
World's Rings

In World's Rings, there is a collection of more than 100,000 civilization worlds. Lin Tian, an ordinary person, gets the mysterious 'World's Rings', which has the ability to enter these worlds and bring out items, and everything will be different! Martial Arts Civilization, Magic Civilization, Cultivation Civilization, Crystal Map Civilization, Soul Civilization ......

Daoist9EZUSA · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 099 - Meeting the Parents!

After getting dressed and fixing his hair slightly, Lin Tian headed towards the garage and drove his newly purchased Mirage K5 right out of the villa!

Very quickly, Lin Tian arrived near the school and parked his car in Xiao Bai's garage that was guarded by a person, Lin Tian headed towards the school!

Drawing Zhou Yao's cell phone, "Hey, Yao'er, father-in-law is coming?" On the other end of the phone, Zhou Yao blushed shyly, "What father-in-law, not at all, Xiao Lin Zi, there's one thing I have to tell you, my mother, is just a concubine of my father, she has already passed away for many years, and I've always been regarded as a bargaining chip for marriage with other families, so, so ... "

"So, my father-in-law will weigh me to see if I'm qualified enough to get Yao'er's heart?!" Lin Tian said indifferently. "Little Linzi, are you angry? No matter how my father is, in short, my heart is unchanged." Zhou Yao said anxiously. "Yao'er, no, it's common for big families to do this, so there's no talk of being angry or not, hmmmm, your heart is unchanging, what kind of heart is it?!" Lin Tian hemmed and hawed and laughed. "Little Linzi, you're bad!" Zhou Yao said in a petulant rage, "You must behave better today, my dad will arrive around ten o'clock!"

"The leader has orders, how dare I disobey? I've groomed myself well before leaving the house today!" Lin Tian heatedly laughed.

At ten o'clock, in a teahouse outside Haitian University, Lin Tian and Zhou Yao's father, Zhou Hong, sat opposite each other, and for two days, they did not utter a word, quietly sipping tea, and the atmosphere was relatively dull for a while.

Zhou Yao's father Zhou Hong was a robust middle-aged man, years of practicing martial arts had made his eyes sharp and very sharp, if it was an ordinary person, being stared at by him for so long, he was only afraid that he would have already fled, but just wanting to make Lin Tian lose the battle with just his eyes, it appeared to be a little bit of a challenge!

"Uncle Zhou, Yao'er he rarely talks about you, about her family!" Lin Tian spoke indifferently, "Even if he occasionally talks about it, he reveals a godly sadness, I think, as a father, this is unqualified!" Zhou Hong raised his eyebrows and his aura surged, he had come to weigh Lin Tian's weight, but he didn't expect that he would actually be criticized by Lin Tian in turn! "Uncle Zhou, if the great Zhou Family has to rely on a girl to maintain its glory, that would be too pathetic!"

"Being born in a family, you have to have the consciousness of sacrifice, moreover, I don't think it's wrong to look for a door-to-door match, while letting a big family's thousand-year-old girl marry a poor brat is the right choice, of course, it's not about you, according to my investigation, your identity isn't simple. Being armed with uncommon martial arts, becoming a super VIP at Sotheby's auction on your trip to Hong Kong, and recently buying a villa worth tens of millions of dollars, you even gave Yao'er a pair of blue diamond earrings worth more than twenty million dollars." Zhou Hong said expressionlessly, "Because of these, I didn't stop you when you started dating, I want to see, what is behind you in the end, but the results of the investigation, even more so, I was surprised, you grew up, simply an ordinary person, that is to say, you may be the most recent, only got a great chance is it? But this makes me have a doubt, if only money, then there is indeed the possibility of overnight wealth, but your body of martial arts, and where did it come from? Martial arts cultivation, not like money, can be a short period of time skyrocketed, that is, someone else to pass the power to you, but also can not be like you as the use of the pure and familiar!" Zhou Hong said, a claw lightning-like towards the shoulder of Lin Tian grabbed over, Lin Tian did not expect Zhou Hong actually did not greet a sudden strike, but now Lin Tian, combat experience is also very rich, coupled with after arriving here, vigilance was raised, so it is also not chaotic although shocked, even people with a chair to move a foot to avoid the claw of Zhou Hong. "Uncle Zhou, with your late Earth level cultivation, dealing with me, a little guy at the early Earth level, it's too bullying, isn't it!"

Zhou Hong collected his claws and picked up his teacup, as if it wasn't him who had just struck out, "To be able to see through my cultivation, this eye power is not something a martial artist can possess, and your reaction, as well, I can see that you've been through many battles, but in my investigations, you've had very little experience of fighting with people! Lin Tian, can you tell me a little bit about why this is?!" Zhou Hong sipped his tea and said.

"Can't!" Lin Tian categorically said, jokingly, if World's Rings' secret was told to him, then he, Lin Tian, wouldn't need to mix, World's Rings' secret, nowadays even Zhou Yao didn't know, Yang Shi Yang Xue's two women, the reason why Lin Tian didn't hide it from them, that was because, they themselves also belonged to World's Rings!

Zhou Hong glared at Lin Tian, "Then at least you have to tell me a little bit about your identity, I can't let my own girl follow an unknown person!" Lin Tian pondered, just as Zhou Hong was about to explode, before he softly said, "I can tell you one of my identities!" Lin Tian said, pulling out that Dragon Group Special Gu Department's ID from his pocket and threw it over! Dragon Group Special Advisor, this identity Zhou Hong knew and knew, Lin Tian didn't care much about it, however World's Rings Master this identity, that was something that could never be said!

Zhou Hong took that document, saw that cover is slightly stunned, such a cover, he is seen quite a few times, when opened to see the dragon group special adviser a few words, eyes instantly widened some. Dragon group is China's most powerful official organization, the strength of the Zhou family so many times more powerful than the family, Dragon group special adviser, this identity is not low! Although the Zhou family also have family children into the Dragon Group, but the best one, is in the Xuan group mixed a small team leader, the Chinese Dragon Group for the heaven and earth, Xuan Huang four groups, which is the strongest group to the heavens, the earth group, the second group, the yellow group is the weakest, the Xuan group, a small team leader, and the Dragon Group Special Advisor, that is a far cry from the! Zhou Hong's face, revealed a little respect, dragon group special advisor, is already worthy of his equal treatment!

Zhou Hong returned that ID back to Lin Tian: ''No wonder you were able to move Yue Zhentian, and easily secured a good plot of land for the Three Clouds Orphanage. Lin Tian, since you can show me this identity, it means that your hidden identity is even more shocking to me than this one... Very well, in the future, I won't be in charge of you and Yao'er's affairs anymore... I hope that in the future, when the Zhou family has a hard time, you can step in and help out!"

"That's natural, Uncle Zhou, in the future, you will realize that this decision today is perhaps the best decision of your life!" Lin Tian stood up, "Uncle Zhou, if there's nothing else, please forgive me for leaving first." Zhou Hong gently nodded, "The waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past, I'm relieved that Yao'er can follow you, making the decision to sacrifice the happiness of your own girls isn't that pleasing, I'm glad that I don't have to do that anymore!"

After leaving the teahouse, Lin Tian let out a long breath, Zhou Hong had been in the upper echelon for a long time, and a martial artist's aura mixed with that of an upper echelon wasn't all that easy to block! "If I was just an ordinary person, today I'm afraid it would be a different scene!" Lin Tian muttered in his heart, for strength, more eager, only have a strong strength, self destiny, can be controlled by self!

Returning to the school grounds, Lin Tian quickly dialed Zhou Yao's phone. "Little Linzi, my father, he didn't give you a hard time, did he?!" Zhou Yao anxiously said. "How could it be? Your husband, I'm a heavenly wonder, my father-in-law can't wait to marry you to me right away!" Lin Tian hemmed and hawed and laughed.

"Nonsense, where are you, I'll be right over!"

"Autumn Water Lakeside, I'll wait for you over there where there are wooden chairs!" Lin Tian said, "Autumn Water Lakeside, that's a couple's resort ah, perfect for cuddling and kissing, this guy Lin Tian, picking there, obviously not too innocent ah, but Zhou Yao immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll come over right away!" Already being Lin Tian's girlfriend, if her father also approved of it, then it was already a done deal for her and Lin Tian to be together, so even if Lin Tian wanted to take advantage of her, she would only shyly agree to it!

Lin Tian arrived at the Autumn Water Lake, chose a wooden chair to sit down, the wooden chair is the kind of two people to sit, simply specially designed for couples to meet. Not long after, Zhou Yao came over, seeing Lin Tian, her eyes lit up as she walked over and sat down. "Little Linzi, just now father called me!"

"Oh? What does the father-in-law say?" Lin Tian wrapped his arm around Zhou Yao's small waist and looked at Zhou Yao's blushing face.

"He only said, that Lin Tian kid is good, cherish him." Zhou Yao said, "Little Linzi, did you show your father that document of yours?" Lin Tian nodded slightly, "If I don't show it to him, he'll probably have to throw me right out of the window, these bones of your husband's I can't stand up to your father's masterful hammering!"

"Not at all, the fact that my father can come means that he already holds you in higher regard, if he didn't think highly of you, he wouldn't have wasted a minute of his time coming over." Zhou Yao said. Lin Tian hehehe laughed, "Never mind all that, little girl, come on, give grandpa a kiss first!" Lin Tian said, his big mouth printed towards Zhou Yao's cherry lips, after a few teasing, he successfully protruded his tongue within Zhou Yao's small mouth sucking her fragrant zing, an empty right hand, at this moment, was also not honest, caressing Zhou Yao's full * part through the clothes!

Just when Lin Tian wanted to go further and have a more intimate contact between his right hand and the skin on Zhou Yao's chest, a voice rang out, "Good, I said that Sister Yao was in such a hurry to leave, so it's because she came here to cheat on her husband, haha!" Lin Tian let go of Zhou Yao, in his heart, he couldn't wait to throw this Nangong Wan'er who suddenly made a sound into the Autumn Water Lake!

"Nangong Wan'er, don't you know that it's impolite behavior to disturb people making out?!" Lin Tian said in a depressed manner. "The campus is a civilized place, what's it like to kiss and make out!" Nangong Wan'er grunted. Lin Tian hemmed and hawed, looked up and down Nangong Wan'er, straight to her heart hair: "I say Nangong Wan'er, you will not be envious of it, or else, there are still three bachelors in my dormitory room, you randomly pick one?"

"Go to hell!" Nangong Wan'er kicked her foot, a stone flew towards Lin Tian, Lin Tian flicked his finger and shot the stone to the side: "You want to commit murder, be careful that when the time comes, your Sister Yao will put caterpillars on your bed at night!" Nangong Wan'er laughed, "I'm the only one who puts caterpillars on other people's beds... Lin Tian, you have to be careful!"

Zhou Yao helplessly said, "Alright, you guys stop it, Wan Er, what's the matter with finding me?!"

"A foreign school came to our Hai Tai University forum to provoke us, saying that he wanted to pick over our whole school on the computer, arrogant as hell, it's been more than two hours since the war started, and many of Hai Tian University's experts were easily defeated by the other side!" Nangong Wan'er said. "How was it a sparring match? It's been more than two hours, how come I haven't heard anything at all?" Zhou Yao said.

"Hacker attack and defense, the one who breaks the other side's defense wins, Sister Yao at that time, how could you have the heart to focus on anything else!" Nangong Wan Er said, "Lin Tian, Sister Yao, I'm borrowing it, this is for the honor of Haitian University, with Sister Yao's level, taking care of the other side is probably fine!"

Zhou Yao shook her head and said, "Since the other party dares to boast, if it's not talking big, then it's really very strong, and since the other party has already defeated quite a few of our school's experts now, it means that the other party came prepared, and I might not be a match for them either."

"Yao'er, since that's the case, then you should go back to your dormitory with Nangong Wan'er and her first, I can't be a sinner of Haitian University!" Lin Tian laughed.

Zhou Yao nodded and left with Nangong Wan'er, and Lin Tian quickly returned to his own dorm room. Once he entered his dorm room, Wei Feng and Xiao Bai were both staring at the computer. "Xiao Bai, back ah, how did the blind date go?" Lin Tian hemmed and hawed and laughed. Xiao Bai turned his head and laughed bitterly, "Don't mention it, although I'm not a person who judges people by their appearance, but the way the other party looked, it gave me the urge to spit out all the rice I ate yesterday!"

"Uh, it seems like you've indeed suffered a great deal, Little White, or else you, who is as shy as gold, wouldn't have popped out such a long sentence at once!" Lin Tian said. "Lao San, congratulations, congratulations, I've only left for just a few short days and you've taken Zhou Yao down!" Xiao Bai said.

"Shit, another one lost, there are twenty people who have lost in the hands of the other side!" Wei Feng suddenly cursed loudly, "Redemption*, we have such a big academy in Haitian University, but there are no powerful experts hidden?!"

Lin Tian went over to see, a posting hung high: I heard that the Haitian University high people out, especially to come here to teach to teach, I think, the Haitian University does not have a person in the computer can be my opponent! So arrogant, the following natural back to post countless, abusive, challenging, the other side directly give the IP, however, Haitian University side of the challenge, actually one did not win, just let the other side continue to accumulate records! The other side also did absolutely, broke the Haitian University this this person's computer, directly after his identity will also be published, so that the Haitian University this side of the failure of the people in the heart secretly hate, but the technology is not as good as the people, how to help!