
World ALTer- Velskud Gynesis

In order to know the answers of endless questions about magic and his purposes in the world's Mr. Velskud began himself In a journey of countless experiments. "What happened if a saint's was being discarded from his gods grace? " "What happened if I give a human overs a choice to save themselves or killed the 10 others? " "What happened if I massacre a town and leave a single person alive while giving him a power for the said revenge? " Mr. Velskud as an Arch-Lich devoid of feelings always seek to understand human, no matter how ridiculous the ways, or absurd it is. "I want to know." "I want to feel" "Even death couldn't answer my question" --------------------------------------------------------

Yasha10 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Ch. 1 Experiment GVF-01

In the borderline between the Solomon Kingdom and the mysterious domain of the Obsidian Order, there lies a humble oasis, a small village that stands apart from those big countries influences.

Shrouded in the protective embrace of the night, this village is known simply as the 'Village of Rain' to its people. Untouched by the politics and conflicts that happened between its neighboring countries.

There is a manor, located not very far from the Village of Rain, the house that long ago become a symbol of abandonment, has just been bought by a mysterious figure person 6 years ago.

This mysterious individual, having assumed the role of the property's new owner and settled the abandoned manor, has always be a hot topic of rumours inside the villages.

"Hey... Did you ever saw that owner? "

"Are you talking about Mr. Velskud? Yes, but it was 6 month ago I guess. "

"How did they eat? I never seen someone from the manor find food, nor trying to do trade or bought something from the village. "

"Yeah... That is something I want to know too... The merchant are rarely come into our village and yet they didn't even bothered to meet the merchant. And I heard from the Mr. Welter he never saw someone from the manor do the hunt, isn't weird?"

"Yeah it is... "

Rumors and whispers about Mr. Velskud continued to swirl among the villagers of the Village of Rain.

Along with the whispers about his mysterious nature, there was another thread of rumors circulating among the villagers of the Village of Rain. Word had spread of Mr. Velskud's generosity, of how he was helping people in a various ways.

Amongst the inhabitants of the Village of Rain, there was talk of a guy who urgently in a moment of financial need, had approached Mr. Velskud to request a loan. Surprisingly, the mysterious landowner had accepted to the request without uttering a single word while maintaining his emotionless expression.

In another instance, a tragic accident befell a young child in the village, resulting in a fractured arm. The mother of the poor child seek help to Mr. Velskud place in hope there is someone inside the manor could tend her poor boy because theres no doctor in the villages.

Surprisingly, Mr. Velskud was able to use healing magic and tend the poor boy while uttering the phrase "Be careful next time" With his emotionless expression.

During a time of severe drought, when the skies above stayed persistently bereft of rain, a tall and enigmatic figure arrived in the Village of Rain.

Clad in a mask, this mysterious butler from Mr. Velskud place invoked a life-giving rain spell, finally ending the drought with his spell that just like a miracle to the villagers eyes.

There's a lot of things what he did to show how benevolent he was. But, even tough the tales of his benevolence spread wide in the villagers, and yet somehow people still doubt and speculating about his true nature.

Who is he?

Why he come to this village?

Why he help people and asking for nothing?

Where he come from?

Is Mr. Velskud a dangerous person?

As time passed and Mr. Velskud continued to show his generosity, the villagers found themselves in a dilemma while having conflicting emotions.

Some felt gratitude and curiosity towards his figure, while others harbored doubt and suspicion about the mysterious Mr. Velskud true intentions.

And the most important thing is, the villagers noticed that never once had they witnessed a smile from him, and this absence basic of humanity further deepened the doubts that surrounded him.

"Its about times already... " Velskud said while having a seat in his office room.

The normally quite night surroundings of Velskud's manor were suddenly disrupted by the presence of angry villagers outside the gates.

A bonfire crackled in their hands, casting an orange glow against the night sky. The once peaceful night was shattered by their heated presence, their anger could be seen in the air as they shout demanding Mr. Velskud to get out of the manor to meet them.


Seeing this, Velskud come down to the outside of the manor together with his butler while having his usual expressionless expression, showing no sign of fear or panic from his figure.

The villagers gazes turn to him as he approached the gates, their anger could be seen mingling with curiosity as the mysterious landowner stood before them.

The villagers' anger continued to boil as they confronted Velskud, their accusations is sharp and very direct without any doubt at all.




The landowner stood calmly, his gaze unflinching in the face of their words. He seemed to consider their accusations, though his expression show no hint of fear at all.

"I don't do anything" Velskud's voice cut through the angry people with icy and calm tones.

Hearing this the villagers' faces twisted with a mixture of anger and disbelief. Some even let out scoffing laughs, their skepticism could also clearly be seen without any doubts.



The accusations and blame continued to be directed at Velskud, but then one of the villagers pushed forward, carrying a metal cross with determined intent.

The atmosphere changed as the villager holding the cross stepped forward.

Velskud's gaze shifted to the man who holding the cross, his eyes fixing on the object with his usual expressionless expression.

"You gave this cross to my kid, right Mr. Velskud? "

"Yes" He replied casually, confirming he indeed gave the cross to this man kid.

"Let me ask you... What happened if i put this cross into the water? "


One of the villagers approached, carrying a large tank of water. It was clear that they had already prepared .

The tension escalated as the villager placed the tank near the landowner, the water inside rippling with its splashing sound. All eyes turned to the cross and the water, anticipating the outcome of this strange demonstration.

As the cross put into the water, the gathered villagers was in shock. The once clear water turned into a deep shade of blood-red, transforming into a crimson puddle of blood.

Shock and disbelief spread across the faces of those witnessing the bizarre scene.

"WHAT THE HELL!? " One of the villagers said with his disbelief eyes.

"Mr.Velskud... A-Are you a practitioner of dark Magics? "

The air vibrated with a mixture of fear and anger, questions swarming the gathering like restless hornets. All eyes turned to Velskud, awaiting his response.

One thing they know is, they were well aware of the dangers posed by those who wield dark magics. They understood that even unified, they would stand no chance against him. This realization further heightened their fear and fueled their accusations against Mr. Velskud.

But even the evidence was clear, some of them still doubt the truth and want to believe at Mr. Velskud deeds for the past years.

Because of this, the collision of emotions in the villagers was reaching a crisis point. On one side was their deep sense of gratitude for the benevolence Mr. Velskud had shown them over the years, and on the other side was their deep-seated fear of his mysterious nature and the potential dark magics he might be wielding. The dilemma lay before them was intense.

A silence fell over the gathering villagers as Velskud's words echoed through the night.

"Yes, I am a dark magic user."

Shock and disbelief rippled through the crowd like a shockwave. Their minds struggling to believe the benevolent landowner actually a dark magic user.


With that shout, the peaceful night erupted into a chaos. Their fear overtaking any hesitation and even forgetting how good Mr. Velskud to them, they charge at Mr. Velskud with a mix of anger and panic.

After a while.

The villagers managed to capture Mr. Velskud and six other individuals within the manor. The evening, once peaceful, transformed into a chaotic scene.

All of them that inhabitants of Mr. Velskud manor, including the mysterious Mr. Velskud himself, were now held captive, their fate hanging like witches awaiting their execution.

"Mr. Velskud... Let me ask you one more time, did you the one who spread the disease? "

Despite the intense pressure and the threat of death waiting for him, Mr. Velskud maintained his elegant composure, and his expressionless expression.

With an unflinching cold gaze, he chose to remain silent, his icy eyes looks around like an an endless night sky, a sharp contrast to the chaos around him.

His refusal to answer the question only fueled the villagers' anger and suspicion, their frustration reach it's boiling point with each passing moment.

"I see.... "

The villagers voices rose to a fever high, their cries for the retribution echoing through the night.













As the torches were thrown towards Mr. Velskud's feet, the ground ignited into a blaze. The fire spread with astonishing speed and start to consuming the darkness around it.

The once starry night was now cast in an eerie glow, after all the fire's flames dancing in the air like a fiery serpents.


The air was filled with the sounds of cries from Mr. Velskud's subordinates, their intense pain could be seen from their horror expression while their bodies struggling to escape from the unimaginable pains.

Meanwhile, Mr. Velskud remained cold as ever, his empty gaze fixed on the empty skies above him. There was a chilling indifference in his eyes, a detachment that seemed unfazed by the intense blaze that surrounded him.

His silence spoke nothing and yet, the villagers left to wonder what he was thinking in those final moments.

"H-he didn't even scream..."

As the flames continued to devour his bodies, not a single sounds or cries escaped from Mr. Velskud mouths. The villagers' disbelief eyes couldnt believe what they saw and they could only felt a deep shiver that piercing through their bodies.

"W-what kind of being is he?"

After a while.

Dawn spread its gentle light across the horizon, the nightmare finally end, leaving behind only trace of little smoke and ashes where their bodies had burn. Their beautiful forms has now reduced to a mere piles of ash on the scorched earth where a nightmare took it's places.

After a while the villagers slowly return to their homes.

Some of them could be seen walked in a dazed state, their eyes could be seen still lingering from the hellish things they just done. While some of them crying from the overwhelming guilt.

The memory of that horrific night would continue to linger like a dark cloud over their minds, a haunting reminder of the price they had to pay for their fear and anger.


Without the villagers' knowledge, the ground where Mr. Velskud standing while watching himself being burn was now trembling like a volcanoes trying to erupt. The earth seemed to ripple and crackle with an otherworldly energy, shaking violently as if awakening from its restless slumber.

As the trembling intensified, the piles of ash began to shift and morph.

The ash turn into bones, the bones turn into a skeletal figure. The skeletal figure slowly being covered by a mysterious energies while arrange themselves in a complicated formation. Then after a while, the shapes of human bodies slowly took form, and the once cold and majestic figure of Mr. Velskud emerged from the ash!

"I see.. So gratitude couldn't overcome the fear after all? " Said Mr. Velskud with his intense black miasma covering his whole bodies.

"So.. Should I kill them?
