
Chapter 330: No Course Ahead [Bonus chapter]

I was sitting in my room once more, my hand on my head.

Albert was fairly shaken up by everything and we all decided to go back.

As of right now, no one but I and he felt what we felt.

What did we feel?

Titania was already asleep.

Albert must have been fairly shocked, his entire world view was shattered. But I had long since accepted this as a world of its own before an 'Eroge.' In all honesty, this revelation changed little for me.

Except for a lot of our future actions.

The mystery surrounding this world and our arrival in here had deepened greatly. With the moonlight coming in through the window along with the auroras that the tower formed, my mind went back to the world from before.


A place bustling with high rises, floating cars, and gates...

Gates that opened the doors for monsters from other worlds to come in.

Well, the other world's bit was just speculation. Now that I think about it, it could just as well be realms like this one's own.