
World’s best Mercenary

James is a ruthless mercenary that gets transmigrated into the body of a kid in a futuristic world filled with magic where the strong control the weak

Glitched010 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

First kill

Waking up the next day Michael was a message on his phone.

[Abigail: Klaus will be over at 1]

"Good now to finish my first contract" Michael said standing up and putting on his cloths.

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Who's at my door this early in the morning" Michael said getting pissed off.

Walking up to the door Michael opened it.

"Hello how may I help you" Michael asked.

"Who the hell do you think you are being five months late on the rent I gave you some leeway because you aren't awakened and don't have a ..." said a short old man that had a beer belly and a scruff beard.

"So you have enough money to get an advanced prosthetic arm but can't afford to pay your rent on time" said the old man looking at Michaels new arm.

"Sorry about being late you will get your money tomorrow" Michael said already hating this guy.

"No, you will either give me the money today or give me the new arm so your debt will be forgiven" the old man said smirking.

"Look here I have somewhere to be so get the fuck out my way, and you will get your money tomorrow" Michael said activating his bloodlust.

Looking at Michael the old man to a step back out of fear. Watching him leave the man started to wonder if that was the same teenager on the brink of death that first moved into the apartment.

leaving the complex Michael put on his mask and went to Abigails house. After walking for half an hour Michael arrived at the house

(Damn I really need to get a car no, a motorcycle didn't get to buy one before) Michael thought walking up to the door.

knocking on the door Michael was Abigail open the door looking at her he could see that she was a shell of who she was before. The happiness she radiated was gone and her eyes were filled with a darkness that murders have.

(Perfect now that she is broken, I can turn her into a servant) Michael thought with a grin behind his mask.

"Come in" Abigail said moving out of the way.

Walking into the house Michael started to look around.

"Do you have someplace to stay like a family member." Michael asked.

"No, I don't why are you asking me that" Abigail said.

"Then let me ask you this are you willing to join me" Michael asked

"What do you mean join you" Abigail asked getting worried

"I'm about to kill a man here the second I do your life will not be the same, so you can join me or you can leave now to build an alibi" Michael explained.

After a few minutes of quite Abigail finally responded "I it allows me to keep bastard's like Klaus from taking advantage of people like he did to me I will join you" Abigal said with hatred in her eyes.

"Good get ready to leave your old life behind because you can never turn back now" Michael said with a smile that made Abigail feel chills even with his mask on

[Host has completed the Hidden quest]

[Unlocked Servant Category]

[Rewards: 20 stat points/ 500 SP/ Surveillance/Combat Drone]

[Prosthetic arm has been improved]

[Both drones are now connected to control screen installed in your arm]

Going to the bathroom Michael removed he gloves and sweater to see that his arm hand become slicker it now had a black color with gold highlights and a screen on the bottom of his forearm.

Suddenly a drone appeared Infront of Michael. It was a black drone that had two arm's and what looked like light sources with cameras in the middle and the center of it had a main camera that kept on moving in every direction.

Putting the drone in his inventory Michael put back on his gloves and opened his stats.

Name: Michael Argent

Age: 17

Reputation: 0 (Unknown)

Shop Points: 673

HP: 160/160

MP: Locked

Strength: 13 + 7 (+ 3 Prosthetic Arm)

Agility: 14 + 6

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 12 +7

Intelligence: 10

Stat Points: 20 (-20)

[Average Stats for an awakened are 25]

Skills: Manipulation Lv. 2/ CQC Lv. 1/Bloodlust Lv.1

(It was probably the manipulation skill that made Abigail agree so easily) Michael said Leaving the bathroom

"Is everything okay you just ran to the bathroom out of know where" Abigail asked

"Yes everything is fine" Michael said looking at Abigail.

Looking at the top of her head Michael saw something appear.

[Abigail Wilson: Servant/ Trust: 25/100]

(Looks like she still does not trust me yet) Michael thought looking at the info.

"Klaus will be here soon. All you have to do is get him to drink this pill and I will take care of the rest." Michael said pulling out two pills.

"Okay what will you do until then" Abigail asked.

"I have to set up in the guest room, if you have anything important there get it now" Michael said.

"That room is always empty so just do what you have to" Abigail said

Walking into the room Michael started to set up after buying somethings from the shop that could puncture the skin of a awakened Michael placed a tarp all over the floor and walls. when he was done it was five minutes before 1. After telling Abigail it was all set up Michael waited in the guest room for Klaus to show up

After a few minutes Michael could here muffled speech coming from the living room. About ten minutes later Michael saw the door handle start to turn. Taking his gun out Michael pointed it at the door. When he door opened Mihael was that it was just Abigail.

"Is he out" Michael asked.

"Sleeping like a baby" Abigail answered.

"Okay you can either watch or stay in the living room" Michael said.

"No, I have to watch I need to see this man suffer" Abigail said trying to hide her shaking hands.

Going to the living room Michael picked up Klaus body and sat him in the middle of the room on a chair and tired the mana chains around his body hands and legs. After tying him up Michael grabbed a crowbar and walked up to Klaus.

Swinging the bar as hard as he could Michael smacked Klaus with the crowbar straight in the jaw, because he was an awakened it did not break his jaw only bruised it.

Waking up from the pain Klaus looked around to see two figures standing Infront of him.

"What the hell is going on who are you people" Klaus asked barely awake and in pain.

Not answering him Michael lifted the crowbar and swung down on Klaus head.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on why are you doing this" Klaus said closing his eyes from the pain.

" Abigail what is going on who is this man and why am I tied up" Klaus asked in desperation.

"Have fun: Michael said handing over the crowbar to Abigail.

Walking over to the table Michael turned on the camera that he brought before going to Abigails house. Also grabbing a duffle bag Michael turned around to see Abigail hitting Klaus in the balls with the crowbar.

"Okay that's enough don't kill him yet" Michael said grabbing the crowbar.

"Do you know who I am when I get out of here, I will fucking kill you bitch!" Klaus yelled at Abigail who took a step back in fear.

"You have nothing to worry about he is tied with mana chains that can hold down a rank 3 fighter" Michael reassured Abigail.

"Hello, Mr. Klaus have you ever heard of the doctor's needle" Michael asked taking things out of his duffle bag.

"Who the hell are you" Klaus asked

"The doctor's needle is a torcher tactic a love to use. See what you do is take five-inch-long doctor needles and stab it in between the persons fingernail and finger. Then you take a defibrillator and attach it to said person and when your heart rate goes under 50 bpm them it will shock you and make you feel the pain of al the needles entering the body. But since your awakened I will attach it to a car battery to give it more of a kick" Michael explained

"What kind of sick fuck are you" Klaus asked shivering in fear.

Taking out the needles Michael stabbed them into Klaus's fingers. With each one Klaus cried the most agonizing shrike of pain. For the next hour Klaus would feel that terrible pain over and over again.

"Please stop I can give you anything you want money, women, connections please just stop" Klaus begged.

"See I can't do that I have a job to do, and I intend of doing it" Michael said taking out the needles

"But I guess we can move on to the second part." Michael said wiping the blood from his gloves.

Moving back to the bag Michael took out a medium sized sledgehammer. Lifting the hammer up Michael swung down and shattered Klaus's kneecap, lifting it up he did it again on his other kneecap. The he also broke his left foot.

"Please let me go, please you sick bastard" Klaus cried out.

Getting down on one knee Michael grabbed Klaus's hand and snapped his wrist. Grabbing the hand again Michael spoke.

"See now were going to play a little game, I'm going to break all your fingers and if you don't scream this all end's now but if you do, we continue." Michael said grabbing his pinky.

Snapping it Michael was shocked to see the Klaus held back the scream. Moving on Michael snapped all of Klaus's fingers on his right hand.

"I did it you bastard now let me go" Klaus said about to pass out from pain.

"Yes, you did very well buy we still have to do your other hand" Michael said breaking Klaus's other thumb.

"AHHHHH!" Klaus scream out not ready for Michael to continue.

"Darn and you were going so well to we all way's it's time for you to die I don't want the cops to start looking for you while we are still here." Michael said pulling out his gun.

"NO, no wait please don't do this I'm a good person please don't fucking kill me" Klaus cried out trying to break free.

"Wait don't do it" Abigail intervening.

"Thank you, Abigail thank you so much please don't let this man, kill me" Klaus said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't get confused I only said that because I'm going to be the one to kill you" Abigail said grabbing the gun from Michael.

"Wait no, no don't do this " Klaus said with tears in his eyes.

Ignoring him Abigail pointed the gun at Klaus head a pulled the trigger.

[Contract completed: +10 Stats points/+50 reputation/+100 SP/ + Basic pistol Mastery]

[Bonus Rewards for Completing first contract: + 10 stat point/+50 Reputation/+100 SP}