
World's Revelation

The World is changing for the worst. It is nearing impossible to survive in this world. Common animals have turned into beasts, monsters from other dimensions have began to fall upon Earth, and worst of all there are no heroes strong enough to actually stop them. A group of humans, strangers to one another, have been called forth as this generation's final hope. The group of new heroes have little to no experience in battle, but the only way to survive is to learn of the hardships of battle. They learn that the World's Revelation has begun. They learn that they are the only hope humanity has left. Survival of the fittest and teamwork are the only way to survive now. Only the strongest will move on and the weak are mere meat shields. Will these humans be able to stop the Revelation?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Teamwork! Pt. II

Layla looked at Blake and Cross then looked at me. I took a deep breath then surrounded myself in Draconic Water Energy then got into my Ryujin Stance. Cross watched me then chuckled softly. He inched closer then noticed I didn't even flinch.

"You think you're so tough now huh? Well this time I'm holding nothing back against you, Monster!" He bellowed then propelled himself toward me.

Cross went for a spinning kick, but I dodged his attack and stepped back. I began to parry his next few attacks then spread his arms out and palmed his chest with both my hands. He groaned and stumbled backwards, but I kept the pressure on him. He grunted as he dodged my attacks then caught my fist, going for a point blank Sun Boosted Infernal Blast. As he shot the blast, he noticed a wall of light protecting me.

I pulled him forward, making him slam into the wall of light which also caused him to let go of my hand. I struck him with a right hook then a spinning shoulder strike to knock him back. He caught his footing then looked up to see I was about to launch my Dragon Cannon directly at him, but Blake hit me with a sucker punch and caused me to lose my focus.

"Nice one!" Cross called out.

I looked back up then my eyes shined. I immediately struck Blake with a back hand then pivoted into a roundhouse kick, knocking him toward Layla. She palmed his back then kicked him away and roared then flew toward Blake. Blake landed on the ground and turned around to see Layla on the pursuit.

"Not on my watch!" Cross bellowed then dashed toward Layla.

I dashed toward Cross and flipped on one hand then kicked two large spheres of water energy at him. Cross looked over then grunted and dodged the spheres then groaned as a third hit him from behind. Cross stood his ground and looked around and noticed I was gone. He heard a roar and looked down then let out a pained yell as a powerful geyser of water blasted him in the air.

I used a burst of wind to fly above Cross then hit him with a powerful kick, knocking him back to the ground. I flew after him and Dearie slowed down time then I crashed into him and slammed him to the ground. Cross managed to kick me away then launched multiple orbs of fire at me, but I deflected each one and roared.

"Dragon Boost!" I bellowed then red energy surrounded my body.

"Shit..! He just grew even stronger..?! What even is he?!" Cross said in frustration.

Blake kicked Layla away then manifested his wings. "Screw this! I'm not letting him get any stronger!"

Blake flew toward me at light speeds then struck me with a knee then kicked me to the sky and flew after me. He palmed my stomach then multiple delayed strikes hit me, knocking me away. I smirked then flipped backwards and landed on the ground.

"So you aren't holding back...I guess I should step it up as well huh..?" I said then stood up straight and closed my eyes then darkness began to enter my body.

"He's using it folks! His transforming into his Shadow Dragon Form!" The announcer yelled.

"That form gave us a lot of issues, but I'm curious to know how they will fare against it." Logi said and smirked.

Serena crossed her arms and watched me closely. "You can feel it too right? His potential just increased vastly..."

"Yeah...That makes me want to grow even stronger and challenge him again!" Logi said and chuckled.

I roared as I finished transforming into my Shadow Dragon Form then I exhaled and opened my eyes. "Things aren't the same like they were last time. I don't want you to hold back one bit!"

Blake looked at me then glared. "We were right about you this entire time...I don't know how you got this far while being a monster, but we will strike you down!"

{Act 18: Teamwork! Pt. II}


I looked at Blake then walked forward. "I haven't gotten to experiment with everything I can do in this form, but I guess we can start now!"

I dashed toward Blake then turned my being into a shadow and phased through Blake then kicked him away. I flew after Blake then formed Shadow Versions of myself and sent them to attack Blake at once. Blake turned around then bellowed and used his angelic energy to destroy my Darkness Clones and flew toward me.

We clashed and were evenly matched. I chuckled and released my Shadow then shaped it in the form of a dragon standing on its hind legs. Blake looked at the shadow and began to see me as a real monster and grew afraid.

'My body...It won't move...' Blake thought to himself as he was frozen in fear.

Cross propelled himself toward me then went for an attack, but my Shadow blocked the attack for me and he grunted. "Wait what..?! His Shadow is...Physical?!"

I laughed then roared and used my darkness to knock both Blake and Cross away then fused with my Shadow, obtaining Shadow Armor then spread my wings and my tail swayed.

"What the—Is that a new variation of his Shadow Dragon Form?!" The announcer asked in shock.

"Dearie." I said.

"Felix." Dearie said.

"Let's go." I said.

Blake looked at me in disbelief and panted. He couldn't comprehend what I was now and stared at me in shock.

Layla noticed she wasn't growing any weaker as she noticed my Divine Energy was still active. "Felix! Look out!"

I looked up and noticed Jubei coming down with a sphere of wind energy toward me. I manifested a shadow tentacle and blocked Jubei's attack. "Such attacks won't work on me..."

Jubei grunted as she couldn't break through my defenses. She retreated and landed on the ground. "That defense is insane..!"

Cross watched me and a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek. "He is a monster...but what Class..? He obviously is a Dragon, but...I've never seen a dragon do this..! Blake! Let's attack together!"

Blake couldn't stop staring at me. His body still wouldn't move as he was still in disbelief.

"Jubei, I guess it's me and you!" Cross called out.

"You think I'll just let you attack my beast together? You have another thing coming!" Aurelia said as she stood beside me and reloaded her revolvers.

I looked at Aurelia then looked back at Cross and Jubei then smirked. "My Beauty..."

Aurelia smiled and her eyes shined. "My Beast...let's go!"

I roared and dashed toward Cross and Jubei then launched myself toward them. I flew past them and a rush of wind blew, causing them to get blown back as well. Dearie watched Aurelia fire multiple bullets then created multiple walls of light, making the bullets ricochet around then head straight for Jubei.

Cross noticed and pushed Jubei out the way then released flames from around his body, blocking the bullets. He bellowed and propelled himself toward me. I dodged Cross's attack then began to continuously dodge his onslaught of attacks. I let him hit me and showed off my durability and laughed in his face.

"My turn." I said then struck his stomach, staggering him. "You don't stand a chance anymore!"

I used my shadows to knock him away then flew toward him. I rushed him with a flurry of strikes then knocked him upwards and flew after him. Cross recovered in the air then fired his Infernal Blast at me from point blank range. I blocked the Infernal Blast then grunted as I was being pushed back down.

"Die!" Cross bellowed and made his Infernal Blast even stronger.

I chuckled and began to use my darkness to push back. Cross grunted as he noticed his Infernal Blast being pushed back with just my Darkness Aura alone. A massive explosion happened in the sky and the audience looked surprised.

Cross descended to the ground and noticed two Light Blasts flying toward him at high speeds. He groaned as he was hit by both of them then a barrage of Light Blasts began to fly toward him. He landed on the ground and created a flame barrier around himself to block the onslaught of Light Blasts.

Jubei appeared behind me and went for an attack, but noticed it was a Darkness Clone. I appeared behind her and chuckled coldly.

"Too slow.." I said then pointed at Jubei's back then a small orb of darkness appeared at my fingertip.

Jubei's eyes widened then she groaned as she was struck by my dark energy beam and crashed to the ground. An explosion followed behind the beam. I lowered my hand then noticed Aurelia was being attacked by the other member of Team 4.

"This is how you want to win?! By teaming up with a monster?!" The woman yelled as she slashed at Aurelia.

Aurelia dodged her slashes then used the handle of her revolver to block her next slash. "I'm getting pretty fucking tired of you all calling Felix a monster! He is not a monster!"

"You're in denial and you know it!" The woman yelled and pushed Aurelia away.

Aurelia grunted softly then jumped backwards. She reloaded her revolvers then her eyes shined. "I'm in denial huh..? If Felix was truly a monster, wouldn't he have attacked me already? Wouldn't The Beast within him not care about friend or foe?! If he was truly a monster, I would have already been dead! The only true monster on this fucking battlefield is King..."

"You're still upset that King dumped you for me? Get over it...you were never good enough for him. He only used you for his deeds while I am his perfect Lioness~" The woman said and smirked then grunted as she dodged a Light Blast then noticed it curve upwards.

I landed beside Aurelia then stood up. "You don't have to defend me, Belle..."

Aurelia looked at me and placed her hand on her hip. "But they keep calling you a monster when there's a clear difference between a Monster and a Beast."

'She didn't get mad at him for using her real name..?' The woman thought to herself.

We heard an explosion and I noticed Rein crashing through a wall then looked at King.

Rein grunted softly as he got up and noticed King walking toward him. He tried to get away, but fell onto one knee. He grunted softly and looked up at King.

"Any last words?" King asked and held his hand out at Rein then a sphere of solar energy appeared at Rein's face.

Rein looked at King then noticed a sphere of darkness in the sky. He noticed it growing in size and blocking the sun rays. Rein smirked and chuckled, closing his eyes. "Yeah..."

King watched Rein then noticed him warp toward the sphere of darkness. He looked back then noticed Rein in the air.

"Rein!" Baphomet called out and tapped his back, using her Demonic Energy to boost Rein's power even more.

"I'm taking you down thanks to Felix! Dark Arts: Jet Flash!" Rein bellowed and flew toward King with the large sphere of darkness.

King smirked and used his orb of solar energy to clash with Rein. "Such a weak attack like that means nothing to me! You are NOTHING compared to me!"

The Pride Symbol shined on King's back and he grew even stronger. He laughed then broke through Rein's Dark Arts then slammed his sphere of energy against Rein, blowing him away and an explosion happened.

Rein rolled backwards and crashed into another wall then his aura disappeared.

"Rein has been eliminated!" The announcer yelled.

"Rein no!" Layla called out and hurried over to him to check up on him.

"Athena has been eliminated!" The announcer called out.

Tobin sheathed his sword and looked down at Athena. He closed his eyes and picked Athena up then took her to a safe location.

I looked at King then my tail swayed. "Rein..."

"King has the Sin of Pride...He is much more dangerous than I anticipated. Even with your Awakened Shadow Dragon Form, you don't come close to his power level." Dearie said then crossed her arms and began to think.

"Even your system doesn't know what to do! King is called the King of Beasts for a reason! He has a perfect record, having never lost a fight in his life! You all can't win!" The woman laughed.

"I have an idea." Dearie said. "But we need to defeat Cross first to get him out the way..."

"You think you can handle her by yourself for now?"

I asked to Aurelia.

"Yeah..~ Go handle Cross, My Beast~" Aurelia said and nodded.

I nodded then hurried off toward Cross.

Aurelia closed her eyes and summoned a beautiful rose then tossed it upwards then it transformed into a rapier and she caught it. "My true weapon, the weapon the Original Belle used...the Scarlet Lotus. I hope you're ready, Claire...While I wield this weapon, your likelihood of winning...is terribly low."

Claire laughed then got into her stance. "That rose meant nothing before and it will continue to mean nothing! I'll rip every petal off your pathetic being and show you who's the truly superior one!"