

interesting facts

Srijana_Sah · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


- ''Rhythm'' and ''syzygy'' are the longest words without vowels.

- The highest scoring word in the game Scrabble is ''quartzy.''

- Absquatulate means to flee or abscond.

- "Boondoggle" means an unnecessary activity or wasteful expenditure.

-''Bugaboo'' means something that causes baseless fear or worry; also a false belief used to intimidate.

- Yreka bakery (Yreka, California) is a palindrome (spells the same backward and forward).

- Sentences that can be read the same backwards too:

- Madam in Eden, I'm Adam.

- As I pee, sir, I see Pisa!

- Dennis and Edna sinned.

- Gateman sees name, garageman sees name tag

- Reviled did I live, said I ,as evil I did deliver.
