
World's Creator

Yawan, a mere mortal, dies suddenly in his sleep and finds himself summoned to an otherworldly realm by an entity known only as the "Creator." The Creator reveals that Yawan is the son of one of his avatars, and bestows upon him a portion of his divine power, making Yawan a god himself. Overwhelmed and unsure of how to wield his newfound abilities, Yawan must learn to navigate this strange new world and use his power to create his own world. And maybe even use it for fun. Note: English is not my native language, nor is it my second language. Read at your own risk Inspired by Low Dimensional Game

Yawan · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 : The Journey

Yawan and Alan embarked on a quest to learn from other tribes, seeking knowledge to benefit their own people. They visited tribes skilled in archery, herbal medicine, acquiring new abilities and rare resources.

As they journeyed from tribe to tribe, Yawan and Alan also encountered various challenges and obstacles. They faced dangerous animals, treacherous terrain, and harsh weather conditions. They also encountered hostile tribes who were suspicious of outsiders and threatened violence if Yawan and Alan did not leave their territory.

But through it all, Yawan and Alan remained committed to their quest for knowledge and understanding. They learned to communicate with people who spoke different languages and practiced different customs. They learned to adapt to unfamiliar environments and to find common ground with people who seemed, at first, to be very different from themselves.

At each tribe, Yawan and Alan continued to travel for several more weeks, encountering various landscapes and tribes along the way. They passed through vast deserts, dense forests, and rugged mountain ranges. They met people with different languages, beliefs, and traditions, but they all shared a common humanity.

Throughout their travels, they encountered diverse cultures and customs, gaining a deeper understanding of humanity.

Throughout their travels, Yawan and Alan encountered various cultures and customs. They learned to appreciate the diversity of human experience and to respect the traditions of each tribe they visited.

Even sometimes their journey is not very pleasant because some war happens, and seeing the dark nature oh the human itself also is a kind of learning. They too meet some cannibals tribe that lurk around rugged mountain areas who hunt not only animals but also humans that strayed too far away into their hunting ground.

Yawan thinks it's enough knowledge from the human side and decided to show Alan about another race's civilization.

Yawan and Alan's journey took them beyond the boundaries of human civilization, into the realms of other races. They sought to learn from the unique experiences and cultures of beastmen, wolfmen, deermen, lizardmen, and goblins.

Something that Alan is very surprised about. Because in his own mind and cognition, there is only human race. And another race except humans is just too mindblowing to him.

And his expression after he saw the very first non-human races it's just too exciting and spectacular to say.

"It's for real!?" Alan says while his mouth and eyes agape, enough to fit a whole fis…ehem, eggs inside.

"Yeah, why do you think there is only human in this world?" Yawan says like a sage, shaking his head along.

They watched from afar as they visited beastmen, wolfmen, deermen, lizardmen, and goblins.

The wolfmen's combat skills and spiritual beliefs were fascinating. They live in packs, in the forest just North of the human settlement, nearly touching their boundary.

The deermen's knowledge of herbal medicine and natural remedies was enlightening. And their constant war with much more aggressive race like their neighbor, wolfman's tribe.

The lizardmen's unique survival techniques were intriguing. The lizardmen were primitive, living in swamps and marshes, but they had a deep connection with nature.

The goblins were secretive and cunning, living in underground tunnels and caverns. The goblins were also primitive and sometimes even resort to cannibalism in the case of food shortages that unfortunately have been occurring very often.

Their journey was not without challenges. Yawan and Alan had to run when they were caught watching. Despite this, they persevered and emerged with a greater understanding of the world and its diverse peoples. Despite not interacting with them, Yawan and Alan learned valuable skills and knowledge from each race they observed.

Over time, Yawan and Alan traveled together, and Yawan also try to impart some of his modern knowledge to the young boy. He taught him about farming and animal husbandry, about medicine and healing, and about the importance of community and cooperation. Nothing much but Yawan think is enough for civilization in the Age of Stone to make it a priceless legacy, a priceless knowledge. And Alan, as a young boy soaked up this knowledge like a sponge, and he began to see Yawan as a true mentor and guide.

And so they traveled on for few more years, Yawan guiding Alan through the trials and tribulations of mortal existence. Together, they saw the best and worst of humanity, and they learned to appreciate the joys and sorrows of mortal life.

Yawan and Alan's journey had been long and arduous, but it had been worth it. As they traveled beyond the boundaries of human civilization, they encountered many different races and cultures. Yawan watched from as Alan grew and matured, soaking up the knowledge and wisdom that he imparted upon him during their journey. Alan had become a skilled warrior, a wise scholar, and a compassionate friend.

As the time came for Yawan to depart, he knew that Alan was ready to make his own way in the world. He had seen the fire in Alan's eyes, the determination in his heart, and the strength in his soul. Yawan knew that Alan had the potential to become a great leader, a wise sage, and a powerful warrior.

Yawan left Alan in a secluded area, with only a small village nearby. He knew that Alan would be safe there, and that he could continue to learn and grow on his own. Yawan had taught Alan everything he knew, from the art of combat to the secrets of nature. He had shown him the beauty of the world, the wonder of its people, and the power of its magic.

And so, Yawan departed, leaving Alan to his own devices. He knew that Alan would face many challenges and obstacles in the years to come, but he also knew that he was ready for them. Yawan had given him the tools he needed to succeed, and he had instilled in him the courage and determination to overcome any obstacle.

As Yawan walked away, he knew that another seed has been planted. But more than that, Yawan also weirdly felt a sense of pride and satisfaction.

Yawan and Alan stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a deep gaze. The sun was setting behind them, casting a warm glow over the landscape. They were both warriors, but Yawan had a more relaxed attitude, always trying to make things lighter.

Yawan spoke first, his voice light and playful. "Alan, my student, our journey together has come to an end. It is time for me to depart, and for you to make your own way in the world."

Alan nodded, his own voice filled with respect. "I understand, Yawan. You have taught me everything I need to know to become a great warrior and leader. I will never forget the lessons you have imparted upon me or the battles we have fought together."

Yawan grinned, his eyes filled with pride. "You have become a skilled warrior, Alan. You have learned the art of combat, the secrets of nature, and the wisdom of many races you found. You are ready to lead your new tribe into the future."

Alan stood tall, his chest puffed out with pride. "I will make you proud, Yawan. I will honor the legacy of our journey, and I will lead our tribe with honor and courage."

Yawan chuckled, his eyes filled with humor. "Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor, Alan. A good laugh can be just as powerful as a good sword."

Alan smiled, his own eyes filled with humor. "I won't forget, Yawan. You have taught me well, and I will always remember the lessons you have taught me."

"Hahahaha, well Alan, farewell!" Yawa says, turning his body around and walking away, waving his hand toward Alan his hearty laughter echoing with the wind.

And with that, Yawan turned and walked away, disappearing into the sunset. Alan stood there for a moment, watching him go, before turning and walking towards the village that would be his new home. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he also knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead, armed with the lessons and humor that Yawan had taught him.

Alan spent many years in that secluded area, honing his skills and expanding his knowledge. He became a master of the bow and arrow, and most importantly, he learned how to forge bronze weapons and armor, the biggest gift Yawan gave him, his farewell gift.

He also became a charismatic leader, inspiring the men under his command to follow him into battle.

But despite all of his accomplishments, Alan never forgot the reason why he started his journey in the first place: to avenge his tribe. The memory of his fallen brothers and sisters burned within him like a raging fire, driving him forward with a fierce determination.

"I will not rest until I have avenged my tribe," Alan would say to himself, his voice filled with conviction. "I will hunt them into the last of them."

It took many months of tracking and hunting, but eventually, they found the tribe that had destroyed Alan's home. Located in the same place just like that time.

"It's time," Alan says, closed his helmet preying his target.

And with a fierce battle cry, Alan led his men into battle, wielding his bronze sword with deadly precision.