
Coordinated Attack II

Luna stayed the night, and by morning, I made sure to detail everything for her. I wrote down all the attacked stocks and the evil story behind the attack on paper.

Afterwards, I drove her close to her house before saying goodbye and leaving her with the shopping bags.

The next thing on my agenda was Orlando. 

I drove out of Gainesville, with my bodyguard's cars following a few hundred meters behind.


A couple of hours later, I was parking next to the tall skyscraper where Johnson Trading was situated.

I hadn't given Sam any warning, but I was pretty sure he'd be there.

I made my way to the building, taking the elevator up. Stepping out, I walked across the grey carpet up to the polished wooden reception desk.

"Maya! Is Sam on the trading floor?" I asked, spotting Maya, the brunette secretary.

I'd gotten to know her better over the past few months.