
World creator system

So basically he was tranmigrated into formless being or spirit in a sense with a system called World Creator system like the name suggests it helped him create world or model them to his interests. He slowly started creating worlds like the first one was a copy of his world, then a magical world, after that sci fi world, then Cultivation world and so on. He slowly reached the level of high level godly being, which made him bored and with all the missions finished the system left with only leaving the mall option behind. So being bored out of his mind, he got an idea of creating worlds like MCU, GOT, LOTR....etc

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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103 Chs

Chapter Rhoynish wars

But soon the Rhoynar, felt he insidious grasp of the Valyrian Freehold expanded like a dark, encroaching shadow across the fertile lands of Essos. At first, the Rhoynar welcomed the newcomers with open arms, their hearts believing in the unity of all men under the benevolent watch of Lord Ulmo. Valyrian adventurers, merchants, and settlers had ventured into western Essos since the dust of the Ghiscari wars had settled millennia ago, their presence gradually seeping into the very fabric of the region. Volantis, a colossal bastion, stood proud and ominous at the mouth of the Rhoyne, marking the beginning of the Freehold's territorial aspirations. Further north, on the winding tributaries of the majestic river, two more cities, Norvos and Qohor, emerged under the watchful guidance of their Valyrian forebears.

Yet, the passage of time saw the Rhoynar's initial warmth and hospitality towards their Valyrian guests turn into haunting remorse. By around 950 BC, the two great civilizations found themselves entangled in a turbulent dance of open conflict. The "Rhoynish Wars" unfurled like a tapestry of bloodshed, punctuated by short yet ferociously brutal battles. While the Valyrians often tasted the sweet nectar of triumph, progress was painstakingly sluggish due to their woefully scarce numbers of dragons. Although they could summon dragonriders from Valyria in desperate moments, the ebb and flow of fortune shifted relentlessly once these formidable warriors departed.

During this time, Rhoynar faced another issue: the spread of the Lord of Light religion among some of their major city rulers.The R'hllor priestess wielding the power of R'hllor entered the war, they gave the princess help in the form of genuine prophetic visions from the Lord of the Light by observing visions of the future in flames, the art of which is called pyromancy.

This gaining a lot of influence over the higher echelons of Rhoynar, who wanted to win this war.

Although Ulmo's priests/priestess helped in the war with there own powers of over water and healing.

Within the boundaries of Rhoynar, the spreading influence of R'hllor ignited a tempestuous conflict, tearing at the very fabric of their society. The once-unified realm found itself bitterly divided, with each major city fiercely guarding its independence from both external intruders and their fellow Rhoynar brethren.

Also Prince Garin, Nymeria's brother, was one of those who fell into the alluring embrace of the new belief in R'hllor. Despite Nymeria's relentless efforts to sway him, Garin stood firm, resolute in his unwavering devotion to the Lord of Light.

This internal unrest caused the Rhyonar to falter a bit and that's when three formidable dragonlords from Valyria merged their titanic powers with the settlers of Volantis. The once-great Rhoynar port city of Sarhoy felt the full, cataclysmic fury of their unleashed wrath, becoming a smoldering ruin consumed by the hungry embrace of fire and destruction.

Prince Garin the Great, ruler of the illustrious city of Chroyane used this unforgivable devastation as a mighty beacon of unity for the remaining five independent Rhoynar city-states. His burning eyes glinted with the unquenchable fire of determination, as he forged every Rhoynar child into a defender of their heritage, arming them to create the largest and mightiest land army that Essos had ever borne witness to—an awe-inspiring quarter of a million warriors strong. Garin's colossal army surged southwards along the Rhoyne like a fierce torrent of righteous vengeance unleashed upon the invaders. With relentless fervor, they unfurled a merciless wave of defeat upon the Valyrian forces. In a staggering clash at Volon Therys, the heavens themselves bore witness to the cataclysmic battle, as a Valyrian army of a staggering 100,000 fell to the mighty Rhoynar onslaught. The triumphant Rhoynar warriors, fierce as dragons in their own right, claimed victory by slaying two of the invaders' monstrous beasts and grievously wounding the third.

As Eru, Ulmo, and Perseus observed the escalating war between Rhoynar and Valyria, Perseus expressed slight surprise witnessing the Red priests and priestesses successfully taking down three Valyrian dragons. Ulmo, noticing his son's reaction, reassured him, "Don't be surprised; the Red Priests gain power from the spirit of R'hllor, who is formidable."

Perseus nodded, while Eru added"Even then, they will still lose Valyrian's will feel Rhyonar stained there reputation and will soon unleash all there dragons."

Perseus was winced and admitted, "I tried to prevent this war, but King Aryan believes Valyrians should rule all of Essos."

Eru hummed thoughtfully and mused, "I have to now move Rhoynar princess Nymeria and her followers to Westeros."