
World creator system

So basically he was tranmigrated into formless being or spirit in a sense with a system called World Creator system like the name suggests it helped him create world or model them to his interests. He slowly started creating worlds like the first one was a copy of his world, then a magical world, after that sci fi world, then Cultivation world and so on. He slowly reached the level of high level godly being, which made him bored and with all the missions finished the system left with only leaving the mall option behind. So being bored out of his mind, he got an idea of creating worlds like MCU, GOT, LOTR....etc

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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86 Chs


There maybe be some Sansa Stark bashing on the future, since her behavior in the first couple of episodes were not that great.

Like Sansa, Robb and Bran were more Tully than Stark.So they will be not accepted by most of the ancestors and only one they will fully accept is Arya.

Also these ancestors approval has a huge importance in becoming an Heir or Future Lord, so if somehow Sansa does get an opportunity in the future to be the Queen of North.

But it will not work, since she was never fully accepted by Stark Ancestors so Vassal Lords will not approve of her status and only one they will approve of is Arya(Who will never want such a position.)

So naturally Starks will lose there status as Protector of North and it will be passed to House of Tepes.Mainly because of reasons like Ned and Catelyn's stupid decision to build Septa and convert people to Faith of Seven.