
Chapter 12: The Wedding (Part 1)

Not much to say....except THANK YOU. In exactly nine week, I have gotten 3000+ reads. When I started writing this, I was hoping for 100 reads when I finished. This morning, when I saw that I had 3000+ reads, the part of me that died when Hedwig died came back alive. (This may not seem like a lot but when I read HP and the Deathly Hallows for the first time and Hedwig died, I got a fever and skipped school because it affected me that much). So THANK YOU.



An invitation to a wedding invokes more trouble than a summons to a police court.

--William Feather

The next two days flew by in a blur. Draco was at Harry’s bachelor party and Hermione was busy alternating between working at the Ministry and taking care of last minute details for Ginny’s wedding. And in no time at all, the big day was here.

            “Hi, Mrs. Weasley,” Hermione called out as she walked into the Burrow.

            “Hello dear,” Mrs. Weasley said as she enveloped Hermione in a bone crushing hug. “How are you? You look hungry. Would you like something to eat?”

            “No thank you. How is everything going so far?” Hermione asked, smiling at Mrs. Weasley’s attempt to make her eat more. “Something’s never change,” she thought.

            “The tent is up and mostly everything is ready. It’s so hard to believe that my little girl is getting married. It seems like it was only the other day when we were dropping her off at Kings Cross for the first time.” Mrs. Weasley sighed, lost in memories. “Oh, sorry dear. I lost my train of thought. Ginny is upstairs with Fleur, Gabrielle, and Luna.”

            “Will you be helping Ginny get ready?” Hermione asked unsure of Wizarding traditions.

“I’ll come in later to do the hair—,” she was interrupted by a loud crash outside. “You go on ahead, dear. I’m going to check on that. Arthur!” she called out as she marched outside.

Hermione smiled as she looked around her. “I really missed this place,” she thought before she walked up the stairs to Ginny’s former room.

“Finally! You are here!” exclaimed Ginny from her window where she was watching the boys set up the tent.

“Where are Luna, Fleur, and Gabrielle?” Hermione asked as she set her bags down.

“We’re here!” Luna called out as she, Fleur, and Gabrielle appeared with a faint pop.

“We had to get a few more things,” explained Fleur, holding up the bags in her hands.

“Well, now that we are all here, lets get down to business.”


            A few hours later, they were done and waiting for Mrs. Weasley to come a fix Ginny’s hair. Hermione, Luna, and Gabrielle were dressed in identical gold knee length dresses with their hair arranged in soft curls. Ginny had her makeup done but was waiting for Mrs. Weasley to do her hair before she stepped into her wedding gown.

            As Luna, Fleur, and Gabrielle went downstairs to check on the flower arrangements, Ginny voiced the question that she had been supressing all moring. “So, is she here yet?”

            “I don’t know,” replied Hermione. "I came straight up here when I arrived.”

            “Go and check! Don’t you have any curiosity?” exclaimed Ginny as she pushed Hermione towards the door.

            “I don’t want to leave you all by yourself,” protested Hermione.

            “Hermione, I’m going to be fine. I’ll make sure the nargles don’t get to me,” Ginny replied rolling her eyes.

            “Fine,” Hermione said walking out the door. “But if the nargles come and get the bride, it’s not my fault.”

            As she walked outside, the first thing she saw was a huge tent decked in gold and white. It was significantly larger than Bill and Fleur’s, due to the need for it to accommodate all the people attending what is being called the most awaited wedding of the decade, if not century. The inside of the tent was also decked in gold and white. It was simply breathtaking. Hermione looked around until she found the guys crowding around the altar.

            “So, how was the bachelor party?” she called out startling them.

            “Oh—the bachelor party—,” started George, clearly hiding something behind him.

            “—was great!” finished Fred, stepping up to hide whatever it was behind them.

            “What’s behind you?” asked Hermione curiously, trying to see what was behind their tall forms.

            “Nothing,” declared Draco, stepping between Hermione and whatever it was that they were hiding.

            “Let her see it. She’ll find out anyways. Maybe she can fix it,” called out Harry from the other end of the room.

            “Thank you, Harry. ‘She’ is standing right here,” Hermione glared. “So what did you do?”

            As they stepped aside and let Hermione see what they were hiding, Hermione’s eyes went wide and she asked, “WHAT YOU DO??”

            “Um…we came up with this spell,” began George.

            “We just made it up. We didn’t know what it would do,” added Fred.

            “So we decided to try it and see,” finished George.

            “So, you just decided to try this spell? Fully knowing that it could be dangerous?” asked Hermione. “And you also decided to aim at the altar?”

            “We didn’t aim at the altar,” Draco added defensively.

            “Wait, you were a part of this too?” asked Hermione. “Do none of you know better than to perform unknown spells and especially not at the altar before a wedding?”

            “Do you know how to fix it?” asked Harry.

            “I don’t know, it looks kind of bad,” Hermione replied frowning as she looked at the smashed flowers and demolished alter.

            “Come on, Hermione. You are the brightest witch of our year. You can do anything!” declared Neville.

            “Thank You, Neville. I’ll see what I can do,” replied Hermione, looking dubiously at the altar.

            “Reparo doesn’t work,” offered Draco.

            “Of course Reparo doesn’t work. If you paid attention in Charms, you would’ve known that,” Hermione snapped rolling her eyes.

            “I was just trying to help,” Draco replied. “Merlin, you don’t have to snap at everything.”

            After casting spell after spell for ten minutes, Hermione finally remembered the one to fix the altar. Within moments the altar was back to its usual condition.

            “So, what I came here to ask. Is she here yet?” asked Hermione.

            “No. But out dear brother had to leave—,” said Fred.

            “—to sort out some ‘issues’ with his girlfriend,” finished George.

            “Why do I feel like I’m missing something?” asked Draco.

            “Remember how I said that I’ll get back at Greengrass for what she did? Well, Fred, George, Ginny, and I came up with a brilliant plan that has been put into action,” replied Hermione with a smile.

            “What did you do?” asked Draco warily.

            “Oh, you’ll see when time comes,” Hermione replied with a mysterious smile.

            “But rest assured—,” stated George.

            “It is quite epic,” finished Fred.


Chapter 13: The Wedding (Part 2) will be uploaded next Saturday.

So until then, Vote & Comment & Fan. AND EAT CHOCOLATE FROGS.

I'm going to go and eat one right now. Bye.