
Words of the heart

Fernando is a prince and his parents forced him to marry Luna, the princess of another kingdom. Luna is a very ambitious and selfish girl. She slept with her guard and when she knew that she was pregnant she wanted to abort it when Sylvain came to her room and noticed the paper on the bed, she still refused that the pregnancy was not his, but by dint of insisting she finally accepted and so that it would not be a shame for her she poisoned Sylvain and Sylvain died.

Faosi_Laguide · Fantasy
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13 Chs



***Chapter 11***


I didn't know who could visit me at such a late hour. At first I thought it was Andrea but I had an illusion. Without further delay, I headed for the gate and opening it I meet Belvida's parents. I would have said that the fate played in my favor because I thought that they saw fit to grant me the hand of their daughter but such is not the case because they seem rather worried like if something was wrong especially with the face of Belvida's mother.

Me: but what a surprise! Please come in.

Mother: Oh my God. Please my prince, save us.

Me: but come in first right?

Father: Now is not the time because the problem is serious.

Me: so much? What is it then?

The mother: my daughter had an accident.

Me: how...how??? And is it serious???

The father: yes it seems since we ourselves have not seen it yet.

Me: shit. And where is she?

The mother: at the zones hospital from what we heard.

After hearing that, I ran to get my car keys, then with a wave of my hand, I told them to get in and without even waiting for Belvida's father to close the door, I drove off like a flash without closing my gate. Along the way, I accelerated more and more that it feels like I'm being chased by something dreadful. Finally, Belvida's mother was invaded by a terror that I don't know how to describe.

Her: please my prince.

I do?

She: Rolls slowly. I don't want another accident.

Me: be quiet. Everything will be fine.

It seems that she has a minimum of confidence in me because after what I had just told her she became a little less anxious. Finally here we are at the hospital of the zones. Now we have to find Belvida. We first went to inquire at the reception and the lady at the reception told us that she is indeed there but that we would have to wait in the waiting room to listen to what the doctor will tell us after. I looked at my watch it was already striking five in the morning. In front of me I saw a couple seated. But the woman doesn't seem to be doing well and her husband tries to calm her down. He was administered a thought to his forehead and his arm. But the man was trying to stare at me. I don't know if it's because he's the son of a king or maybe he had some trouble in the past with my father.

I'm sitting at the waiting room but still no relief. Some time later, I got up and then I walked around the room without even paying attention to my surroundings or to Belvida's parents. And after a few minutes of walking in this waiting room, I went back to sit next to the couple and without doing it on purpose, I jostled the lady now sitting next to me with my elbow.

Her: but gentleman, let's see.

Me: sorry ma'am.

Her: is something wrong?

Me: yes my fiancée had an accident and I haven't seen her yet. I don't even know how she is.

Her husband: we are very sorry young man.

Me: Sorry for what?

Him: it was my wife who knocked her down.

Me: oh good!

Him: Oh sorry, it's Olivier and this is my wife, her name is Borisse.

Me: I'm Fernando.

So Olivier and his wife told me the facts and this in the smallest details. As for Belvida's parents, they stayed a little apart and I bet they didn't hear anything Borisse and her husband told me. But that still doesn't stop Olivier from staring at me.

Him: your face tells me something .

Me: oh good!

Him: yes but I don't know where I met you.

Me: I would be surprised. Maybe it's at the Zounon royal palace.

Him: no, I've never set foot there. It must be somewhere else.

I see him thinking for a moment and then he jumps on the spot.

Him: yes!!! I remember now. It was you who was running behind the taxi we were in.

Me: taxi? But what are you talking about?

Him: But wait a bit... Don't tell me it's her that my wife knocked over.

Me: In all sincerity, I don't understand anything you're saying.

He wanted to explain himself when the doctor appeared, which made us all startled and ready to listen.

Doctor: Where is patient Belvida's family?

His parents and me: We are here.

Doctor: We were able to stabilize her but she's in a coma. She was extremely lucky, I would even say that she is a miraculous. She has a few broken sides but nothing serious and also lesions on her head. Fortunately, her skull and also her spine were not affected otherwise it would be fatal not only for her but also for the children.

Me: kids? But which children?

His father: thank you lord. It was not his day.

Doctor: Exactly. It was not his day. On this I wish you a good day and also you can go home she is in good hands.

Me: Can we see it?

Doctor (hesitating): Uh...

Me, please.

Doctor: Okay! A few minutes then. Nurse take them to see the patient.

So we followed her into the bedroom and she left telling us that we only have five minutes and no more. So when we found ourselves alone with her, her mother and I let out all the tears that we had left. Belvida was lying there, inert.

Olivier: oh my God it's her.

Me: her? You owe me an explanation.

Father: please don't make any noise.

Belvida had bandages all over her body, scratches here and there. I felt guilty for what happened to him, it's my fault. I approached her and I caressed her, I whispered a few words in her ear, sweet words, words of love. Belvida is all I had left after disowning my parents and I love her with all my being. She loves me too I know. She has done so much for me, many sacrifices just to make my life easier. She went so far as to argue with her father who wanted her to marry a man he had chosen long before my father was against our union. It must be said that my family does not have a good reputation in this canton. She has always given her all in this relationship to make it work. I'm so sorry especially when she saw me with Luna on the bed in that ugly position. Come back to me please Belvida, I want to get married and live with you, form a family, our little family .

Then the nurse came.

Her: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go. The five minutes are up

Me: Okay. (To the nurse) Take care of her.

Nurse: Of course sir. Don't worry, it's our job.







Early in the morning already, I got up to get ready then I went to Belvida's to pick her up so we could go to work together but I knocked on the gate in vain and no one answered. That's not at all clear. They're not home at this time? Or are they still in bed? I still continued to knock on the gate when a young man from the neighboring house approached me.

Him: Hello sir.

Me: yes hello.

Him: Can I help you?

Me: by the way, I would like to see Belvida.

Him: Didn't you find out what happened?

Me: no what happened?

Him: Belvida had an accident yesterday.

Me: how??? And where is she?

Him: they're in the zone hospital.

Me: Thank you very much, I'll go now. I'm Gildas. And you?

Him: call me Vianney.

Me: okay thank you very much.

So I sped off like lightning for the direction that leads to the zone hospital, but on the way I almost ran over a woman who was crossing the road, but she narrowly escaped before yelling at me.

Her: but you are sick???

Me: sorry ma'am.

Here I am now at the zone hospital after about twenty minutes. Then I started to

look for Belvida when I see my cousin Borisse and her husband in the waiting room. She received a thought on the forehead and on the arm.

Borisse: but Gil what a surprise!

Me: what are you doing here? Did you have an accident?

Her: yes but at home it's fine. The problem lies with the other because she is in a coma.

Me: the other? Coma? But who are you talking about?

Her: I'm talking about the girl I knocked down.

Me: I hope it's not the one I come to see huh.

Olivier: what is the name of the one you come to see?

Me: Belvida

Them: Oh good!

I wonder why everyone looks at me like I'm the good Samaritan. I also saw in this waiting room, a woman who looks a lot like Belvida like two drops of water. But given his age, it could only be his mother. I also noticed a young man staring at me when I said I was coming to see Belvida. It could only be Prince Fernando she had told me about.

Me: can someone give me some news about Belvida please?









So we followed the fire brigade vehicle to the area hospital where we were quickly taken care of, the injured girl and me. And while one team took her to the emergency room, another took care of me. So they thought of my wounds, that is to say that of the forehead when I hit my head on the windshield of my car. But the wound that is on my arm comes from the other idiot who bit me, but I too took the trouble to inflict a hard beating on her. Now the doctor has prescribed me some pills.

Me: please doctor.

Doctor: yes ma'am?

Me: and the young girl who is transported to the emergency room, how is she?

Him: We are doing our best to resuscitate her and I can't tell you anything at the moment.

I went to sit in the waiting room pensively when Olivier came back to me.

Him: Honey, I'm sincerely sorry for everything that just happened. It's my fault. Forgive me I beg you.

Me: you know what Olivier I can't say anything here at the moment. Say your prayer. But if that girl ever dies, know that it's over between you and me.

He wanted to add more when we were interrupted by two men and a woman. I bet they're the family of the girl I ran over. And among them, there is a very handsome young man but I find him so upset because he can't stay put. Then he came to nudge the wound in my arm trying to sit down next to me.

Me: but sir take it easy let's see.

Him: sorry.

So he and I started by sympathizing and Olivier also launched into the conversation except for the couple accompanying this young man. They must be the girl's parents because the lady looks depressed. And around five-thirty the doctor allowed us to see the patient for a few minutes. She was still inert and on a drip. It's still pathetic but the doctor reassured us that everything will be fine.

Fernando: Earlier, the doctor talked about children. What children does he speak?

The old man: you must have dreamed Fernando.

Him: No, that's not true. I would like to ask him again.

The old man: no you just need a rest my prince. I'm sure it's because you haven't slept all night.

If I remember correctly, I think I too heard the doctor talking about children, but I should not get involved because I am not a member of their family. And I see that if the old man says that to him, it's probably that he's hiding something from him. Wow ! A prince? He just called him prince. That is interesting. So the two men continued their discussion until the door opened on Gildas. Indeed, Gil is my cousin, my mother's nephew. He and I were well aware that we are cousins ​​but that did not prevent us from going to sexual pleasure and all that without the knowledge of the parents. It is true that I am older than him but as we often say, cousins ​​are made for cousins. We did it a couple of times before I got married to Olivier. And after my union with Olivier, Gil and I stopped seeing each other because in any case, this relationship would not go far.

Me: but Gil what a surprise!

Him: What are you doing here? Did you have an accident?

I do.

Him: I hope it's not with the one I came to see, huh.







In my childhood I went out with Mr. Olivier who was both a friend and a colleague of my late father. So, Olivier covered me with gifts of all kinds, in short I lacked nothing but all that for my silence, that is to say that he had strictly forbidden me to speak about it to anyone, even less to my parents. . And one thing leading to another, I got pregnant with him and he made me have an abortion before disappearing from my life because he was afraid of what could degenerate. So I lived with my mother after my father's death, but she also left me sooner than expected and in her agony, she entrusted me to Thomas's mother who was her friend. I bet if I lost my fertility it was because I had an abortion. But I dare not admit it to Thomas because I'm afraid he was going to leave me for another woman. It's also for this same reason that I suggested that we adopt a child, but he doesn't want to hear about it. I was thinking about all this when a young man who was speeding, almost knocked me over with his motorcycle but I narrowly dodged him.

Me: but are you sick?

Him: Sorry.

Asshole. He didn't even stop before apologizing. So I cross the road to go to Fernando's. But what is going on here?



To be continued...