
words can't express love

By GK It's a romance fictional love story based on unspeakable love. faiz and Angel both likes each other and feel for each other. Instead of acceptance they continue their relationship on the basis of friendship let's see when they accept their love feelings for each other. And... when they accept their love feelings for each other it going to be a great magic ...... let's look for the beautiful couple to end together..... ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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Confession ❤9 DIL KI BAAT PYAR HI PYAR????

Angel let faiz make her way to the room as in her life she is having most special moment.

They both are going to propose each other.

Angel know in her heart result of this moment.

she want to enjoy this moment without any fear and hesitation.she keep following fauz instruction suddenly the lights of the ro turned on and she can see the whole arrangement as per her wish and imagination. she felt overwhelmed and their are traces of tears in her eyes. Then she moved towards faiz and hug him tightly .After release from hug session she tiptoed and kiss faiz lips softly.

As she us worshipping him .

After kiss their was big Applausefrom the room. Angel see that they are faiz best friend who came here to support him.

Then faiz gesture faiz to announce his love for Angel.

Then, within an instant faiz bent down on knees and shocked everyone present their.

Faiz says beautiful phases to Angel to express his love.

He says;

I don't know how to explain love. But I love you from the instant I seen you.

" I always think about you and I want to walk rest of my rest path with you whether its hard or easy. I want to have our babies so that they can show the sincerity of our love to world. I want to run with you for your dreams. I want to provide for you. I Want to the one who dotted on you I want to spent my whole life with you. so will be my side for rest of my

life. "

Angel tears roll down from her eyes, everyone notice the girl reaction want her answer to be in faiz favor.

Everyone in the room wait to for answer.

That Angel says yes or No.