
World's Creator

Yawan, a mere mortal, dies suddenly in his sleep and finds himself summoned to an otherworldly realm by an entity known only as the "Creator." The Creator reveals that Yawan is the son of one of his avatars, and bestows upon him a portion of his divine power, making Yawan a god himself. Overwhelmed and unsure of how to wield his newfound abilities, Yawan must learn to navigate this strange new world and use his power to create his own world. And maybe even use it for fun. Note: English is not my native language, nor is it my second language. Read at your own risk Inspired by Low Dimensional Game

Yawan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 4 : Human

At first, Yawan only created some of them and threw them into one small tribe so to make them easier to survive in a group

Then with time, the number of humans increased significantly, from the initial hundreds to now tens of thousands. The original small tribes split off and spread throughout the entire northern half of the continent. Well, humans are a curious and adventurous species, always seeking to explore new lands and discover new things.

The human is also unique in many ways. They have the ability to reason, to think critically, and to communicate with one another. They are capable of creating art, music, literature, and many other forms of culture. Humans are also highly social creatures, relying on each other for survival and companionship.

Life was harsh and unforgiving, but humans were able to survive and thrive through their resilience and ingenuity.

As time passed, Yawan watched as humans began to develop more complex societies. They lived in small communities and relied on hunting, gathering, and fishing for their survival. They lived in caves, huts made of animal skins, and other improvised shelters. They created tools and weapons from stone, bone, and other natural resources, using them to hunt animals and gather food. Yawan was pleased to see that they were thriving, even in the harsh and unforgiving environment of their world.

Out of impulse, he sometimes visited them in the guise of a stranger, offering help and guidance when he thought it was needed. Yawan imparted some simple knowledge to them, helping them to develop new skills and techniques that would make their lives easier. He taught them about agriculture and animal husbandry, weaving and pottery, the ways of the land, and the cycles of the seasons.

With them, a sense of wonder and curiosity inspires them to explore and discover the world around them. Through their exploration, had already made contact with other races near their homeland and knew that they were not the only intelligent beings living in the world.

Creatures with the same desires and ambitions as him, what will they bring in the future?

He will not refuse more enjoyment for himself in the future, he is looking forward to it.

For centuries, humans had believed they were the only intelligent beings in the world. They had built civilizations of their own and explored the farthest corners of their lands expanding their territories. But then, one day, everything changed.

It started with rumors and whispers of strange creatures lurking in the forests and mountains beyond their reach. The humans dismissed these stories as mere superstitions and continued with their lives.\


The five hunters trudged through the dense forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of leaves that covered the ground. Thak, the head hunter, led the group with his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of game.

Just behind Thak, Gruum spoke up, "Thak, we've been out here all day and we haven't seen any game worth hunting. What are we going to do?"

Thak looked around, surveying the trees and underbrush before replying Gruum. "We're going deeper into the unmarked lands. Keep your eyes peeled for anything that could be useful."

"I don't like this," grumbled Gruum, as he swatted at a pesky mosquito that buzzed around his face. "We've never gone this deep into the woods before."

Thak sighed, "I know, Gruum, but we have no choice. The game population has been dwindling in our usual hunting grounds. That's why we decided to venture deeper into this unmarked land. But we can't give up just yet. We need to bring something back to the village."

After making such a statement, Thak touched the rabbit tied to his waist and looked at the other hunters, birds, and pheasants. It would not be enough to fulfill the needs of the tribe.

"But the deeper we go, the more dangerous it gets. What if we run into something we can't handle?" Draax, a young man at the very back of the line tilted his head and chimed in.

Gruum nodded in agreement but then shake his head in helplessness. "We've got to find something. The village is starting to feel the pinch of the game deficit."

Huk frowned. "It's not just us. I heard other villages are struggling too. We can't be the only ones looking for games."

Drax added, "And what if we accidentally found something dangerous we've never seen before? Like some kind of exotic creature that's never been discovered? Hey, I heard something about forest spirits from my Grandfather through, it's real?"

Annoyed Gruum spoke, "What forest spirit, bah. I have never met them in all my life!"

Shrank his neck after being reprimanded, Draax muttered in a small voice only he can hear, "Well, at least we must careful of everything right?"

Thak, seeing that the conversation was going in the wrong direction shook his head, he stopped and then looked back, "There is nothing to be afraid of, we have been trained as hunters, if there is an emergency then we will retreat like we did during the training in the tribe."

Jorn, the quietest among them, spoke up, "We can't live in fear. We're hunters, it's what we do. We'll be careful, and we'll watch each other's backs."

Hearing Jorn, Thak smiled slightly, seeing the sunlight from behind the thick leaves of the forest that was now beginning to set. Nodded he says "Jorn is right. We'll keep going and be on the lookout for any game we can find. But when night falls, we'll set up camp and rest. We'll continue our search in the morning."

The hunters continued on, their eyes scanning the forest for any signs of movement. The sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the forest floor. Thak called for a halt, and they began to gather wood to make a fire and set up their tents.

As they worked, Drax excused himself to relieve himself. He moved a bit further away from the group to find some privacy.

Gruum who sees this teases him, "Hey, do you need a company? Are you not scared of forest spirits?"

"I'm not scared of anything," Drax protested.

"Really?" Gruum laughed. "You looked pretty scared when you saw that little rabbit earlier."

"It's not funny," Drax grumbled he says as he walk into the forest.

"Stupid Gruum, thinks he's better than me just because he's been hunting longer. I'm not scared, I just...I just worried, yes just worried." Drax again, grumbled as he walk further, try to search for a better spot to relieve himself.

"Hey Drax, what's taking you so long? We don't have all day, you know.", Gruum voice sounded from a distance.

Indifferent, Drax then stood under the tree and pulled down his leather pants. Grunting, Drax feels refreshed all over his body after the water falls from its source.

"Damn, so good!" Drax says, getting his pants up, then in the corner of his eye he sees the bushes move on it's own.

"Oh crap, what is that?" Startled, Drax threw his body to the ground and lay down silently.

His heart racing, he drew closer to investigate. Suddenly, he saw a deer antler protruding from the bushes.

"Could this be my lucky day?" he whispered to himself smile blooming on his young face. "I haven't caught anything for days, and this creature looks quite exotic."

He readied his bow, feeling his excitement grow with each passing second. He took a deep breath and aimed at the bush, focusing all of his attention on his target. He pulled the bowstring back and let the arrow fly.

Drax's arrow whizzed through the air and found its mark with a thud. He watched as the deer-like creature fell to the ground, lifeless. Drax approached the beast, feeling a sense of pride in his successful hunt. But as he neared the creature, something seemed off. He noticed that the deer had human-like hands and feet, and its eyes had an intelligence that normal deer lacked. Suddenly, a realization hit him: this wasn't a regular deer.

Drax's heart raced as he took in the creature's features. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The beastman's fur was a deep brown color, and its antlers looked like they could easily gore someone. The creature had a bloody hare carcass in its mouth, and as it lay motionless, its eyes still held a hint of defiance.

He fell back on his butt, feeling fear coursing through his body. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the creature.

"What in the world is that?" Drax whispered to himself. "This, don't tell me is forest spirit!?."

He let out a scream, hoping his comrades would hear him and come to his aid.

"T-Thak! GRUUM, HELP!"

Well, now he is scared, maybe just maybe if he had listened to his grandfather's words not to hunt this wouldn't have happened.