
World's Rings

In World's Rings, there is a collection of more than 100,000 civilization worlds. Lin Tian, an ordinary person, gets the mysterious 'World's Rings', which has the ability to enter these worlds and bring out items, and everything will be different! Martial Arts Civilization, Magic Civilization, Cultivation Civilization, Crystal Map Civilization, Soul Civilization ......

Daoist9EZUSA · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 009 - Ling Bo Wei Bu

"It seems that we 306 dormitory only I am the weakest, with the old three you block sniper rifle that hand, I'm far from being able to compare ah, my two hands triangle cat work, deal with a few small punks is not bad, touch sniper rifles, I'm this body plate, that is definitely a gun two holes!" Wei Feng said with emotion. Old Wei, I am now definitely many times weaker than you, do not sniper rifle, a punk can beat me down!" Lin Tian depressedly said, the boundary power is gone, and how to go to the world of Tianlong Bajie to give Duan Yun treatment ah, moreover, tomorrow's celebration, that is not also can not be to the scene to see it?


"Alright, let's go out first and let Lin Tian properly recuperate!" Qin Ke said. Xiao Bai took out a small porcelain bottle and poured out a soybean-sized jade-colored pill and handed it to Lin Tian, "This is the White Jade Pill, it's miraculous for treating wounds, and it has a certain amount of restoring vitality!"


Murong Xue's eyes lit up when she heard the name of the White Jade Pill, and she faintly said, "Xiao Bai you are quite willing to give it up." Obviously, that White Jade Pill was not something ordinary. Lin Tian refused, "Xiao Bai, this thing should be very precious, right? It won't take long for me to recover from this injury, I don't need to waste it!"


"Lin Tian, just take it, the greatest use of the White Jade Pill isn't to recover from wounds, take the White Jade Pill and your power will be accelerated!" Qin Ke said.


To push back any further would be not taking Xiao Bai as a brother, Lin Tian nodded, "I'll take it then!" Xiao Bai nodded slightly and put away the jade bottle and turned towards the door. In the twinkling of an eye, except for Zhou Yao, all of them went out, Lin Tian frowned, "Zhou Yao, you go out and rest as well, this is just a small injury for me! It's not in the way!"


"I'll peel an apple for you, I'll leave afterward!" Zhou Yao looked up at Lin Tian and seriously peeled an apple, the two of them were speechless for a moment, the room was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere. "Being able to have a beautiful woman peeling apples for me is also considered a blessing, but it's a pity, the current me doesn't deserve her at all!" Lin Tian closed his eyes and ruthlessly wiped out those few erotic ripples in his heart! "Here!" After a long time, Zhou Yao finally finished peeling and reached out to hand it to Lin Tian, the white jade-like white wrist was tantalizing to the extreme and almost stirred Lin Tian's heart lake again. "Thanks!" Lin Tian took it and said indifferently.


Zhou Yao got up and walked to the door, hesitated and turned around, "Lin Tian, I don't deserve that from you!" After saying that, Zhou Yao flew open the door and left. "Not worth it? Does it mean that even if I save her, it's impossible for me to be with her?" Lin Tian took a bite of the apple, only to feel that it didn't even taste good, "Forget it, what's the point of thinking about that, boosting your strength is the key, otherwise, next time, maybe you won't be so lucky!"


"Master, that White Jade Pill has certain benefits for your body, it can accelerate the healing of wounds, in addition, it can probably increase the cell vitality by five dimensions and the cell strength by five dimensions. After two days after taking it, your cellular strength will reach ninety, while cellular vigor will reach eighty-eight."


Lin Tian surveyed the small pill in his hand, "It can boost an ordinary person's body strength and cellular vigor by one tenth, it's really something very good!" Saying that, Lin Tian threw that white jade pill into his mouth, "Hmm, sweet, quite tasty!"


There was no boundary power, and Lin Tian didn't want to run to the world of Tianlong Bajie at this time to eat an apple and close his eyes to comprehend the information about the I Ching in his mind.


The dark night passed quietly and the time has turned to October 1, 2019 month! The Grand Ceremony of Nations would be held before the redemption. "They should have already arrived before the redemption!" Lying on the hospital bed, Lin Tian secretly thought, originally, Zuo Yunfei and the others were going to stay here to accompany him to watch the live broadcast, but they were hard driven out by Lin Tian.


"Little Spirit, how much boundary power is there?" Lin Tian asked in his mind.


"Master, there are already five dimensions!"


"Five Dimensions, I haven't entered the Heavenly Dragon Eight Steps World for a day and a night, which means I've been in seclusion for a day and a night, so it looks like I need to make a trip in, or else Duan Yu should be worried! It's a celebration, it's not a bad idea to watch the reruns later." Lin Tian muttered, when he was in the Tian Long Ba Bu world, Lin Tian called Duan Yu Third Brother, but outside, he could just call him by his first name.


With a thought, Lin Tian's soul body entered World's Rings and then entered the secret room of the Ling Ying Mansion in the Heavenly Dragon World. "Fortunately, although the body is injured, the soul body is completely unharmed!" Lin Tian stretched his body and found that everything was normal, and said happily.


The secret room opened, two maids guarded the outside of the secret room, when they saw Lin Tian come out, they hurriedly saluted, "Your Excellency, you've come out of the gate, His Majesty has already come to the Ling Ying Mansion a few times, and just came here, he should still be in the mansion now." One of the maids said.


"Take me to see Third Brother!" Lin Tian said indifferently.


"Yes, my lord!"


Very quickly, Lin Tian arrived in the middle of the hall. "Haha, Fourth Brother, I thought that I would make another trip for nothing this time!" Duan Yu saw Lin Tian come out and said with a big smile.


"The healing energy was too slow to return and the delay was a little more than that... Third Brother, Duan Yun should be alright, right?" Lin Tian said. Duan Yu nodded and said, "Good, very good, normally he would have an attack once a day, sometimes even twice, but today he hasn't even had an attack yet, Fourth Brother, I have to say, your kind of healing is very magical!"


Lin Tian said, "It's good if it works, Third Brother, where's Duan Yun, I'll treat him now!"


"It's already late in the evening, Yuyan should have already gone to bed with Yun'er, according to what you said, Fourth Brother, Yun'er shouldn't develop an illness in a short period of time, right? If that's the case then it would be the same to cure it tomorrow during the daytime, Fourth Brother, you should have already practiced the I Ching more or less, right? Why don't I start teaching you the steps of Ling Bo Wei Bu now!" Duan Yu said.


"Within ten days, I won't be able to get sick, so I'll cure it tomorrow, the moonlight outside is very bright, bathing in the moonlight to learn footwork is very emotional!" Lin Tian Dao, inwardly very excited, Ling Bo Wei Steps ah, this thing when he watched the eight parts of the Tian Long back then on his mind, did not think that in this life really have the opportunity to learn!


Duan Yu laughed, "You're quite the elegant man, Fourth Brother!"


The two of them traveled outward together to the courtyard. "Fourth brother, Ling Bo Wei Bu has thousands of footprints, very complicated, step to step is sometimes very strange, for my brother first walk on once, fourth brother you can watch!" Duan Yu finished, since in the courtyard walked up the footwork, he was afraid that Lin Tian could not see clearly, between the step and the step is not fast, ten or so minutes past, thousands of steps before all finished. "Fourth brother, how is it? How much have you memorized?" Duan Yu finished walking once, and said with a light and calm demeanor.


"Third Brother, I've memorized it all!" Lin Tian asked Little Spirit in his mind and said after learning that Little Spirit had memorized it all. "Memorized it all?" Duan Yu said in horror, "Fourth Brother, this is impossible, this footwork is so complicated, how can you memorize all of it in one go? Could it be that you've seen such footwork before, Fourth Brother?"


Lin Tian nodded and shook his head again, "I did make a note of it, I didn't read it before!"


"Fourth Brother, it seems like you're really a genius, Fourth Brother, there's one thing I'd like to ask you, since you're in possession of that healing energy, are you still able to learn internal martial arts?" Duan Yu said. A thought turned in Lin Tian's mind, he nodded and said, "It is possible, there have been supreme martial arts experts in our ancestors, but my descendants are incompetent, even the Kung Fu methods passed down from our ancestors have been lost!" What does it mean to lie without even blinking, just look at Lin Tian's current appearance!


"Fourth brother, since this is the case, I decided to pass on another divine skill to you, originally, if you just saved Yun'er, I would have only passed on the footwork of Ling Bo Wei Steps to you, although you can't continuously perform it before you have all the comprehension, or else there is a danger of meridian disruption, however, now that we have become brothers, third brother, I am not going to hide my secret, the North Underworld Divine Skill is what I have obtained by chance, so it will be passed on to you as well, and I will pass on the other masterpiece, the Six Veins Divine Sword, which belongs to the Duan Clan lineage. The other mastery I will have, Six Veins Divine Sword, belongs to the Duan Clan's lineage, so it's not good for Third Brother to pass it on to you, Fourth Brother, please forgive me." Duan Yu said.


Lin Tian was overjoyed in his heart, Ling Bo Wei Steps and North Underworld Divine Power were what he wanted the most, as for the Six Veins Divine Sword, it would be a big deal to go to a high tech civilization and get a laser gun to play with! What he lacked now was boundary power, the North Underworld Divine Power could absorb other people's internal power and transform it into boundary power, if he could learn the North Underworld Divine Power, he might be able to alleviate his lack of boundary power a little bit! "The North Underworld Divine Power is known all over the world, being able to learn it is already a great blessing for Lin Tian! Thank you, Third Brother!" Lin Tian thanked.


"Both brothers, why need to be polite! This is also in order to let the fourth brother you walk in the jianghu more a means of life preservation, Lingbo micro-steps although subtle, but if there is no internal support, ultimately can not be used for a long time, and as far as speed is concerned, it is also slow a lot of lightness of many, bump into the general martial arts characters can cope with, meet the masters, it is very dangerous!" Duan Yu said. Lin Tian nodded, this he also understands, the footwork again subtle, if there is no strong internal force support, that can only be regarded as a castle in the air!


"Zhuangzi 'free travel' has a cloud: 'poor hair of the north there is the sea of the underworld, the pool of heaven. There are fish in it, and it is thousands of miles wide, and there is no knowledge of its repair.' Another cloud: 'And the accumulation of water is not thick, then its negative boat is also powerless. Cover the cup of water in the colt above, then mustard for the boat; put the cup of glue, shallow water and boat is also big.'' North Underworld Divine Power to accumulate internal strength as the first key point. Internal strength is thick, the world of martial arts for my use, as if the North Underworld, large boats and small boats are not loaded, large fish and small fish are not allowed. Fourth brother, I don't know if you are familiar with the multitude of redemption paths on the human body?"


Lin Tian nodded. "Yes, you are a healer, the knowledge of these meridians is naturally known!" DuanYu said, "practicing North Underworld Divine Power requires the entire body to be free of internal force, your healing energy when it is not internal force, practicing it should be fine, I will guide you with my internal force to practice it once, fourth brother you are gifted, you should be able to memorize it once!" The two of them sat down opposite each other on the stone slab in the center of the courtyard, their palms were pressed against each other, and Duan Yu's strong internal energy rolled into Lin Tian's body.


"Fourth Brother, memorize it by heart, I'll use my inner strength to take you to walk the Ren Vein and the Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian!" Duan Yu said, "This walks the Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, 'Shaoshang', 'Yuzhi', 'Dabuchi', 'Jingquan ', 'Liejiao', 'Kong most', 'Shakuzawa', 'Man Bai', 'Tianfu', 'Zhongfu', 'Yunmen', traveling to Ren Chakra, 'Broken Base' ... 'Shimen', 'Guanyuan', 'Zhongji', 'Qu Bone ' and 'Huiyin'."


Lin Tian had not practiced martial arts, but after the enhancement of the boundary power, most of the meridians in his entire body were clear, which saved Duan Yu from having to open up the meridians for him again, Duan Yu used his internal power to take Lin Tian through the hand Taiyin Lung Meridian and Ren Meridian, and when he saw that Lin Tian nodded his head, he actually loosened his hands, letting all that internal power that had entered Lin Tian's body to just stay there. "Fourth brother, control the true qi to gather in the danzhong qihai!"


Duan Yu's words were naturally heard by Lin Tian, but it's easier said than done, he hasn't had experience in controlling true qi, and this true qi doesn't belong to him yet, trying to control it all at once, difficult ah! "Fourth brother, don't be in a hurry, slowly feel the presence of the true qi, then try to mobilize him with your consciousness!"


Lin Tian slightly nodded, quiet mind to try to use the consciousness to control is still in the will Yin exchange of true qi, he is not dare to be careless ah, will Yin exchange, that is what place ah, true qi if the riot there, the impact that is a great drop ah, although he is now only the consciousness of the body, but God knows will not be on the reality of the body will also have an impact on the body, a bad, have to, a modern version of the Oriental invincibility out, if that is the case, he will not have to practice North Meditation Divine Power, directly go to practice Sunflower Treasure Tantra. If that is the case, his North Underworld Sheng Kung Fu also do not have to practice, directly to practice the Sunflower Treasure Dictionary ...