
Ultimatums Are Usually The Worst Way To Forge Any Sort Of Relations With Anyone


May 28, 3:46 pm, Canberra, Australia

Of course, the ANU Attack made it to the news.

For some reason, most of the video caught was of Gadiel. There were some with Tarik, but not nearly as many. Probably because Vivaldi's didn't really have anyone in it during the day, and the fight at the Refectory had been...intense. Too intense for most students to stick around for, even if there was an actual, real, live dragon there.


There was one video of that fight, taken from a phone from the window. Somehow, it managed to get everything (except the part where the dragon literally exploded), much to Gadiel's displeasure. Him getting knocked out by one hit from the dragon had already become a meme before it even hit the news.

Then again, most people were talking about the kiss rather than Gadiel's untimely entrance into the fight.