
Words of affirmation: love language

Mike is a unique man whose intention is purely to have women around. He first had a love engagement with Sheila before they parted ways. The reason was breaking up with sheila was due to his infidelity character. Sheila moves on and gets married immediately. Three months later, Mike tries to reach out to Sheila, a move that almost destabilized the marriage. Out of frustrations, Mike contacts Sasha, a lady he had met the previous day on the street. He categorically makes a request for a visit to her home, which she accepted willingly. On arrival, Mike realizes that Sasha is too different from Sheila, she can't event take part in house chores. The circumstance forced Sasha to have a sleep at Mike's place. Mike is called by a friend at midnight and he complies to attend a night party, leaving Sasha behind. At the party, Mike meets a lady who eventually got glued to him, making a hard decision to marry her. He hides the lady, Praxidis at the friends place and goes to see Sasha off only to find Sasha relaxed. Realizing that Sasha was there to stay, he avoids his friend Brian who had offered to host his lady, praxidis for a while. Life in marriage was not smooth as usual. Occasionally with challenges that he dealt with carefully so as to keep their marriage going. Sasha, the wife was so dramatic, a day could barely end without confronting the husband. Meanwhile, Brian eventually is forced to marry Praxidis,

Tall_Man_5056 · Urban
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14 Chs


Sasha had left, now Mike was left behind, his eyes already watery, he was almost crying but refrained from reassurance of his masculinity. It would really look absurd for him to cry over love issues.

Mike had to blame himself for the mess. His bad manners had messed up his relationship with the lady he had been eyeing for hours. Why couldn't he be a gentle man and act maturely? 

Mike remained sitting on the sheet spread on the ground. His eyes were now glued on the phone to confuse or to heal from the earlier happening. A lady walking away from a date? Not fair, he had not experienced such a thing in the city. 

Mike had to make a plan to leave. But he wanted to leave unnoticed. There were many people at the place and he could not wish to embarrass himself.

Mike had to leave. He looked around then made a suspicious movement. He left behind the sheet which belonged to Sasha. As he made his second step, he hit a stone and fell down. Immediately, people around laughed in unison, as if they were keenly watching his moves.

Mike maintained a still position on the ground, hiding his face from people, strategizing on the next step away from the embarrassment.

Mike escapes from the place at a supersonic speed, running as fast as his thin legs could carry him. He wanted to disappear from the eyes of the spectators. The majority of them laughed at him. He felt the world was really unfair.

As he went running like a mad man, he accidentally collided with a middle-aged lady. The collision was so intense that they all fell in an opposite direction, the lady facing serious injuries.

Mike lied, tried to stand up, had a swollen face and a tattered shirt. A group of idle people gathered around, spectating the scene. 

Mike's clothes were now disorganized, the shirt torn and dirty. The spectators ran to the conclusion that the man must be mad. That is how he was saved. The crowd could not have left him could he be speculated like a normal human being. Maybe they could have beaten him up or forced him to take the full wrath of the law.

Poor Mike had to be under the mercy of the crowd that was gaining momentum each passing second. There was a mixed reaction as the crowd's fury increased, some taking up space to stone him while others tried to contain the situation. poor Mike cried in agony, having no power to rescue himself.

Mike heard a police siren from far away. He probably knew that the security officers were in place to rescue him. He sighed in relief, knowing that soon he would have some freedom, freedom from the crowd that was craving his blood. 

The police arrived at the scene. Mike could not wait to be picked up. He struggled to stand up, walked slowly and eventually entered the police car. He felt safe in the hands of the security officers.

The lady who was the victim of the accident had to be collected and carried up to the vehicle. He was or pretended to be seriously injured.

The following day, Mike walks into the lady's ward. He finds the lady he had caused injury to siting on a bed. He greets her with total humility. The lady's heart was as pure as cotton. He gave him a chance to express himself.

"I am really sorry for what happened. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I didn't intend to do it, but all of an accident," Mike stated.

The lady looked at him and sympathy took the better part of her. "My heart set you free" the lady said as she took the already filled medical forms and disposed them in the dust bin.

Late in the evening, they were all discharged. They shook hands and each went home.

The two were taken to the city hospital, where they received medical assistance. Considering the intensity of the injury the lady had incurred, the city hospital provided medical forms which she filled out. The medical forms were to be used to find justice in legal ways, against Mike.

Legal activities were the worst thing that could happen to him. He knew very well that the offense could attract a jail term not exceeding ten years. He smelled a rat. He had to talk to the lady before the matter could escalate.

Mike walked back home. He was in a constant difficulty. He just wanted to go hame and relax. At least he had found peace again. He walked for some time, then boarded a public bus to his rented apartment.

A green bus came and he boarded. The moment he sat on the bus chair, he took his phone to browse. Before he could do anything, he opened the contact list. He searched for Sasha, a contact he had been given the previous day. He stared at the contact and smiled. He wanted to reach home and arrived home and call her. He was convinced that they would be in touch again soon.

Mike eventually arrived at his rented apartment. He opened the door and went directly to bed. He was very exhausted and had to rest. On the bed, Mike took his phone and called Sasha. He made several attempts, but Sasha could not receive the call. He had to leave a text message. This time round he was careful to sound gentle and romantic.

"Hello Sasha, I'm Mike, the man we met on the streets of the city. Hope you are well wherever you are. For me, it am not fine. My heart is restless, I can't have peace without you. If you read this message, please respond. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated", Mike wrote. Before he could send it, he reread the message again, carefully analyzing the content. He deleted the last sentence and then sent it. A delivery notification popped on his phone. He eagerly waited for the response.