
Woods of Eternity

A 17 years old boy wakes up in the middle of the woods, however he has no recollection about his identity and why he is there. Find out the mysterious secret about the boy and what keeps him inside the woods.

Honoka_Sawada · Horror
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21 Chs

Flash of Memories

"We're finally here," The girl exclaims as she hurriedly loosens her seatbelt and steps out of the car.

"Okay, wait up," The boy follows her steps to the front door.

She reaches her pocket and inserts the key door, she slowly rotates it and pushes the door handle. She tells the boy to put their bags wherever he wants.

"Let's go," She seizes the boy's hand and drags him to the back garden of her house.

The boy frantically follows her. His eyes catch the sight of 3 cemeteries decorated with one rock in each of the cemeteries. The girl squats beside one of the cemeteries.

"Hi, Dad! I'm home," She smiles tenderly as she looks to the ground.

"Dad, he's my boyfriend. You don't have to worry now. We're protecting each other."

"Right…Hello, Sir… How do you do? This is the first time I meet you, I feel kind of nervous," The boy slowly bends down and squats beside the girl.

"I will do my best to protect your daughter," He speaks in a soothing tone.

"A lot of things have happened. I have so many questions for you and I have so many stories to tell you but you're no longer here," The girl pauses for a moment.

"We were so happy together," A tear flows down her cheek unconditionally.

The boy strokes her back gently to calm her down.

He waits patiently as the girl continues to talk to her mom and little brother alternately. After several minutes, the girl stands up and invites him to go back to her house. The boy sits on the sofa in the living room. His eyes capture the girl's family picture that hangs on the wall. He intensely stares at the man in the picture. His eyes are getting wide.

"Is that your father…?" He murmurs in a low voice.

The girl rolls her eyes and says " Of course, this is my house. Isn't that obvious?"

"It's not that…"

The boy's ear rings strongly. His head feels like it is being split open. His vision becomes blurry, and his breath is uncontrollable. He couldn't breathe properly. Sweats start running down all over his body. His legs become weak. His heart beating crazily. Blood pumps through his veins rapidly. The boy falls over to the floor. The girl quickly holds him in her arm.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No..nothi.." The boy couldn't finish his sentence.

"Aaaaahh…my head " He screams while holding the pain his body received.

"What is going on? breathe slowly," The girl pats his back.

A flash of memories runs through his head. The girl's father is someone he knows. The boy remembers a dream about his family. His brother. It was not his family. All this time, all that happy memories weren't his. It was his illusion of hoping to have a family. He doesn't have a family. He was an orphan. An orphan who was once a lab rat. The mad scientists put all kinds of injections into his body. The girl's father also injected a liquid into his body. The unknown liquid was injected into him when he was asleep.

"Nooo! No! No" He shouts as his eyes glance to the ceilings, his body is still in pain.

"Calm down…" The girl hugs him tightly.

"No…" The boy weeps his eyes. The next thing, his blood starts to boil.

"Get off me!" He shoves the girl harshly causing her to bump onto her sofa.

"It hurts! Tell me what's going on, why are you suddenly like this?!" The girl shouts angrily.

"My memories…They are back," His lips tremble.

"What does it have to do with you shoving me?!" She could not accept the boy's answer.

"Your father!" He yells, stops for seconds, and continues "Your father did bad things to me!" He speaks as he fights back his tears.

"My father? But he is a good person! He could never do that to you… he—" The girl suddenly remembers that his father never wants to talk about his job.

"He…" The girl looks extremely upset and confused.

"I don't know anything about his job…but he can't be bad right?" The girl smirks denying believing that his father could be bad.

"How am I suppose to know?!" The boy squeezes his eyes shut. He is extremely in pain mentally and physically.

"I just know that I can't be here with you." Words uttered from his mouth.

"What did you say?" The girl's voice trembles.

"I can never be with you. Don't you think it's messed up to date someone whose father abused you?"

The boy picks up his bag, pushes the door handle, and walks away leaving the girl behind with her throbbing heart.

To Be Continue