
World creator system

So basically he was tranmigrated into formless being or spirit in a sense with a system called World Creator system like the name suggests it helped him create world or model them to his interests. He slowly started creating worlds like the first one was a copy of his world, then a magical world, after that sci fi world, then Cultivation world and so on. He slowly reached the level of high level godly being, which made him bored and with all the missions finished the system left with only leaving the mall option behind. So being bored out of his mind, he got an idea of creating worlds like MCU, GOT, LOTR....etc

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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102 Chs

Ares and Karna part 2

Eru's benevolent smile persisted as he observed the joy reflected in the eyes of Karna and Ares. Acknowledging their happiness, he spoke with a resonance that echoed through the divine chamber. "Now, for Karna and Ares, I have crafted ideal weapons for you both."

With a graceful sweep of his hand, Eru conjured a majestic bow into existence. The divine weapon radiated with an otherworldly glow, its intricate design reflecting the essence of each god's destined prowess. As the bow materialized, it symbolized not just a gift, but a conduit for the gods' heirs to channel their divine purpose and power.

The bow is crafted from the celestial "Kichaka" wood, a mythical material renowned for its immense strength, resilience, and divine aura. Imagine a polished deep brown wood, radiating a subtle warmth to the touch, with intricate grain patterns swirling like constellations. It is a recurved bow with slightly bent ends. A graceful crescent, polished to a gleaming ebony sheen, its ends curving upwards like defiant horns.

The Bowstring is shimmering emerald green cord, pulsating with raw power.

The Grip is Wrapped in celestial silk, a luxurious golden silk, woven with celestial threads, shimmering with every movement. Giving soft yet firm, offering a perfect hold for Karna's unwavering hands.

The grooves where the arrows rest might be carved with intricate cosmic symbols, glowing faintly with divine energy.

When drawn, the Vijaya reportedly emitted a thunderous roar, echoing like a storm across the battlefield. Imagine a sound resonating with the power of a divine bolt, striking fear into the hearts of Karna's enemies.

The bow is said to radiate an aura of power and invincibility, shimmering with celestial light. Imagine a faint golden glow enveloping the bow, emanating from its divine materials and Karna's own warrior spirit.

Eru, holding the majestic bow, directed his attention to Karna with a knowing smile. "Karna, I heard you were a prodigy in archery, so this is for you." The bow glowed with a divine light as he presented it to the young god, who accepted it with a mixture of reverence and gratitude.

As Karna carefully took the bow from his grandfather, his eyes gleamed with excitement and gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the honor bestowed upon him.

Meanwhile, Eru turned his focus to Ares, acknowledging his interest in the mace. "Ares, I heard you are interested in the mace, so this one is for you." With a wave of his hand, a medium-sized baton materialized before Ares. Eru continued, "This mace is similar to Perceus' Trident and will reveal its true form when it comes in contact with you."

Ares was excited and took the unassuming guise of a medium-sized baton, concealing its true might. However, upon activation its metamorphosis begins. The once inconspicuous baton transforms into a formidable mace, radiating a red-hot glow that emanates an otherworldly aura. The three hammer-shaped flanges that extend from the head of the mace enhance its menacing appearance, while intricate celestial symbols etched onto its surface further emphasize its divine origin, captivating all who behold its godly splendor.

Ares, in awe of his newly bestowed mace, couldn't help but mutter, "Amazing." His eyes gleamed with admiration for the divine craftsmanship that had materialized before him.

Meanwhile, the divine parents, including Surya, Nayara, Set, and Nephthys, extended their heartfelt congratulations to the young gods for their extraordinary gifts. The air was filled with a sense of familial pride as they witnessed the unfolding destinies of their heirs.

The grand throne room became a tapestry of joy and celebration, as smiles adorned the faces of the gods and goddesses

Soon divine assembly of Eru, Ulmo, Surya, Mandos, Horus, Set and Anubis stood on the terrace, gazing down upon the unfolding events in the mortal realm. Eru's watchful eyes observed as Valyria sank into increasing darkness, mirroring the descent of King Aryan into the abyss of dark magic. The plight of the slaves worsened, a stark reflection of the corrupting influences at play.

Eru, sensing the burden on his grandson Perseus, sighed and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You are not responsible for their bad decisions," Eru uttered with a gentle tone, attempting to alleviate the weight that weighed on Perseus's heart.

Perseus, conflicted, muttered, "But." The turmoil within him hinted at the complex emotions swirling as he could not do anything to move them from this path.


In the tapestry of ancient history, the enigmatic prowess of Karna became legendary for his mastery in archery, specifically the divine art of Dhanurveda. Gifted directly by Lord Eru himself, Karna's skills surpassed the mortal realm, delving into the mystical realm of Astras—supernatural weapons invoked through potent Mantras. In the heat of battle, Karna wielded these Astras, transforming ordinary arrows into divine instruments of unparalleled power.

Prince Karna's battlefield exploits were nothing short of extraordinary, as he singlehandedly vanquished entire armies utilizing the vast range of Astra abilities. Despite numerous attempts by others to replicate his skills, the secrets of Dhanurveda remained elusive, reserved only for the sacred connection between teacher and disciple, in this case, Lord Eru and his exceptional protege.

In the same epoch, the birth of the God of War, Ares, unfolded into a well-known saga. Revered by humans and warriors alike, Ares became a beacon of strength and guidance. His divine presence was invoked through prayers, and warriors sought his aid in the tumult of battle.

Ares, also serving as Eru's enforcer, took on the responsibility of dealing with kingdoms that dared to harm innocent devotees of the ancient gods. His justice was swift and unyielding, echoing the divine order established by Lord Eru.

Excerpt from "Tales of Ancient Gods and Demigods" by Scholar Norvos from Tower of North
