
World's Revelation

The World is changing for the worst. It is nearing impossible to survive in this world. Common animals have turned into beasts, monsters from other dimensions have began to fall upon Earth, and worst of all there are no heroes strong enough to actually stop them. A group of humans, strangers to one another, have been called forth as this generation's final hope. The group of new heroes have little to no experience in battle, but the only way to survive is to learn of the hardships of battle. They learn that the World's Revelation has begun. They learn that they are the only hope humanity has left. Survival of the fittest and teamwork are the only way to survive now. Only the strongest will move on and the weak are mere meat shields. Will these humans be able to stop the Revelation?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

True Power

I landed on the ground and looked at King. He walked forward then used the sun to match my level. He stood in front of me and crossed his arms. We stared at each other and could feel each other's energetic pressure clashing with one another.

"This is it people! The Dragon finally challenges the Lion! The intense showdown starts now!" The announcer said intensely.

"This battle is a lot like chess. The most dangerous pieces are taken out first then the others crumble with it." I said then closed my eyes. "One thing that's different are how the Kings are played."

King laughed then lowered his arms. "You're very intelligent. However you being a King? I believe you to be the lucky pawn. You are so far beneath me and you think you can stand up to me..?"

I looked at King then my tail swayed. I rose my head slightly then my eyes shined. "Then let me show you where I stand. I'll put out your flames the same way I did to Cross."

"You struggled with Cross, yet you think you can stand up to me?" King scoffed. "You'll have a better chance at fighting Blake..."

I scoffed and exhaled through my nose then smoke came from my nostrils. I looked at Blake. "I'll take him down in less than three minutes.."

Blake looked at me and grunted. "King?!"

"Go ahead Blake. Fight." King ordered.

Blake grunted and looked at me. He bellowed and flew toward me at high speeds. He went for a punch, but I dodged him and struck his gut, knocking him away. Blake recovered and noticed me flying toward him. He flew away and dodged my attack then flew backwards. I chased after him then warped toward him using his Shadow.

"No more running..." I said then kicked Blake to the ground.

I surrounded myself in Demonic Ryujin Energy then gripped my wrist. Dearie boosted my power by manifesting Wrath within me. "Dragon Cannon!"

Blake looked up then groaned as he was hit with my Dragon Cannon then an explosion happened. The smoke cleared and Blake was revealed laying in the hole the explosion created.

"Blake has been eliminated!" The announcer called out.

"Am I still a pawn..? I took out your other Knight. In less than three minutes, like I said.." I said then looked at King.

The man walked forward and some people noticed and started to make commotion. Everyone began to turn their attention to what the commotion was about then they all noticed.

Daisy looked at the man and her eyes widened. She stood up and wiped her eyes then blinked. "Addis?!"

"What the hell?! Addis is here?! I didn't think he would actually show up!" Vesta yelled.

Irma rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "The Rank X Hero...Addis and his system Eve.."

I looked over and noticed Addis. I noticed he was looking directly at me. Dearie noticed as well and grunted. Addis took a bite out of his apple then he noticed Dearie.

"So you are the one who has Dearie. I thought she would have been destroyed along with Claudio. I guess I was wrong." Addis said.

I looked at Addis then looked at Dearie. I noticed that she was just staring at Addis and Eve. Dearie couldn't believe her eyes and looked at them like she had seen Yascha Himself.

Eve looked at Dearie then crossed her arms. She hovered over to Dearie. "It's been a while. Six years."

"You abandon us and all of a sudden show up during the most important moments of my Master's life?" Dearie asked.

"Your Master? I thought your only Master was Claudio. Seems like one of his main Darlings forgot who she should really be serving." Eve said.

Dearie couldn't comprehend what was going on. Her best friend was talking to her like she was a nobody. "Eve..."

Eve looked at me and scanned me. "Master was right about something...Monster Energy and it seems to be Divine. You're a vessel aren't you?"

Baphomet smirked and crossed her arms. "Don't be afraid. I want them to know us.."

I looked at Eve then smirked. "I am."

Addis rose his head and walked down the isle then leaned against the rails. "So you are a Monster? No... You're a Beast. Dragon Class..and yet you are still human. A hybrid. No wonder your potential is so high. Adding Dearie in the equation...you're unstoppable. However, I am curious about your second system."

Baphomet looked at Addis then smirked. She crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow.

Addis closed his eyes then smirked. 'You can't fool me, Baphomet. I've been known of your existence...'

"Yeah?~ Anyone can say they know me, but do you actually? Yes, I am the Goddess of all Monsters, born from the power of God and Devil Queen Lucifer, but what about me do you understand?" Baphomet said to Addis.

'I know enough to tell you that whatever you're planning will not work. I will destroy your vessel if it becomes a problem...' Addis thought to Baphomet.

Addis opened his eyes then looked at me. "Felix, correct?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"I'm changing the rules. I want to see how far you'll willing to go. All you and your team needs to do is defeat King Regulus at his full power, his Zodiac Form. If you win..." Addis started then pointed toward Dearie then trapped her inside a Silver Light Blast. "I won't destroy Dearie and you win..."

I grunted and looked at Dearie and watched her hover next to Addis. "Dearie!"

Aurelia hurried forward. "Hey! Give her back! Who do you think you are?!"

"Ugh...you remind me of an old friend. Aria was her name. You're just as loud as her. If I were you, I'd be focusing on the fight.." Addis said then looked at me.

I noticed his eyes faintly shining an iridescent color. I heard a chuckle and knew it was Cheshur.


"He's Bounded..."

"He has Wonder Energy..."


'Is he really corrupted? What does that mean?' I asked to Cheshur.

"Save Dearie or Sacrifice Dearie..?"

"Do you love Dearie..?"

"She still brims with Wonder Energy..."

"We...need her..."

I looked at Dearie and noticed her looking distressed. I turned around and looked at King. I noticed him soaking in the Sun's Energy, growing stronger than ever before.

King roared and transformed into his Zodiac Form. His hair turned into a flaming mane, golden bracelets appeared on his wrists then the gems inside shined brightly. Even his body began bulking up and he began to look even more intimidating.

"No... He's at full power..." Aurelia said, her voice trembling in fear.

"We can't win..!" Layla said and shook, intimidated by King's presence.

Charlotte looked at King then looked back at Aurelia. She looked over at King again then took a step back. "How are we supposed to defeat him..?"

"I don't think we can.." Tobin said.

I could see in Claire's eyes and Jubei's expression that they didn't know what to do. I could sense King's monstrous intentions, but it wasn't because he was a monster. He was using his Predator Instincts to intimidate me.

King summoned his sword then the eyes on the hilt shined. "You're a King correct? Then let us Duel. Only one king can stand in battle...and that King is me. KING OF BEASTS!"

{Act 20: True Power}


I walked toward King as it was all I could do to save Dearie from destruction. King watched me then chuckled darkly. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't nervous, but my best friend was on the line.

"You think you can still waltz up toward me and challenge me at my best?! You're better off surrendering because if we fight, you will be sent to Death again and this time I'll make sure you never come back!" King laughed.

I roared and my Shadow Energy surged powerfully around my body, perfectly mixing with my Ryujin Form. I entered my Ryujin Shadow Dragon Form then looked at King with unbridled determination.

"Felix!" Bea yelled out.

I roared loudly and my aura surged powerfully around my body. King grunted and covered his face from the high winds my energy produced then grunted when an invisible force struck his stomach. I appeared in front of him then kicked him away and flew after him. King recovered then clashed with me and pushed me away then pressed a ball of flames against my stomach, blowing me away. He slashed down at me, releasing a large crescent wave of flaming energy.

I blocked the cutting waves then dispersed the flames and roared. "Baphomet!"

Baphomet looked at King then grew into her original size and gracefully landed on the ground then a mask appeared over her face to hide her identity. She summoned her scythe then licked her lips.

"Master..~ Let us take down this false king!" Baphomet bellowed then propelled herself toward King.

King roared and went for a gut punch, but Baphomet blocked it with her thumb then struck King with her knee. He groaned and coughed then grunted as Baphomet knocked her upwards. I grabbed his ankle then slammed King to the ground and bellowed as I spun him around then tossed him back to the sky. I rose my hands then a geyser of powerful water erupted and bit King.

King recovered the launched a beam of solar energy down at my geyser and his solar beam broke through my attack. Baphomet pushed me out of the way then spun her scythe around and blocked the solar beam effortlessly.

Dearie watched us then looked at Eve who was too busy focusing on the fight. She tapped the Light Blast with her finger then hacked the Light Blast, causing it to shatter. Addis noticed Dearie had freed herself and grunted.

"Master!" Dearie yelled and flew toward me.

I looked back and noticed Dearie then hurried after her. Dearie noticed King behind me then slowed down time and warned me. I looked back then dodged King's attack and jumped backwards.

"Team One!" I roared and my voice echoed. "I can't win by myself so I need all of you to work with me right now!"

Layla grunted as her eyes shined. She agreed with me and got into her battle stance. Aurelia nodded then braced herself. Tobin readied his sword then his blade shined. Charlotte readied her webs and her eyes shined.

"Jubei, you face tells me you know about King's darker side in this form. I'll save you from total embarrassment. Join Team One or fall with Team Four." I said then looked back at Jubei.

Jubei looked at me then walked toward me and the crowd gasped.

"A betrayal mid way through the match?! No way!" The announcer gasped.

I smiled at Jubei then gently grabbed her arm. "Welcome to the team.."

Jubei closed her eyes and looked away. "I'm only here for my brother.."

King looked at me then growled. "So what you recruited someone from my side to yours?! You still won't defeat us and she'll just come running back where she was!"

"You forget one thing about me...right now I'm in danger and I feel threatened. I've already survived Death, I'm just waiting to explode!" I bellowed then my dark golden energy exploded then I flew toward King at high speeds.

King blocked my punch then dodged my kick. He deflected my Dragon Bursts then groaned when a Light Blast hit him from behind. He turned around and noticed a Live Decoy behind him. He looked around and noticed a large shadow forming on the ground.

"You all wanted to see a real monster...how about I just show you a real monster?!" I bellowed then shadow energy rose to the air. A Shadow Dragon began to emerge from the large shadow on the ground.

"That Shadow Dragon...it looks exactly like Pavie!" Layla called out.

I chuckled and looked at King. "You haven't even seen what I can do..."


"You haven't seen anything..."

King grunted as he heard voices in his head speaking to him. He held his head and groaned softly.

"Your winning streak ends with me!" I bellowed.

"Streak ends..."



"That's why Aurelia loves Felix..."

"SHUT UP!" King roared and his fiery energy grew more powerful.

"You can't handle his voice huh? Well I hope you can handle this.." I said then raised my hand the a shadow version of Layla's Draconic Rapier appeared in my hand. "Layla!"

I warped in front of King using my Shadow then kicked him away. I rushed forward and landed a flurry of slashes then kicked him toward Layla. Layla jumped above King then double stomped him to the ground. King groaned as he bounced off the ground into Layla's rapid palm strikes. Layla kicked King away and Charlotte's eyes shined.

Charlotte wrapped her webs around him then tapped him in the air then sent electricity through the webs to electrocute King. He groaned as he was electrocuted then grunted as he was flung to the sky.

King recovered then bellowed. "Leo Blaze Stream!"

King launched a powerful beam of energy down toward us, but Aurelia walked forward then held her hand up the a rose shield blocked the beam. Aurelia grunted as she blocked the attack to the best of her ability. Tobin looked up at King then sheathed his sword and summoned his sniper. He took aim at King then fired a laser of energy at him.

King took the laser head on and chuckled. He flew toward Tobin then hit him with a lariat. Tobin coughed a bit of blood then was send flying. Tobin crashed into a wall then fell to his knees.

"I haven't forgotten what you did to us, Tobin. Prince Charming thinks he can take away the New Age Princesses away from us Beasts? If Yuki, Little Red, Rapunzel, and Dorothy can't stop us, what makes you think you can? I can take Aurelia right now and you can't do a thing about it!" King roared with absolute pride.

Tobin stood up slowly and held his neck. He took a deep breath then exhaled. "To be this Generation's Prince Charming is more of a curse than you think, but it's a blessing because I'm a fraction of what a Messiah is. These Princesses are what keeps the Garden of Nexus alive. I won't let you harm anyone of them!"

King smirked and readied his sword. "Then come, True Hero. Show me that power!"

Tobin bellowed and his light aura surged around his body. A crown and a red cape appeared on him then he let out a powerful battle cry. He finished awakening his power and looked at King.

Aurelia looked at Tobin and held her hand to her chest. "Wonder Energy...that's the Order Force..."

"Felix! I can't beat him alone...not even in my Royal Form. Help me take King down!" Tobin called out to me.

He dashed toward King then went for a jump slash. King blocked his slash then pushed Tobin back and rushed forward. He sensed my attack then summoned a Sun Shield and blocked my attack. He roared and used his energy to push both me and Tobin back.

"Felix...That Wonder Energy..."


"Use it..."

I grunted and held my head then used my Demonic Energy to absorb some of Tobin's energy. My Demonic Energy began to glow dark shades of iridescent colors. I grunted as this energy was insanely hard to control.

"Harness it...or let it kill you..."

"Live or Die..."

King dashed toward me then landed a powerful slash on my torso. I groaned loudly as his blade easily cut through my armor. King knocked me away then pointed his sword at me, firing multiple bolts of fire at me.

I recovered then deflected the bolts of fire and landed on the ground. I grunted as I held myself, trying to control the Wonder Energy. This energy felt unnatural and uncomfortable to wield. I couldn't understand it as it was so bizarre.

"Felix! Let your Monster Side take control!" Dearie yelled.

I heard Dearie's voice then closed my eyes. I let my Monster Side take full control. I grunted then growled. My Predator Instincts ran wild then I roared and my Dragon Aura expanded. Many in the audience grew afraid and even some of my allies grew nervous.

I groaned as the Wonder Energy spiralled around my body. A symbol shined on my shoulder then Cheshur chuckled and a black cat landed next to me.

Everyone looked at me then looked at the black cat.

"That isn't me...but a version of myself. I belong to Alice and Alice only. Her name is Cheshire. Your Wonder Pet. She only appears during your moments of True Madness!" Cheshur laughed.

I moved my hair from my face then grinned like a maniac. I laughed then the Joker Symbol shined on my shoulder. "Madness... That's what this is!"

Tobin looked at me then grunted. "Chaos Force...I can't even tell what kind of energy he has anymore. It's all warped and bizarre. All of these different forces within him it's making him lose control!"

I looked at King then took on a Beast Stance and licked my lips. I looked directly at King and smirked. "Get ready...The Wild Abandon King is here!"

Cheshire began to float in the air and meowed. Her Wonder Energy began to flow around her body.