Ruoruo had been busy - she had immediately grabbed the first servant that walked past her after they left the corridor.
"What do you want? I'm not trading toilet duty with you." Her colleague said warningly.
"No no, it's not about that. I'm just here to warn you about Li Xue Ning's mother. She's a real piece of work!"
"Why? What did she do?"
"She made Lady Yu cry!"
"No way. You're lying right?" The other maid shook her head judgmentally. "Ruoruo, are you trying to get me in trouble so you can get a promotion? I'm not stupid!"
"Would I lie about Lady Yu?" Ruoruo protested, indignant at the very thought. "Fine, be that way, go and approach her. Hope she doesn't hit you in the face like what she did to those men. If she makes you cry so hard until your face swells up like a pufferfish, don't say I didn't warn you!"
Ruoruo then flounced away, determined to find someone else that was more willing to listen to her.