
Chapter 15: Declarations & Water Guns

Hello, wonderful lovely readers! Don't have much to say... (Yes, I know that you are shocked).

I decided to start posting pictures that atleast are Dramione related, hence the picture on the right. IT MOVES!!!! Isn't that just amazing?

Thats all for right now, but there are some questions at the end, so don't forget to read them.



It's the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they're gonna shut the game down. I gotta have as much fun and go around the board as many times as I can before it's my turn to leave.

- Tupac Shakur

Three days passed by in a blur. In no time at all, it was Monday and all three were back with fresh tans.

"Are you sure you guys will be okay?" asked Hermione with worry clouding her chocolate eyes as she stood by the door debating whether or not to go to work leaving Draco and Teddy alone.

"We’ll be fine, Aunt Mione," Teddy replied. "Don’t worry."

Hermione looked questioningly at Draco.

"Hermione, go. Otherwise you will be late for work," replied Draco.

"Are you sure? I could just call in sick."


Hermione bent down to Teddy’s height. "Be good, okay?" She hugged him then stood up to face Draco.

"Same applies to you. Don’t do anything stupid."

"Do I ever do anything stupid?"

"I don’t think you want me to answer that," Hermione replied walking towards the door, causing Teddy to start laughing and Draco to glare at him..

"What? I don’t get a hug?" Draco called out.

"Return Teddy in one piece this afternoon and we’ll see about that," replied Hermione as she walked out.

"What are we doing today?" asked Teddy as soon as Hermione was out the door.

"Not sure. How about we start off at Florence’s Ice Cream Parlor and see where we go from there?"

"Okay! Can we go right now?" asked Teddy with a gleam in his eyes.



After a few hours of wandering around Diagon Alley, admiring the new brooms and quidditch materials, and eating nearly every flavor of ice cream available, Teddy and Draco were ready to go home. Just as they were about to leave, Draco remembered something.

"We have one more stop to make before going home," he told Teddy.

"Where are we going?"

"Hannah Abbott’s Flower Shop."

"Why are we going there?"

"To get flowers."

"Who are we getting flowers for?"

"You ask a lot of questions don’t you?"

"You don’t answer very many, do you?"

"See, you even turned that one into a question."

"You didn’t give me an answer."

"You are one persistent midget," Draco replied.

"I am NOT a midget! And answer my question freakishly tall person!

 "We are going to get Aunt Mione flowers and you can get some for Victorie. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes!" Teddy replied enthusiastically.

After the flowers were purchased and paid for, and they were about to head out, Teddy abruptly spoke up.

"One day, when I grow up, I’m going to marry Victorie. When are you going to marry Aunt Mione?"

Draco, who was about to comment on Teddy’s first comment, was absolutely shocked to silence. Luckily for him, he didn’t need to response because Teddy was still talking away.

"Because Victorie wants to be the flower girl. And she told m—,"

But everything Teddy said was lost on Draco who was still stunned by Teddy’s question.


When Hermione walked into her apartment after work, she immediately walked out, convinced that she had entered the wrong apartment. After going outside and checking that it was the right apartment, she walked back in.

"WHY IS MY APARTMENT WET?" she screamed. "Dr–"

Just as she was about to continue, a ball of water flew thought the air and smacked her straight on the face.


Slowly, two soaked figures rose from behind the sofa with guilty looks on their faces and water guns in their hands.

"I didn’t do it. He did it," both declared at the same time, pointing at the other.

Even though Hermione was throughly irritated, she had to repress a smile that threatened to show. "I don’t care whose fault it is. You should’ve known better. Both of you are grounded."

"But—," began Draco.

"I don’t want to hear any excuses."

"But Draco got you flowers!" exclaimed Teddy.

"Thank you for getting flowers. But you still have to clean this mess up, so hand over the guns."

The second Hermione got the guns, she immediately dropped her purse and simultaneously fired at her defenseless opponents, who were drenched in mere seconds.

"That’s not fair," Teddy whined.

"Oh, no you don’t," Draco exclaimed as he saw Hermione about to aim again. He quickly muttered "Geminio," replicating two waterguns, handed one to Teddy before launching an attack on Hermione who was trying to duck from the blasting water while shooting at the opponents.

Soon water was sprouting from right and left and the whole apartment was waterlogged, yet the game ceased to end. When the game finally did end, everyone was exhausted. After they cleaned up and were all dry and nice (The perks of being magical), Draco rose to leave.

"Bye," he called out as Teddy flew at him to hug him goodbye. "And Hermione, don’t forget, we are going to meet my parents tomorrow," he called out before disapparating.

Immediately all the joviality was taken out of the air as a new anticipation formed in Hermione’s mind and wiped the grin right off of her face.


Hope you guys like that!

1) Are the filler chapters annoying you guys?

2) Do you like the new cover, or do you prefer the older one?