
World's Most Stunning Divorcee

When Alicia Valdez's devoted husband offered divorce, there wasn't much surprise. She moved out, resumed her previous employment and began to live alone. Later, when her husband saw her on TV one day, he regretted having divorced her and became her slave, yearning for her return until he was crushed on her wedding day...

Treein · Urban
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256 Chs

Chapter 75 Alicia Shows Her Skills

After taking a day off, Alicia went back to Treasure Trove, where Marlon spent the morning showing her how to clean old pottery. She had to learn how to use special cleaning solutions and mix them in the right amounts.

Even though Alicia wasn't great at understanding emotions, she was super talented when it came to these tasks, picking them up quickly. Alicia's morning went by fast as she got lost in her work.

After lunch, Marlon wanted to take her to the antique shop next door for a visit. As his student, Alicia couldn't say no and went with him.

When they walked in, Marlon shouted, "Cooper, Cooper Monroe, come down here! I want you to meet my new student!" His voice was loud and echoed in the store.

Hearing the noise, Cooper came out from the upstairs room where he checked the value of antiques and walked down the stairs, holding the handrail.