
World Breaker: Maximizing Efficiency Gave Me Broken Stats!

What will you do if the world suddenly gets turned into a game? In a situation where Levels and special powers exist, there are even monsters and mutated animals to fight. Most gamers would probably rejoice, but what about normal people? A world where mutated monsters took over the vast majority of lands. A mysterious system made by the combined consciousness of nanomachines. An all-powerful entity deeming Earth as Open for invasions! Chaos and death. Defending from invasions or counter-invading the other side... How about you? In this situation, what would you do?

SeraphWedd · Fantasy
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72 Chs

This is Awkward...

QUEEN is Marionne... I couldn't wrap my head around this fact.

After exchanging a bit of pleasantries, our group boarded one of the armored cars that they brought along. However, I was still out of sorts, my mind refusing to understand what had just occurred.

Along the way, I was completely busy thinking about this, to the point that I wasn't able to digest what the Major was saying. I wish the girls were in the same car as me, but I was left alone with Major Selena.

'I wonder what the girls are doing right now...'


On the other armored car, the girls were sitting together, split into groups of three and two. However, three of them were having awkward expressions while watching QUEEN pressing Toki for answers.

"That guy really is Ruin?! You're not lying, are you, Toki?!"

As soon as their introductions finished, Marionne started to choke Toki, shaking her back and forth in a bid to get answers.

"I'm not... Look, even Mina and the rest aren't saying anything, right?"

This exchange had repeated itself for the umpteenth time. Despite hearing the same answer over and over, Marionne, or Alice, couldn't fully accept the truth.

"I... I..." Her face was blue the entire time as she recalled a certain event in the past.

"I know. You turned down all the boys who confessed to you since you have Ruin in your heart, right?" Toki read her mind like a book, tapping her shoulder lightly. "But to think you also rejected Ruin himself... Well, better luck next time, I guess?"


Alice's eyes turned teary as her face turned from blue to red. Completely different from her usual cold demeanor, she bawled her eyes out as the other girls tried to comfort her.

"Ah, it's just the first time you rejected him. Maybe you still have a chance?" Hailey thought out loud.

"But she's been acting cold to him even after that, so..." Toki added, shrugging her shoulders.


Alice started crying even louder, covering her face with her hands while lifting her knees closer.

"Awww, come on. You're such a beautiful lady; stop bawling like a little kid!" Lily comforted her while patting her head.

Hailey looked at her and snickered, "Said the college student that looks like a little kid, hehe."

"You... I'm not a kid!"

"Stop it, you two; bickering here wouldn't help." Mina sighed a little before continuing. "In the first place, Marionne, you're the one confessing to Ruin at every chance you get back in the game. Aren't you used to getting rejected by him already? Then just go and confess to him later and crumble!"

"T-This and that are different!" Alice replied, lifting her head to peek at Mina.

"What different? You fell for the man behind the character in a game and even created a persona to minimize the number of guys around you. Isn't it too late to differentiate?"

"That..." Alice pondered for a little. "I, I did create my prickly personality to minimize contact with other guys. Right, I did it all for Ruin! You're absolutely right, Mina!" She beamed with enlightenment.

"See? I told you." Mina smiled, satisfied.

Alice, however, went further and beyond what she was thinking. "Then I'd go and confess to Ruin as soon as we got down!"

"Eh? What? Wait!" Mina panicked.

She forgot that Marionne was a woman of action. She would definitely act on her words as soon as she was convinced that it was for the best of her interests. Although Mina herself was the one who gave the idea, she would be troubled if, on the off chance that Mahiro accepted her confession, she lost her chance.

"No! I couldn't wait any more! Now that I know he's Ruin, there's no need to hold back!"

If any of her schoolmates saw how she was acting that instant, they would all doubt their eyes. The QUEEN, the one who wouldn't even let an ant touch her, was actually showing such a maidenly expression.

"Oooh! That's nice! Then I'll be cheering you on!" Lily muttered, acting unaffected. However, she could feel a mysterious prickling on her chest, making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

Toki, listening by the side, decided to comment based on her observations. "Ruin, Mahiro, is pretty dumb when it comes to such matters. I think a fastball would work better than a curve ball."

Ever since Alice rejected Mahiro, Toki has noticed his lessened interest in the opposite sex. His sister, Kaede, being too clingy may have contributed a large part to that, but the deciding factor was definitely the rejection.

'As he is now, I'm a hundred percent sure Marionne would get rejected if she confessed.' Toki thought to herself, smiling.

Still, thinking about how tough her mentality was, getting rejected once or twice wouldn't break Marionne. She literally confessed thousands of times and got rejected flatly on each occasion, but still continued to adore Ruin unchangingly.

After that, Mina and Hailey worked together to dissuade her, but in the end, Alice's will was firm. Soon enough, their convoy stopped. They had already reached their destination!


"This is the base camp set for the testing of the Portal Gun."

As soon as we got out of the armored cars, Major Selena explained to me while I looked around. I noticed that other than a large open area in the middle, it was not much different than normal military training camps.

A little distance away, a series of prefab buildings were lined up. Those were most likely offices and barracks for the higher-ranking soldiers, while the footsoldiers were staying in the tents set all over the camp.

"As discussed, we would start with safety checks before initiating a full invasion and setting up an advance base on the other side. So for now—"

Just as Major Selena was about to take me into the camp, a series of rushing footsteps could be heard echoing from behind. Turning around, we saw QUEEN running as fast as she could before stopping and saluting at the Major.

"Major Selena, can I please borrow Mr. Giza for a short while?"

Her request took the Major by surprise. Even I was surprised. Talk to me? I wonder what's wrong.

After a little consideration, Major Selena nodded her head. "Alright, Lieutenant. Take him to the gathering area after you've finished your business with him."

The Major, dragging the other soldiers, went ahead of us and entered the camp. As their figures vanished, I returned to reality and turned to face QUEEN-Marionne.

"So? What is it?" I asked. It was a little awkward to be facing her alone like this, so I simply hope her business won't last long.

"I... I love you, Ruin! Please marry me!"



Ah... It was the usual Marionne's line back in the game whenever we met, so I gave out my default response by reflex. I quickly checked her expression, but rather than an angry or disappointed face, she was smiling sweetly.


Her smile almost made me forget what we were talking about. Rather, QUEEN smiling?! I never thought she could smile. It would probably rain knives tomorrow.

"You're really Ruin... Ehehe," she whispered. "But you know that I wouldn't give up on just one rejection!"

I was confused if she swallowed her pride or her brain, but QUEEN suddenly pulled my arm and hugged it tight. Her face was pure bliss, so I hesitated to pull my arm out forcefully. But why is my heart beating this fast?

"Alright, stop right there!"

At that moment, the others finally approached. Mina pulled me away, while Hailey handled Marionne. Toki and Lily were only looking at us from a little distance away, with a wry smile on their faces.

"Mina, Hailey! Stop it; don't get in my way! Unlike in the game, I can go on the offensive here!"

"Hold your horses, lady! We're out in the public; your image would be destroyed if you continued here!" Hailey groaned, having difficulty holding her back.

"I don't care! Now that Ruin is right in front of me, I have no use for my usual facade!"

Despite having a higher level, Hailey was getting pushed back. Marionne must have a higher bonus percentage compared to Hailey, and from how she's basically overpowering her, the percentage must be pretty high.


Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I quickly pulled it out of my breast pocket and read the new message. It was a short chat that came from Toki. After reading it, although doubtful, I decided to follow her suggestion.

"Ahem. I prefer the aloof and cold QUEEN more than your current demeanor, though," I muttered with the best voice acting I could, but in the end, it came out almost monotone.

However, as if a magic switch were flipped, Marionne immediately stopped her head-over-heels display and returned to her QUEEN of Ice appearance. Her sharp gaze returned, sending a chill down my spine. Why does it feel like I'm prey before a wild cat...?

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