
WORLD —evolution or death—

Civilization becomes more and more specialized as time goes by, but the risk is to be sharp as a pencil, each time the tip is sharper, but fragile, very, very fragile. Its fall, terrible, leaves a society where survival is the only way to live, at the expense of whatever and whomever. Love has no place where your food could be your victim, it is also hungry, in this world the only thing left is to adapt: Evolve or die

Daoist269830 · Sci-fi
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51 Chs


When things are bad... it was most likely 

your fault, it's another thing to admit it.

Phrase from self-improvement books

School of Education to Command.


To Whom It May Concern:


The deaths of family members are painful, at least for those who are not believers; the Anglican modular religion, taught for ninety years, was a pillar of workers in the service of the corporate, preached total support for the employer and the company from which they fed, but the real position of the people was simple: there is money even if I do not work, if I work there are better things. That led to the ruin of the system. The fights for the most important positions in the companies were escalating at a chilling speed, first the CEOs fell, then their assistants and everyone who knew the movement inside the company; the staff hired to replace them was, at best, ineffective, because the development of the leaders was in family niches, this meant that only those who really understood the company obtained positions, the rest were banished, they lived with the luxury of appearances and their children tried to get the positions that their parents could not, now that important companies were looking for people outside the main families all the banished came to obtain positions for which, let's be honest, they are not prepared.


The most important decrees were taken by a single person, who was able to manage the incoming and existing information, but now several groups of bosses had to be formed, the social class was too new, these business mercenaries had many decisions to make, but lacked the necessary experience, at least so said their employees, people used to unequivocal orders more similar to a divine mandate than to official dispositions... and the mercenaries did not appear to have that serene tranquility that the fallen ones had.


When they chose the path to take (after exhausting weeks of discussions between disparate points of view), the workers were very distressed, the jobs of millions rested on the shoulders of incompetent people, who in a hostile environment did not reconcile; so long they longed for the power and obedience that corresponded to the office.... but their eyes are doubtful, their words are weak and the directives are slow, a real CEO would make decisions in microseconds, a group of mercenaries would take days and even then they are wrong (because of the untimeliness). These interim managers have taken as many positions as they think they can to collect more money, but they have not fixed their human limitations, there are some who have six or seven positions and without the experience or the ability to occupy them, it is an administrative disaster.


Their turnover is also worrying, there are too many outcasts who want these positions, not having the mental capacity of the leaders they have been killed with frightening regularity (many times by another candidate in waiting), but they still belong to a caste with privileges, so their deaths cannot be clarified, we have not yet finished preparing any of them when a new one takes their place, always hungry, always lacking preparation.


As for the level of acceptance with the workers, this is very low, the need for power (and the appearance of it) invites them to dress with too much panache, adding that to the tendency to shout when they are questioned, when they get it right and when they get it wrong, makes them useless elements; that is why I address this letter to the centers of education, convinced of the need to educate new leaders, people who speak and say what they believe no matter if they are in error, I do not understand why out of the great ones none of these are ready to lead, they are too square, incapable of facing different things, they collapse before the most basic challenges.


Without further ado, I bid you farewell and urge the institution to send trained personnel or the company will go bankrupt.




Business Humanist Joaf Blatt

Head of Human Resources




"Our students meet the profile and their standards. I fear the days of the big heads are over. My job is to rule out any student who complies to the letter with the economics and finance manuals sent by their company, the only ones qualified as CEOs are those who refused and looked for other answers. Now we are getting all the potential candidates but with an education as linear as necessary to perform in society. We estimate that you will have people with 10% of the skills of your managers in six years.


If you want to know why not before and why the limit is 10%, simple, those who managed to excel; were independent and had ancestry from the main families, they were implanted with an artificial memory that allowed them to contain the information of each CEO that preceded them because the keys are passed from living being to living being, that is why there was only one manager per generation, for the same reason no one else is trained, the cranial plates are manufactured by your company and it is it who has the solution, the most we can achieve will be had in six years.


Good day."


Sincerely. Teacheress Meléndez


Director of the department "Education to Command".