
Chapter 27 comments on the net (3) volume 3 911-920

911. Yiyin mountain man: enough! It doesn't conform to common sense. It's a patchwork theory!

Take another look at the self introduction part. It's good to get entangled with multiple women! God loves the world, but it's not this virtue in real life! Do what you should do! Give up the saint's fantasy and live a down-to-earth life is the right way! thank you!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: many women are past love. That's my melancholy youth.

I am mainly contemporary communism. Do you agree with communism?

You know a lot about "wordofgod"s. You should read it deeply.

""Yiyin mountain man: Oh! shameless people will top the world! Why are you so thick skinned!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: preach the gospel to you for free, priceless pearl.

""Yiyin mountain man: wait, depend, want this idea! Independence is the character and accomplishment that an adult should have! The experience along the way is that no one in the world can be trusted except yourself! If you want to realize your dream and become the person you want to be, you can only rely on your own efforts! Others can't help themselves!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: I agree with you, a red heart, two preparations, give you me him.

912. [apostles] Paul (143267660): 136 that was a subversive speech

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:54:27

Not really

[apostles] Paul (143267660) 15:55:05

It is said that China has no contribution to the world. At first glance, it is God and historical nihilism

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:55:45

This doesn't count. It's only anti gravity in the book of neuropolitical theory. This is just two general sentences

[apostles] Paul (143267660) 15:55:55

You don't understand the wind at all

[anonymous] caterpillar 15:56:11

Ge Yimin, the leader of Shenqu, GAISHA,,,

[apostles] Paul (143267660) 15:56:34

If you send those, you will be reported forever

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:58:58

0 contribution, 4 small faming, which may be the reason

[apostles] Paul (143267660) 15:59:15

Historical nihilism

Ge Yimin 15:54:11

My public account, real name, normal, not sealed

Paul 15:54:20

Not a public account

This refers to microblogging and other websites

It will be implemented later

You can't even turn on the trumpet again

Ge Yimin 15:54:53

It's okay. Use someone else's identity

Paul 15:55:14


Now it belongs to adding you to the sensitive database

See you, Yongfeng

It will be more serious in the future

Ge Yimin 15:56:38

No, it's okay not to rush the tower anymore. Don't punish twice for one thing.

Paul 15:56:55

Stop sending criticism

Only praise

Ge Yimin 15:57:34

Don't rush the tower, for God's net

Old wall domain name, can't stand it.

Paul 15:58:20

I mean, don't send any criticism

Delete it if you can

Ge Yimin 16:00:28

Mainly for God's net, you can't rush to the tower.

Gerpaul 16:01:39

Don't send any criticism, just praise

Ge Yimin 16:03:13


Paul Ge 16:03:31

Don't believe it. It will affect the whole family and members

Ge Yimin 16:06:17

I don't rush to the tower. It's also for God's net and Gospel platform.

Paul Ge 16:06:41

Just don't send any criticism on the Internet, so as not to continue to be blocked wantonly

913. Du: what is Ge Shen?

Just say God's word, you successfully attracted my attention!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: soge Shenwang.

""Eddie 9470: Jesus is just a grain of dust in the universe. I believe in Jesus, but Jesus must not be omnipotent.

"Geyimin: I am omnipotent:)

""Vast sea of people: gym Zhihu new number is here~

Xu Jinglei Kaila –? Strangers in heaven - in memory of San Mao

"Phineario: Zhenjiang strange people began to learn from Yang Fan's high-intensity number building.

""Deyang Lijuan: I post 160 numbers and Ge Paul (disciple) 700 numbers.

Cave 860 of cunning rabbit.

914. Ge Yimin: neuro old post, recognized by Guoan

Just don't send new ones

Jacob 18:36:36

You really don't know the new Wenger?

Ge Yimin 18:37:50

I'm not sure

Jacob 18:38:08

Now the environment is tightened in an all-round way. It is dangerous to do these things

Ge Yimin 18:38:38

It's not organized. It's okay. I'll see it again

Jacob 18:39:09

Take care of it yourself

Ge Yimin 18:39:10

OK, not yet. Wait and see

Ge Yimin 18:39:31

Cultural direction

Jacob 18:39:51

Don't criticize

Jacob 18:39:58

If necessary, we can make a harmonious version of God's net

Ge Yimin 18:40:12

On Culture

Ge Yimin 18:40:25

Shenwang, Guoan has no objection

Jacob 18:40:38

That's your little influence

Jacob 18:40:41

Expand the attack in the future

Ge Yimin 18:41:05

Turn culture

For the time being, because chongta is not strategic to me, it will wall my domain name.

915. Li Yonghong: Oh, don't be deceived by the false Saint anyway!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Weige.

""Li Yonghong: Ge is a typical cult. If Satan wants to be the same as God, he will be knocked down and locked into a bottomless pit. You ge claimed that he created God. How long can he live?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge 20331126 Yongsheng.

Smile with a smile.

You admit it, too? Purple girl?

""Du: how many people recognize purple, who will make it up to me!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge Hua recognizes your saint.

""Du: what is Ge Hua? My inner name is Huahua.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge Hua: people who recognize Ge min's God, that is, God disciples and God party members. Ge Hua - the flower of the people - the flower and fruit of Ge.

""Du: dizzy, keep that GE away from me!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: did Ge offend you?

""All: superstition stay away from me. My special energy wave needs science to confirm, study and play. What GE God Ge flower should be thrown away.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: GE's communism has something in common with you.

""Du: the common is 1.4 billion. They are all Chinese. The difference is that they have no purpose and profit.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: we are both Chinese and communists. Ge Hua has no interest.

""Li Yonghong: do you want to die with Ge Xie?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge Hua and Ge Shen 20331126 live forever as king.

""Li Yonghong: if Ge Xie doesn't repent, she will be cut off. Your beauty will soon be destroyed!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: 20331126 be king forever and manage you.

""Li Yonghong: you are Ge Xie!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: I'm Ge Hua.

916. The vast sea of people: if you can clone a female body

What kind of name would you give her?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge Hua has long been my schizophrenic personality, not a trumpet, but an independent personality.

""The vast crowd: I often see Ge Hao in the post bar before talking about it, but half of them are Ge Paul's numbers. I probably looked at it. Ge Paul's Ge Hao generally has humorous elements in ID and avatar. For example, I saw "gymgym" before. For example, I took the name of Ge God's family as ID, such as "Ge Biao, son of Ge XX" and "Saint Hu Chunfang" Ge himself usually doesn't do that, except for his used son ID "Superman xiaobiao". Another way to distinguish is to look at the speaking style. Ge himself said this in the post bar before. The tone of the second is young, but he himself is the opposite. Sometimes it can be distinguished by the holy woman XX. After all, he YY has a lot of female stars.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: my son's number needs to be brought for screen brushing. Screen brushing means that more numbers are better. There are more than 20. Besides, Huahan Huaxing gave me dozens of numbers. The female star number is also built in this way. It's not YY. If you like it, you can build the number, as well as the classmate number. Paul's number was basically bought, sealed and bought again and again, because I brushed the screen manually, and he basically sealed it with tools.

""Finalseer: take down the wheels first, take them apart from each other.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Weige.

""God of justice 0008: how to create a world government and what kind of world government is reasonable and appropriate.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: 20331126 Datong world, ge.

""Saint Xu Jinglei: that's what this chapter solves. Chapter 19

"Crazy dream life: equality, freedom, the day of realization, Datong will appear.

""Saint Xu Jinglei: Chapter 18 socialized production and the Internet revolution leave only the renewal of human thought.

"Li Yonghong: I will be in charge of the whole land in the future. Even Satan is under my control. Whether Ge Xie can live or not depends on his repentance!

I advise you to leave Ge Ye early, or you will be buried with him!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: no one recognizes you, so you have no power.

""Fan Zhi and fan: you can't fool me. I lied to you.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: you didn't lie to me. Since you weren't cheated, who did Ge lie to?

917. Li Yonghong: many people admit me

Countries all over the world recognize me. Only those who recognize me can be saved! Those who follow the wrong false purple will not be saved!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge Shen has Ge Hua. What's your fan's name? Let him post back and forth without any proof.

""Li Yonghong: my words are power, because I follow my words and the road runs automatically! This is my authority!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: authority is obedience. Who obeys you? Let him reply.

""Li Yonghong: Ge Xie is deceiving all the world by pretending to be God! Also deceiving all things in heaven and earth!

I have witnesses, but I don't seem to need to prove anything to you!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: God Ge created God, all the world, and all things in heaven and earth.

Your witness's name? Can you say it?

""Li Yonghong: My witnesses are y Lihua, w Ping and others. They are clearly written in my awakening! Many people have witnessed the whole process of my awakening, which is beyond your imagination and understanding!

If you don't repent, you will soon be cut off! There is no other God except the creator Lord God, who is the only true God of the Trinity!

All the other gods were made by the LORD God!

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: let y Lihua and W Ping post back and forth without proof.

The LORD was created by God Ge from generation to generation. Please know.

""Du: is it important? Ge is not respected.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: God GE has Ge Hua's respect.

""Li Yonghong: you will die unrepentant and perish soon. I'm happy to prove it to you. If you're unhappy, you don't have to prove it to you! But only one of my witnesses has a post bar ID, so I will ask at least one person to prove my identity!

Do you really deserve the name by sending out your photos of Ge Hua to everyone?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: isn't it a trumpet? Play post bar, you're only a trumpet.

Ge Hua is here, @ Jinglei, Shu Qi and Yifei have been in the headquarters bar, two small bar owners

@Yaleileipapa conspiracy theory bar master

918. Ge Yage: why can't "wordofgod"s be paid?

Ge Yimin 20:10:26, September 18, 2021

Faith books and Bibles are free

Ge Yage 20:10:32, September 18, 2021

No paid content?

Ge Yimin 20:10:51, September 18, 2021


Ge Yage 20:11:54, September 18, 2021

Paid content should be added

Ge Yimin 20:12:19, September 18, 2021

No, it's against evangelism

"Everything is everything ♂: I just heard about this liar on the Internet. Now it doesn't surf the Internet. May it be sentenced? Does his mother add popularity to it? Then say goodbye to your family.

""Xu Jinglei Kaila: I heard that you also need evidence? God net and God community are updated by you?

"Everything is everything ♂: Silly boy, don't argue. If you help the devil again, you will die in 14 days! This order cannot be changed!

""Xu Jinglei Kaila: you have no authority. Ge Hua 20331126 eternal life, and take you and your family.

919. [apostle] Ge Yage: Ge Yimin put forward the theological wegame in September 18

Does it mean that GE Yimin has the ability to predict?

[anonymous] Monkey King 16:08:19

Ge Shenwei

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:10:05

"wordofgod" 10 47. Only when everyone is equal can there be harmony, and there is no harmony in hierarchical society.

Your fucking villa BMW big fish big meat beautiful woman

My fucking shack, bike, green vegetables, rob, yellow faced woman

Why should I be harmonious with you? Let you enjoy it for a lifetime? I've suffered all my life?

I won't be harmonious with you, but I want to change your life, live in your villa, drive your BMW, eat your fish and meat, and sleep with your beautiful woman:)

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:10:12

It's been mentioned for more than ten years

[apostles] gojak (143267660) 16:10:32

However, in September of 18, the god religion criticized the friends who did not believe in Ge God.

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:11:11

Now the seal of Gersh's house and the life of his son

[apostles] gojak (143267660) 16:11:29


[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:12:16

They have money to squander, and the bankrupt people pay the bill

[apostles] gojak (143267660) 16:13:04

It's better to criticize solo 13 and Zhang Yunjie

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:13:48

Xu Jiayin's youngest son lives in a hotel. The hotel is equipped with a female massage technician

[group leader] Ge Yimin (50914333) 16:14:33

Two poor people, their own people

[administrator] plastic (282117420) 16:19:13

Common prosperity is in line with the "wordofgod".

[apostles] Biao (143267660) 16:19:42

long live chairman ge!

[administrator] plastic (282117420) 16:19:59

"wordofgod"s are more thorough and evenly distributed.

920, God of justice 0008: if you can create a world government

Then you're really the saint who saved the world.

What is a reasonable and appropriate world government? Einstein didn't understand it for more than 40 years. I'm sure you don't understand it.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: solved, Chapter 19, 20331126

Now the conditions are ripe - Chapter 18 socialized production and the Internet revolution

""God of justice 0008: the earth may form a powerful alliance - how to realize and create this powerful alliance.

What do you take to unify human will?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: "wordofgod"s.

"wordofgod"s renew the human mind.