
Wordsmith system: Aiming to become the KING!

In the years 2030, the world has been invaded by monsters. Humanity did its best to fight back but the losses were too great, causing people to hide in fear. However, one day, new-born babies began having a type of energy called [Essence]. Every baby that was born after 2032 had [essence]. But what separated people were unique skills called [soul blessing]. Only 1 in 5 had the blessing of their soul, which gave them unique skills such as controlling the air or making steel weapons. This made people revert back to monarchism, with the monarch being the most powerful, followed by nobles, knights, and finally commoners. Our fellow protagonist obtained a wordsmith system that allowed him to imbue himself or objects with words, giving them different properties and effects. He faces many obstacles and challenges trying to achieve his final goal of becoming the powerful king, but will he be successful or die trying? Notice: The upload schedule is irregular. Listening to feedback and suggestions.

Domo_Miko · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Mysteries of the Thompson family?

Year: 2070, 1st of November 

Location: House of Thompsons

Inside the Thompsons house, an awkward atmosphere could be felt, which was most confusing as the young teenager known as Adam had received a golden egg known as [Soul blessing] granting the user a unique ability. If the blessed individual was lucky enough, they would receive a powerful and frightening blessing.

Around a wooden desk with a sofa next to it, three people can be seen having a gloomy and depressing expression.

"Mom...will brother really leave us?" A sweet but low voice echoed throughout the rooms, leaving the two other individuals to snap out of their thoughts.

"I dont...know, darling, Im still in shock." Adams mom Faith shakily replied, leaving the child in still much confusion.

"Mum...why are you sad? I got my blessing; we should be out celebrating and having fun instead of being locked up here and being all depressed. You can finally stop working so hard, the government will now provide a scholarship and pay for our expenses." Adam spoke in a calm and relaxing voice, hoping to ease the nerves of his mother.

"You don't release.... how BIG of a situation this is, do you?" A pained and dry voice replied with so much emotion and passion that you would think someone had died. And you would be right Adams dad, Burak died 10 years ago while in service. The majors couldn't find his body and assumed he was dead. This caused Adams mom to work extremely hard, hoping to get her son into a prestige school and live a peaceful life, but... that image all crumbled today.

"Mom, is this about... dad?" Unlike his sister, he could clearly remember his dad; he had wide and muscular shoulders along with a tall figure of 210 cm ( 6 feet and 9 inches) towering over many people.He had black hair in the style of a buzz cut with obsidian eyes that lured countless women.

"Honey, how about we rest today and talk about this tomorrow? I need to sort some things out."

Faith and Adam's sister Eve left the sofa while Adam was still in a trance, almost like he was in a hypnotic state. 


( ' ' = Persons thoughts)

( " " = Speech or quoting somthing) 

( [ ] official name of something or system related, will change on different situations) 

( * *  sound effects )


Adams POV:

'I need to quickly research what the hell my blessing is, I never heard of somthing like this' 

Adam got up and hurried out of the living room to his room, he first began searching what a wordsmith was. 

Result :

Wordsmith : 1. A fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally.

           2. An expert on words. 

'So something related to words and how well a person is at using those words?' 

Secondly he searched up how someone could use their [soul blessing] ,this however was hard to find as everyone had a unique blessing and if not they were most likely inherited. This left him wondering what [soul blessing] his dad had until he found a video on soultube named. "How to control and feel your [soul blessing]".The video seemed intresting enough so he started watching it.


'Fuck this guy is loud' Suddenly the guy started to act serious and looked like a proper teacher, but this was hard to image as the guy was standing in a cage surrounded by fucking lions.

"The first step is to define a [soul blessing].A blessing is said to be a gift given by God during the "Rapture Era" which was named after the Christian belief on the "End of the world" .However after people began studying [soul blessing] we realised it was somthing related to genetics, we aren't fully sure as its somthing beyond are current technology , even though we progressed in some parts we regressed in many furthermore thats how Nobles, Knights and Royalty can pass on their blessings, anyway to not bore you guys anymore ill explain how you control your [soul blessing]" 

'finally I was about to leave the video' Adam let out a sigh but than started eagerly listening full of excitement.

"The first step..." 





'It does make sense considering [essence] is energy itself but I have not even started my training so how can i even do use my blessing?' 

"Before all of you go and spam the comment sections let me explain, [essence] is a type of energy and everyone can use it ,this is common knowledge and another common knowledge is that this energy can be used to make shields enchant your self with strength or speed , make [essence] weapons and etc . BUT the key reason why the military doesnt make everyone use this is because its simply too weak , yes you can train it but it has a limit and can never surpass people with blessings. However people still get trained in how to use [essence] how to control and fight with it. The main reason for this is because for you to use your blessing you need to turn the ordinary energy and change it to fit your ability." 

'So i make my [Essence] turn into words? How the fuck does that make sense' 

"For example i can turn into a hybrid lion , and for me to do that i need to spread my [essence] across my body while imaging the main features of a lion." 


The sounds of cloths ripping could be heard from the video, Adam was in pure disbelief as he watched the average heighted man turn into a hulking figure of 270 cm(8 feet and 8 inches) with bulging muscles with thick veins traveling across his entire body , no no no that was not it the man had razer sharp claws with a lion head staring right into the camera.


A terrifying roar sent Adams eyes shaking rapidly , his entire body was cramped not being able to move .He felt like he was the prey to a predator daring not to move not even making a sound.


Adam quickly closed his laptops screen , his breathing was heavy while his mind and heart was filled with pure excitement .  

'c...can i do something like that?'

Sorry that the chapters a bit slow, i needed to give the information early on so the story makes sense.Other than that thank you for reading and if you wouldnt mind please leave a review.Goodbye , have a nice day everyone!

Domo_Mikocreators' thoughts