"Hold on, you must fuse with this thing!" As Chen Xiang held Wu Qianqian in his arms, he gently encouraged her.

Wu Qianqian nodded, she had no idea where she got the strength to operate her cultivation method, but her dantian responded as it continuously burst forth with compressed True Qi.

Inconceivable pain tormented Wu Qianqian. For her, the pain she was experiencing was worse than death. She leaned against Chen Xiang's chest, with both of her hands embracing Chen Xiang's waist. Her nails unconsciously scratched Chen Xiang's back because of the pain, round after round of blood stains started appearing on his back, and although Chen Xiang was in some pain, he was silent, his one hand gently stroking Wu Qianqian's back.

"No, her internal strength Heart Law is too low leveled. She is unable to quickly suppress the Blue Star Fire Spirit using a large amount of Spirit Qi. Quickly teach her the [Vermillion Bird Divine Exercise], her comprehension should not be too bad, otherwise, she would be unable to reach this level just by using such a low level internal strength Heart Law." Su Meiyao said. She also wanted to take a look at how someone would fuse with a Fire Spirit.

Chen Xiang slowly read out aloud some mnemonics. After he finished reading each paragraph, he would then explain it to Wu Qianqian. While Wu Qianqian was enduring the pain, she carefully listened and was very grateful in her heart. She knew that Chen Xiang had imparted a very extraordinary martial exercise. She operated her True Qi according to the mnemonics, and gradually, the pain tormenting her body faded away...

Three days passed. Wu Qianqian slowly opened her eyes, she realised that she was lying in a warm embrace, and her pretty face could not help but blush. However, Chen Xiang just looked at her with a gentle smile, "Congratulations! You've become a True Martial Realm martial artist!"

Wu Qianqian was surprised and quickly left Chen Xiang's embrace. At this time, she indeed felt very rich True Qi within her body, and her True Qi was pure blue in color, as well as two Vermillion Bird-like beast forms in her dantian.

"Thank you!" Wu Qianqian bowed and said. At this moment, this was the only way she could show her gratitude. She truly didn't know how to pay back Chen Xiang for how much he has helped her. At this time, she saw her nails stained with blood, and she suddenly remembered how she was scratching Chen Xiang's back while enduring the pain that was tormenting her body.

"Are you okay! Let me take a look!" Wu Qianqian hastily said, her beautiful face was filled with guilt.

After seeing the scratch marks on Chen Xiang's back, Wu Qianqian felt very guilty before meekly saying, "I'm sorry, let me help you with this."

Chen Xiang slightly smiled. "No need, it's only minor injuries." Although he said so, Wu Qianqian made him lie down before taking out a very cool liquid. She applied the cool liquid on the scratch marks on his back. Chen Xiang felt very comfortable as her beautiful hands lightly rubbed his back.

"Wu girl, do you know what you just fused with?" Chen Xiang asked.

Wu Qianqian's face was currently hot and red since it was the first time she had such an intimate contact with a man. Not to mention the fact that she held very good feelings towards this specific male. She softly said, "I do not know. Young Master Chen is well informed, you should know! Young Master Chen, from now on simply call me Qianqian."

Chen Xiang had a mischievous smile hanging on his face, "I remember when you first saw me, at that time, your imposing manner was very good. Hmm... now you are like a little girl! From now on, you should simply call me Chen Xiang, what's with this young master nonsense."

Wu Qianqian let out an "En", her pretty face had a tinge of red as she spoke, "Chen Xiang, I was like a frog in a well who didn't know her own insignificance, and because of my talent, I was proud and arrogant. But fighting with you made me realize my own mistakes, and if not for that, I may have failed to realize my own wrongdoings. I would have made even more mistakes and led myself on the wrong path of cultivation. Honestly, since my last contest with you, my state of mind has elevated a lot, allowing me to breakthrough my bottleneck."

Chen Xiang smiled. "You didn't just breakthrough a little bit, you are now a very young True Martial Realm martial artist. That's right, how old are you anyway?"

At this point, Wu Qianqian was no longer formal with Chen Xiang, because she knew this man was very amiable. As long as you would respect him, he would also respect you, and he was also very straightforward.

She stuck her tongue out, chuckled, and spoke, "Don't you know it is rude to ask a girl's age? But I can tell you, I'm twenty-eight this year."

"Ah! Ha ha ha, elder sister!" Chen Xiang laughed and said, Chen Xiang would absolutely not refuse if he could be together with a beauty, not to mention the most beautiful girl in the Extreme Martial Sect.

Since the fight with Chen Xiang, Wu Qianqian was no longer confident. But now that she had entered the True Martial Realm, her confidence had once again reached its peak. However, she was no longer proud and arrogant, now she was even more beautiful, more matured, and had a better temperament.

"Chen Xiang, do you know what I have just fused with?" Wu Qianqian lightly smiled as she continued to stroke the scratch marks on Chen Xiang's back. Those scratch marks soon became a lot lighter.

"It is called the Blue Star Fire Spirit, a special and rare martial spirit. In other words, with this thing, you can release a Strange Flame! This type of flame originated from the Fire Seed, and is very beneficial for alchemy!" Chen Xiang replied, he had a look of envy on his face as he continued, "This thing is very formidable, in fact, one of the reasons why Elder Dan has such high achievements in alchemy is because of her Fire Spirit!"

Wu Qianqian had also heard about Martial Spirits, but it was the first time she had ever heard of a Fire Spirit. When she discovered that she got such an extremely rare treasure, she was very excited in her heart. Of course, she knew that if Chen Xiang was not here, she would have probably already been destroyed by the Blue Star Fire Spirit!

"Chen Xiang, I can also refine dans. I just got back from Fragrance City and am now an official Level-2 Alchemist. I hope you could give me one or two pointers." Wu Qianqian calmed down the excitement in her heart and revealed a charming smile.

Chen Xiang smiled and nodded his head, "I certainly would, you are even more beautiful compared to the first time I met you, sometimes, real beauty does not necessarily rely on a beautiful face, sometimes, it's all about how beautiful the heart is!"

Wu Qianqian blushed, lowered her head and whispered, "En, thank you for your guidance."

The scratch marks on Chen Xiang's back had already disappeared. He knew that this was because of the healing potion Wu Qianqian refined herself, its effect were pretty good!

"Woops,the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament starts in eight days, we don't have enough time!" Wu Qianqian suddenly exclaimed.

"Why would you be afraid of such a thing!" Chen Xiang's laughter resounded before a pair of fire wings suddenly sprouted on his back.

Wu Qianqian shyly lowered her head, she knew that she would once again have a close contact with Chen Xiang for quite a while, but she was also secretly looking forward to it.

Chen Xiang hugged Wu Qianqian, spread his wings and soared. In the next moment, he was already flying high above the clouds. Wu Qianqian's beautiful face became pale from fear, but she quickly adapted.

"Qianqian, not in a million years should you ever pass the exercise I gave you onto others. I trusted you when I passed on this martial exercise, do not let me down." Chen Xiang said with a serious expression.

"En, I promise, I'll never spread it to anyone!" Wu Qianqian nodded her head before closely wrapped her arms around Chen Xiang's robust waist. Chen Xiang also used one hand to embrace her tender and pretty waist, both of their actions were very ambiguous.

It only took three days for Chen Xiang and Wu Qianqian to reach Tianmen City, it was currently very lively! In these past three days, Wu Qianqian had been embracing Chen Xiang as he flew. Remembering that feeling, she secretly felt warmth inside her heart, she also felt it was very romantic.

"Qianqian, you don't have a teacher, right? I'll introduce to Elder Dan, she seems to be missing an apprentice." Chen Xiang cheerfully said. Wu Qianqian was somewhat surprised after hearing this because, according to the rumors, Elder Dan could not wait to kill Chen Xiang. But apparently it seemed that Chen Xiang and Elder Dan's relationship was quite good.

The past few days, Chen Xiang had also learned many things about Wu Qianqian. He had not expected Wu Qianqian to come from a plain mortal family. But as she was inherently talented, she was recruited into the Peerless Martial Sect. There, she mingled with various rich and powerful disciples, and over time, she found herself becoming a part of the group. However, whatever she had accomplished today, was all achieved advancing step by step as she transformed herself into a genius level figure.

"En." Wu Qianqian happily nodded her head, if she could have Elder Dan as her teacher, that was indeed something worth rejoicing for. However, Elder Dan had always been elusive, she had been in closed door training for almost three years.

When they arrived inside the Extreme Martial Sect, Chen Xiang and Wu Qianqian looked like an attractive couple which was very conspicuous as they walked on the road. Many people knew about Wu Qianqian, after all, she was recognized as the number one of the top ten beauties of the Extreme Martial Sect. As for Chen Xiang, he was also recognized by a lot of people, he was not only famous in the Extreme Martial Sect, he was even famous in the entire Chenwu Mainland because of the three hundred thousand bounty on his head.

Chen Xiang arrived with Wu Qianqian at the 16th Martial Courtyard, and just like before, it was still deserted. That day when Wu Qianqian and Chen Xiang had a martial contest here, it was still the 500th Martial Courtyard, who would have thought it would suddenly be at the forefront of all the Inner Martial Courtyard.

"Qianqian, you go and find Elder Wu to make arrangement for you. After all, you are now in the True Martial Realm. This first Inner Martial Courtyard in your eyes is just floating clouds." Chen Xiang spoke with a smile on his face. Wu Qianqian should have the qualms to be proud of herself. She hadn't even reached thirty years old, but had already entered the True Martial Realm, not to mention the fact that she had also acquired a Fire Spirit.

But Wu Qianqian, after coming into contact with Chen Xiang, had already changed a lot. So it was no surprise that she just replied, "Isn't it possible for me to be with you in the same Martial Courtyard in the future? Although I'm in True Martial Realm, I feel that I can learn many things with you. At least now, because of you, I have changed a lot."

Chen Xiang, after some thought, said with some difficulty, "I worry my fiancee would get jealous!" He missed Xue Xianxian very much, after the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament , he felt he should go and find Xue Xianxian.

Wu Qianqian was shocked in her heart, she bit her lips, evidently loss and pained in her eyes, "You have a fiancee? Is she also a disciple of the Extreme Martial Sect?"

Chen Xiang smiled and said, "No, she and I were betrothed in the secular world, she is called Xue Xianxian, she is in Divine Weapon Heavenly Empire!"

It turned out to be Xue Xianxian! Wu Qianqian was shocked, she understood why Chen Xiang was never interested in the beautiful girls within the Extreme Martial Sect, he already had a fiancee, he certainly didn't need to bother with any other woman!

Wu Qianqian lowered her head, she felt extremely sad.

"Your chest is very big, holding you felt great!" At this time, Long Xueyi imitated Chen Xiang's voice and responded, which then made both Chen Xiang and Wu Qianqian petrified.

Wu Qianqian's pretty face turned very red, she had not expected Chen Xiang to say such frivolous things so lightly, but in her heart, she was secretly elated. After all, Chen Xiang had praised her, and she knew Chen Xiang was attracted to her.

Chen Xiang wanted to release his anger, but he refrained himself and explained instead, "I meant to say... your body is very nice."

"En." Wu Qianqian nodded her head, then distractedly left.

Chen Xiang, after getting sure she had left the martial courtyard, used all his force and smacked his own chest as he angrily said, "Little dragon, you better not appear in front of me, or else I will spank you till your little ass is swollen."

Long Xueyi with a light snort replied, "You first captured her heart, and then was so ruthless towards her, this dragon could not bear it."

"Let... Let's talk in the future." Chen Xiang slightly sighed, obviously, he could see Wu Qianqian was interested in him.

Chen Xiang like always waited for Yun Xiaodao and Zhu Rong in the 16th Martial Courtyard. However, instead of his two good friends, that old baldy Wu Kaiming, was the one who came.

"Hei Hei, my nephew little baldy, you are truly good! You knew I came back, you even personally paid a visit!" Chen Xiang smiled and said, taking advantage of this peerless martial artist made him feel superior..

"Young bastard martial uncle, you did not die, I'm truly unhappy. Don't you know you made us worried for nothing for so long?" Wu Kaiming sighed bitterly, he could not wait to spank Chen Xiang.

"And little featherhead?" Chen Xiang smiled mischievously and asked.

"Dean is arranging things for Wu Qianqian, I did not expect she would go out on a trip and actually breakthrough her bottleneck and become a True Martial Realm Martial Artist at such a young age. Our Dean and the Peerless Martial Sect's Dean are both discussing how to reward her." Wu Kaiming replied, seeing Chen Xiang was safely back, he felt much better. He also learned Chen Xiang had saved Wu Qianqian, and allowed her to smoothly breakthrough.

"Are you waiting for that little fatty and skinny boy? You don't need to wait, I don't know where they acquired the Building Foundation Dan, but both of them had already entered closed-door training. I fear that they will only come out once the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament begins." Wu Kaiming said.

Both Zhu Rong and Yun Xiaodao had actually eaten Building Foundation Dans, and it was still unclear from where they got it!

"What happened?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise.

"According to what Yun Xiaodao said, it is very likely that they got it from a guy called Squinted Dragon." Wu Kaiming replied.

Chen Xiang nodded his head, he was of course happy for his friends.

"Did Elder Dan come out from her seclusion?" Chen Xiang asked once again.

"She came out. She is currently in the Extreme Dan King Courtyard. Both I and dean hadn't told her the majority of things, especially the fact that you are our martial uncle. This is something you should explain yourself." Wu Kaiming fraudulently smiled.

Chen Xiang stood at the entrance of Extreme Dan King Courtyard, inserted the jade card in a hole, then the gate opened. Just as Chen Xiang stepped into the entrance, a silhouette wearing black robe and a mask, with fiery light in both eyes, suddenly appeared in front him. This sudden appearance made Chen Xiang jump back in fear.

"Elder Dan, you scared me to death!" Chen Xiang exhaled a long breath.

"You're not dead... where did you get that tree from?" Elder Dan asked, anxiousness could easily be detected in her voice.

Chen Xiang had planted an Azure Profound Tree in the courtyard, and he couldn't simply hide it from Elder Dan, he replied, "I found it deep in the mountains, why?"

"That is the Azure Profound Tree, everyday it absorbs a large amount of True Qi, while bearing the Azure Profound Fruit in the process, furthermore, the speed by which it bears fruit is too fast, now the flowers had already blossomed!" Elder Dan's voice was full of excitement.

Chen Xiang was also surprised, he thought that under normal circumstances, it would take one to two thousand years for it to bear some fruits. But he had only left for eight months and the flowers had already bloomed, with such a speed, he would be able to get fruits every year! This was simply similar to harvesting ordinary fruits!

"I'll go and take a look." Chen Xiang quickly ran over, when he saw twenty flowers blooming on the trees, he suddenly let out a loud laughter, "Ha ha, father would become the richest person."

Elder Dan smacked Chen Xiang's head and coldly spoke, "Do not be proud, it's still hasn't bore the fruits! Anyway, where and for what have you gone all these days? Although I hate you, you're still a member of Extreme Dan King Courtyard, I'll not allow you to have slightest mishap. You better accept me as your teacher, I can pass you remarkable Divine Martial Techniques, I can also refine Building Foundation Dan for you and help you breakthrough."

Chen Xiang, using his pinky finger, scratched his ear and mischievously said, "Nameless Little Girl, you should be aware that I have killed a True Martial Realm martial artist of Beast Martial Sect, right! Then you should also know I was imprisoned in the forbidden land!"

"Yes, only that insane old man would use this name! Is it you..." Elder Dan was not stupid, after thinking it through, her tender body slightly shuddered.

Chen Xiang looked up and loudly laughed before taking out a contract, then he handed it over to Elder Dan, his laughter was just like that insane old man.

"This is proof of my apprenticeship, although teacher is maniac, he is a nice person. He taught me a lot of things. Otherwise I would have already been dead in Fragrance City." Chen Xiang proudly said.

Elder Dan's beautiful hands were trembling, she gradually opened the master and apprentice contract, she could clearly sense Huang Jitian's peculiar True Qi breath.

Dan Elder let out a deep long sigh and slowly said, "Does Dean and Elder Wu know about this?"

"Of course they know, they both call me martial uncle. It doesn't matter if you don't call me that way, because I know you hate me, and I also don't want to force you." Chen Xiang said as he pretended to sigh, before putting away the master and apprentice contract.

Elder Dan lightly snorted as she stood there, speechless. Her teacher was very good towards her, and Huang Jitian was also the same. If not for these two people's strength, she would probably not be alive today. She hold both of them in very high regards and was very respectful towards them, but as for Chen Xiang...

"Mart... Martial Uncle!" Elder Dan also called him so, but way she spoke was very stiff, not to mention her voice was also full of hatred.

"Hei hei, Little Bald and Little Featherhead both call me Young Martial Uncle, you can also call me so." Chen Xiang laughed, he was even more proud, all of his teeths were clearly visible as if they could fall off at any moment.

Elder Dan coldly snorted, now any idea of taking Chen Xiang as her apprentice had already ceased to exist, taking her own Martial Uncle as her apprentice, it was simply a joke.

"When others are present, we will act like usual, but if there is no one, you have to respect me." Chen Xiang's complexion became serious, "You have keep this thing secret, you can't let anyone know, otherwise, I would be in big trouble."

"I'm not an idiot, you don't have to teach me this point! Besides, you are now very annoying." Elder Dan coldly said.

Chen Xiang laughed and said, "Elder Dan, Wu Qianqian have just advanced to True Martial Realm, and she has fused with the Fire Spirit just before advancing. I personally witnessed the whole process, she is a girl and also her talent is not bad. Furthermore, she is now a Level-2 Alchemist, it would be good if you take her as your disciple."

Fire Spirit, once Elder Dan heard these two words, she could not help but be startled. Regarding this matter, she was very shocked.

"Are you telling the truth?" Elder Dan was still in disbelief over what Chen Xiang had previously said.

"If you don't believe me, you should go and take a look." Chen Xiang said with a small smile hanging on his face.

"I do not intend to take any apprentices, but I could instruct her and look after her like she was my own apprentice. There are not many who know the usage of the Fire Spirit even in the whole Chenwu Mainland." Elder Dan proudly said. She guessed, Chen Xiang had already been told by that insane old man, Huang Jitian, that she was in possession of a Purple Moon Fire Spirit.

Chen Xiang grinned and said, "Elder Dan, now that you are my martial niece, if I win against you will you still become my woman?"

Elder Dan was stunned for a moment, before she instantly retorted, "Of course! This matter has nothing to with that one." At this time, she truly began to worry that Chen Xiang could beat her, because she knew that insane old man would never causally take an apprentice.

"I hope you're not ugly." Chen Xiang licked his lips, his smile was very dubious.

"I have already said, I'm absolutely not uglier than Xue Xianxian! You don't need to doubt my appearance." Elder Dan furiously retorted.

"Hei hei, empty words. Remove your mask then, let me have a look." Regarding Elder Dan, Chen Xiang was getting more and more curious, because he always felt Elder Dan was very familiar. Besides, she also intentionally altered her voice and hid her face.

Elder Dan coldly snorted before leaving the Extreme Dan King Courtyard.

"Little Dragon, were you able to see through this woman?" Chen Xiang asked, he knew that Long Xueyi had some unusual abilities.

"Not really, this woman is truly very mysterious! Her whole body is cluttered with Purple Moon Fire Qi, tightly covering every inch of her." said Long Xueyi. "Chen Xiang, quickly use the Dragon Saliva thing to grow this fruit! I want to eat it!"

"Eat shit! Only with alchemy can one unleash its full potential!"

"I just wanted to try this thing." Long Xueyi muttered.

Chen Xiang revealed a sliver of a smile as he looked at his Azure Profound Tree before he left the Extreme Dan Courtyard. He left in order to sign up for various events in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament, one was the alchemy competition while another was the martial contest. He also signed up for the speed contest...Chen Xiang wanted to win in all of them! The winner of each contest would get a hundred True Elemental Dans and a hundred thousand crystal stones, and if one got first place in all three competition, they would get three hundred True Elemental Dans and three hundred thousand crystal stones.

Chen Xiang tightly clenched his fists. Besides, he also had to support this greedy little dragon. He had to work even harder to earn more crystal stones to buy the herbs for alchemy.

After being completely missing for eight months, Chen Xiang had finally returned to the Extreme Martial Sect which caused quite a ruckus in the Extreme Martial Sect. Not to mention the fact that almost everyone wanted his head. In fact, even some of the Extreme Martial Sect's own disciples were entertaining the idea of taking Chen Xiang's head. After all, three hundred thousand crystal stones was enough for them to buy a lot of True Elemental Dans. With that many True Elemental Dans, they could have their cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, this type of temptation was pretty hard to resist.

However, the Extreme Martial Sect had shown a firm stance on this matter, if any disciples were found out plotting against Chen Xiang they would be beheaded! Secretly though, there were a lot of people who had decided if they encountered Chen Xiang in the wilderness they would attack him.

Along with Chen Xiang, there was another piece of news that shook the Extreme Martial Sect. Wu Qianqian had advanced to the True Martial Realm! This news broke the heart of many disciples because now that Wu Qianqian was in the True Martial Realm she would absolutely never pay any attention to them. Furthermore, many female disciples broke into fierce jealousy after hearing the news.

If the Extreme Martial Sect had something like a Young Powerful Experts List then Wu Qianqian would definitely be ranked first. However, this was only because Chen Xiang was hiding the fact that his cultivation had reached the True Martial Realm from everyone. This was because he wanted to make a fortune in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament, but if it were to be known he had reached the True Martial Realm, he would definitely be kicked out by Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming!

Chen Xiang soon returned to the Extreme Dan King Courtyard, but he saw that Wu Qianqian was also here talking with Elder Dan.

He had not expected Elder Dan to actually make another exception and once again allow someone to enter the Extreme Dan Courtyard. When Wu Qianqian saw Chen Xiang, she could not help but lower her head, yet her expression gave away her depressed mood.

Elder Dan could be considered quite old and she had her fair share of experience. Obviously, she could see something was wrong.

"Chen Xiang, what did you do to her?" Elder Dan voice was extremely cold when she asked, it was also filled with Slaughter Qi.

At that moment, Chen Xiang clearly understood why Elder Dan allowed Wu Qianqian to enter the Extreme Dan Courtyard. After all, Chen Xiang proposed that she would not have to respect his seniority and call him martial uncle if an outsider was present.

"Old ginger is still hotter than younger ginger!" Chen Xiang lamented in his heart.

Wu Qianqian rushed to Chen Xiang's defense, "He did nothing, it's just I..."

"Why are you not quickly leaving, I'm instructing her in alchemy." Elder Dan scolded. Chen Xiang hastily ran away as he cursed in a low voice.

Chen Xiang arrived in the courtyard of the Azure Profound Tree. He secretly poured the Dragon Saliva, he wanted to quickly grow the Azure Profound Fruits. With them, he could refine many Building Foundation Dans.

A few days passed as the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament drew closer., In these last few days, Chen Xiang found out that Elder Dan was actually really gentle towards Wu Qianqian. Elder Dan patiently instructed Wu Qianqian in the ways of alchemy and also gifted her many herbs.

When Chen Xiang learned that Wu Qianqian became a Level-2 Alchemist even with a lack of resources, he could not help but admire her. He believed that Wu Qianqian, with the Blue Start Fire Spirit, would definitely become an outstanding alchemistress.

Chen Xiang had just come out of the Mysterious Realm before he learned another piece of astonishing information. Yun Xiaodao, Zhu Rong and Xu Weilong, all three of them had simultaneously advanced into the True Martial Realm! They were also currently meeting with the Dean.

"Truly three idiots! Still, the advantage is occupied by me." Chen Xiang snickered in his heart. He suspected these three must had gotten their hands on a large number of Building Foundation Dans.

As long as there were no True Marital Realm disciples participating in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament, Chen Xiang was completely confident he would be able to win all three competition and get the three hundred thousand crystal stone prizes as well as the three hundred True Elemental Dans. This was not a small sum at all as a True Elemental Dan was worth five thousand crystal stones. That would mean three hundred of them would be an additional 1.5 million crystal stones!

"His mother's... father will make it big!" Chen Xiang shouted in his heart. He was suddenly full of excitement and came to first Inner Courtyard.

Just as he walked in, he saw Dean Wu lying on his chair while Zhu Rong's disgusting laughter was reverberating throughout the entire marital courtyard. Chen Xiang already knew that Zhu Rong had become a True Martial Realm martial artists and there was no doubt the he would have gotten some generous incentives for become a True Disciple of the Extreme Martial Sect.

"Younger brother Chen, you are not dead!" Zhu Rong after seeing Chen Xiang for the first time in awhile actually responded like this.

Chen Xiang said with a light snort, "Why does everyone keep asking me the same question? Is it better off for me to be dead?"

Yun Xiaodao laughed, "Elder brother Chen, we are blessed. Lao Zhu just invited us out to eat, are you prepared to make him poor?"

Xu Weilong also lightly laughed, "I'm already prepared, Chen Xiang you have truly made others worried in these past few months. It's good that you're back, however we can not participate in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament with you."

Chen Xiang laughed and said, "So much better, I've signed up in all three competitions, and I will be first, hei hei..."

Regarding monetary and mathematical matters, Zhu Rong was the most calculating of them all. In his mind there suddenly emerged a giant value, he exclaimed, "If you get first in all of them, won't you earn a lot!?"

Both Yun Xiaodao and Xu Weilong suddenly realized this fact and they could not help but get shocked.

"After becoming True Disciples, each of us only got one hundred True Elemental Dans, fifty thousand crystal stones and a used Level-3 Spirit Weapon. Well, at least now, we can get a hundred True Elemental Dan and a hundred thousand crystal stones every year. However, we can't participate in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament now..." Zhu Rong sadly said. He suddenly felt he should have hid his own strength and also participated in the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament.

"We are now the disciples of the 15th Martial Courtyard, we're a step higher than elder brother Chen!" Yun Xiaodao was still somewhat regretting in his heart, but he was now very proud. He had accomplished his target; to transcend Chen Xiang.

"How did you get so many Building Foundation Dans?" Chen Xiang curiously asked.

"I found them when Lao Zhu took me to the place where I found the True Elemental Dan last time. We have been searching there for three months, and finally, we found a box of Building Foundation Dans, in the box there were eight of them. Each of us got two Building Foundation Dans, we also left two of them for you!" Xu Weilong casually mentioned.

They actually found them! Chen Xiang in his heart was wondering, Xu Weilong's luck was extremely good. But if they didn't have Zhu Rong pestering them relentlessly, all three would have not been able to dig and search a place for three months.

Zhu Rong had a smug smile on his face as he said, "I'm rather loyal, take them! Six hundred thousand crystal stones, that is the lowest possible price!"

"Humph, I'm bankrupt, I paid him seven hundred thousand crystal stones!" Yun Xiaodao cursed in low voice.

"No way, you got these mainly because of me, you all have to recognize this fact." Zhu Rong shook his head and smiled.

Chen Xiang had also previously thought that both Zhu Rong and Xu Weilong were very loyal, but he had not expected them to ask for money. With a scoff, he said, "I have all the materials for Building Foundation Dan, Elder Dan also promised to help me refine."

"Xu Lao, let's take them for auctioning!" Zhu Rong pursed his lips, and quickly took away the two Building Foundation Dan.

Chen Xiang laughed and said, "When did I say I don't want them? But currently, I don't have the money, wait for me to get those True Elemental Dan, I'll pay then."

If they auction them, they would get a much higher price. Chen Xiang could also make a profit from them, because he was now already in the True Martial Realm, he no longer needed the Building Foundation Dan!

Zhu Rong also knew that if he could auction them, then he would get even more crystal stones. However, Chen Xiang was his friend, so he had to reluctantly gave them to Chen Xiang. Not to mention they thought Chen Xiang had still not entered the True Martial Realm.

Zhu Rong was now overflowing with wealth, his face was filled with the brilliance of success, a reason why Chen Xiang and the group could drink and eat lasciviously in the hotel for a day and night. All the good dishes and wine in the hotel were ordered over and over, they ate and drank until they got tired.

At the time of payment, Zhu Rong's face was filled with sorrow, complaining incessantly, he had already expected Yun Xiaodao and others would ruthlessly slaughter him, but he had not expected that they would be so ruthless to the point where he didn't wish to live anymore.

The Extreme Martial Grand Tournament was a grand tourney for everyone below the True Martial realm. As for True Martial Realm disciples and above, they were only responsible for some other work in the Grand Tournament. Of course, True Martial Realm disciples and above also had their own tournament, however, it was a competition between the sects that were part of the Chenwu Mainland, and this kind of scene could only be described as spectacular.

Today, all the streets in the Tianmen City were empty, because in today's competition, the disciples participating would need to pass through the Tianmen City. Whoever dared to create any chaos on the streets today, would certainly be unlucky.

Inside the Extreme Martial Sect, Gu Dongchen stood on a high stage in the square, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the few tens of thousands of disciples below. This was also the first time he met with so many disciples after coming out of his closed-door training.

Gu Dongchen first spoke some nonsense about integration of the Peerless Martial Sect into the Extreme Martial Sect, then he also spoke a lot about things like being friendly with others. Afterwards, he praised those disciples who had recently entered True Martial Realm, and on the spot, he gave Wu Qianqian, Zhu Rong, Yun Xiaodao and Xu Weilong rich rewards which made many people very envious, but at the same time, greatly excited.

Later on, Gu Dongchen actually started to severely criticize Chen Xiang, saying that Chen Xiang created a lot of loss for the Extreme Martial Sect, caused a lot of destruction during the competition of first Inner Courtyard, injured a large number of disciples, and also sparked a lot of disturbance.

Chen Xiang secretly despised this martial nephew, it was pretty obvious Gu Dongchen was avenging personal vendetta in the name of public interest. But Chen Xiang didn't care much about it, no matter what he said about him, at the end of the day, he still had to call him martial uncle.

After all the nonsense was finished, Gu Dongchen announced the start of the Extreme Martial Grand Tournament, and then held the first contest.

The first contest was the competition of speed, the competition would be held for the entire day. The participants would depart from the square in the middle of the Extreme Martial Sect with the goal of retrieving an Extreme Martial Token located on a hilltop at the other end of the Tianmen City, and whoever returned first, would be declared as the winner.

Over the years, it still took six hours for a round trip even for the fastest of all the winners. From this, it was clear that it was very far, and the participants would need to constantly run, and if they took even a moment of rest, other participants would be able to overtake them. This was a test of endurance and how rich their True Qi was.

"During the race, any kind of conflict isn't allowed, once found out, you'll be severely punished! Are you ready?" Elder Wu said in a loud voice.

Many disciples were participating for the first time, and so, they were very excited. Besides, all of them believed they could attain first place!

Three hundred thousand disciples participated in the race, and obviously, the biggest advantage was held by those standing in the front. Originally, Chen Xiang was also in the front, but who would have thought he would be lectured and dragged by Gu Dongchen to the end, which was nothing more than nagging.

"Chen Xiang, you will definitely get first!" Wu Qianqian was now a lot more open, she slightly smiled while looking at Chen Xiang, she had always felt an inexplicable joy whenever she was with Chen Xiang.

Both Zhu Rong and Yun Xiaodao were secretly hoping that they had a chance with Wu Qianqian, but they had not expected Chen Xiang would be set with the Extreme Martial Sect's first beauty, so they secretly despised Chen Xiang. If Wu Qianqian had not entered True Martial Realm, fancying Chen Xiang would also make sense. But now Wu Qianqian was in the True Martial Realm, a lot of True Martial Realm people were pursuing her, but when they saw her walking with Elder Dan, not a single one of them dare to have an idea to hit on her.

"That is a given, I have also signed up for all the three competitions, hei hei!" Chen Xiang laughed and said. Hearing this, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming's complexions slightly changed. If Chen Xiang attained first in all of the three competitions, then doesn't it mean that he would be taking all the prizes?

Wu Kaiming said in a clear voice, "One, Two, Three... Start!"

Chen Xiang and others only saw the crowd in front suddenly started galloping in madness, they were rushing while shouting, making the entire Tianmen City slightly tremble. It was as if a horde of wild animals was charging.

At this time, Chen Xiang ran like a child, happily and slowly, entering into the billowing smoke on the square.

Suddenly, waves of scorching hot Qi spread around. Gu Dongchen, Yun Xiaodao and the others were suddenly petrified for a moment, and they immediately thought of something!

"Bastard! This brat is extremely sinister!" Zhu Rong immediately cursed while looking at Chen Xiang who was in the sky, flapping those huge fire-wings, flying towards the front.

"Too cunning, unfair, quickly come down!" Some of the True Martial realm disciples shouted, although they themselves could not participate, all of their apprentices had participated.

"Elder brother Chen, what you're doing is not right, quickly come down!" Yun Xiaodao was also secretly jealous. Chen Xiang using his True Qi fire wings, he indeed could very easily get the first place.

Chen Xiang just laughed and didn't reply. In the rules, it was not mentioned anywhere that he couldn't fly.

Chen Xiang gradually arrived near the crowd in front, the participants below soon discovered him as they raised their heads to look. In the next moment, all of them started shouting and cursing again and again. Some of them also started throwing smelly shoes and bricks towards the sky.

"Bastard, quickly come down, this is not fair, we are also running, bastard!" A man angrily shouted.

Chen Xiang looked down and saw those flying shoes, bricks and other debris, he suddenly laughed, "There is still the second and the third prize, all of you can still concentrate on that, otherwise, you won't even get shit."

After laughing at them, Chen Xiang flapped his Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, and in the blink of an eye, he had already flown far away, while the people in the back started cursing the heavens. However, it was to no avail, they could only secretly despise Chen Xiang in their hearts.