
Wood Sword

a boy with no memories, woke up inside a shabby hut in the middle of an unknown forest. What unknown awaits him inside the forest? And what is the secret behind his memory loss?

Nezit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Evolution and danger

"Squawk! Squawk!"

The little boy woke up to a light sound inside his hut, and was surprised to find a huge mouse the size of his body had eaten all the fruits he had collected yesterday, at the same moment the mouse noticed that the little boy had woken up and immediately ran away.

The little boy rushed after him, was it desire or instinct? The little boy didn't know why he was chasing him, but something inside him told him that he had to go after him, thanks to the little boy's training in the arts of the mysterious inscription, his physique was greatly strengthened.

He was able to match the mouse's speed. The mouse kept dodging left and right, hoping to get away from the little boy. After several maneuvers, the mouse slowed down, and the little boy immediately jumped up and grabbed it, but without hesitation, the little boy grabbed the mouse's head, crushing it with his bare hands and scattering blood everywhere.

The mouse tried to resist and wriggle out of the little boy's hands, but without hesitation, the little boy grabbed the mouse's head and crushed it with his bare hands, spreading blood everywhere.

The reason the little boy crushed the mouse's head was because he had seen a drawing in a shabby instruction book that showed that the weakest point of all animals is the head.

Fortunately for the little boy, the animal he drew was similar to a mouse, so he remembered it immediately. Not knowing about animals, he had only seen huge monsters fighting.

The little boy then dragged the mouse's corpse home, dumped it at the door and went inside to find out what to do with the corpse from the shabby instruction book and after browsing through most of the drawings.

The drawings he saw explained what to do with a corpse, such as cutting it up, extracting the materials inside, such as bones, etc.

After he finished going through the drawings, he picked up the corpse and started tearing it apart with his bare hands, starting with the skin, flesh, and bones...

After he divided everything, he started with the first thing he learned, which was to use the skin as clothing, so he washed the skin and covered his body with it, after that he stored the meat inside the papers he used to store the fruits earlier, then he went to the bones, he brought a thick stone and started carving the mouse bones into knives after he saw one of them on the instruction book.

The little boy didn't realize that his talent for evolution and adaptation was insane. It's impossible for a six-year-old to do what he did.

After he was done with the mouse, he headed towards the mysterious rock, he was so excited, he had learned these arts that had improved his physique so much that the little boy thought he could now smash the rock.

He stood in front of it ready, charging his body to the limit, charging full force to punch the rock as best he could.

"Kak! Kak!"

The rock didn't budge, and neither did the boy after punching it, but it was silent for a moment until the little boy screamed at the top of his lungs, rolling all over the place, he was in insane pain from punching the rock, he could hear his bones breaking from the seemingly unbreakable hardness of the rock.

The rock, stained with the little boy's blood, shook violently and one of the inscriptions on the rock glowed, shooting towards the little boy's forehead and slamming into him

This time the little boy didn't lose consciousness, unlike when he first got the inscription, which was the worst thing that could have happened to him.

He began to receive information inside his mind, while his body was being destroyed and remodeled, his bones were being broken and rebuilt, and the strange energy in his body was burning like crazy.

The little boy was barely holding on to consciousness, after several minutes of constant suffering the horrible pain ended, but unlike last time he didn't lose consciousness, he was holding on to it to the last hair.

He remained seated on the floor for a while, exploring the changes that had taken place in his body and the information he had gained from the new inscription.

As he explored the new changes, he realized that his body structure had changed completely, and if he compared his new body structure to his previous one, it would be like comparing a child to an adult, as his previous structure was only a prelude to his new one.

He also became able to sense the strange energy flowing throughout his body, it was like an erupting volcano that could erupt at any moment, releasing waterfalls of flames that destroy everything and strong winds that sweep away everything in its range.

He then began to explore the information in the new inscription, it was another part of the art he had received earlier.

The previous art focused on compressing the power once and releasing it uncontrollably, while the new art focuses on preserving the power and not consuming it completely.

Unlike the previous art, this one requires extreme mastery of the user's body and total harmony between body and mind, something impossible for a young boy to master in a single day.

He then spent the rest of the day practicing the new art, gathering and storing food, and learning from the instruction book.

As the sun rose, a new day began, but unlike the peaceful days, this time he woke up to the sound of his hut shaking and without warning his hut door shattered as a giant crimson wolf broke into his hut.


The scarlet wolf jumps at the little boy, but as the boy grows, he dodges the scarlet wolf's attack and immediately runs out of his hut.

To his surprise, five other wolves are waiting for him outside, and all the wolves pounce on him, trapping him.

Despite the young boy's strength, he has little to no experience in actual combat.

The wolves begin to attack him with their claws, one by one, and the young boy has no choice but to defend.

With his body full of wounds, the young boy has only one chance to survive this battle.

When one of the wolves jumped directly at him, he knew this was his chance and immediately pulled out the bone knife he had made and immediately stabbed the wolf in the head, tearing it apart.

At the same moment, all the scarlet wolves became frightened and retreated for a moment. This was a great opportunity for the little boy, and he immediately pounced on one of the wolves, stabbing it in the eye.

All the scarlet wolves were confused and fled away with a wolf with an eye injury. The little boy fell to the ground, barely able to catch his breath, covered in wounds, but fortunately they were only superficial.

When he was reading the shabby instruction book earlier, he saw in the book that there was a herb that could heal superficial wounds and luckily he had seen it before when exploring his surroundings, so he used it to heal his wounds.

After catching his breath and getting his bearings, he realized that the reason the wolves were coming towards him was the smell of the blood he had left on the ground the last time he killed the mouse.

After cleaning up all the blood on the ground, he took the corpse of the scarlet wolf and extracted all the materials as he had done with the mouse's corpse.

And he saw something shocking.