

After a not so good life, a young man is reincarnated in a completely new world. How will such a nihilist person play things now that he was given a second chance?

TheGodLn · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Day One

It's been about an hour and a half since I "arrived".

I conducted some research and surreptitiously questioned some of the tenants, in a way that I don't believe I aroused suspicion.

I think I understand a few things about how this place works.

Firstly, this location is one of the dormitories for students of a certain academy nearby. If I'm here, it can only mean that I'm also a student.

But the most interesting...

"Pay close attention," said the girl with pointy ears. "Levitatio—!"

With a simple gesture of her finger, she caused one of the flower pots in the greenhouse to float through the air around us.

"Incredible~!" I watched in amazement. Mouth agape.

Magic is real in this world!!

But the elf, or rather Miss Erellia, gave me a suspicious look.

"Have you really been accepted into the academy? Don't tell me you've never seen a C rarity spell like Levitatio?" She asked, turning to me.

"Rarity C...? Uhn, I'm sorry but I'm not the studious type... Hahaha!!" I forced an exaggerated laugh while scratching my head.

Her shoulders slumped and she sighed exasperatedly.

"Right... But don't be surprised if you end up failing your tests." She commented. "I'm gonna explain; There are several types of spells. They are divided by rarity, ranging from Common to Rare. C are common spells, U are uncommon spells, and R are rare spells. There are other spell rarities that go beyond rare, but are obviously very difficult to find..."

I better write this down...

For some reason, Miss Erellia smiled from ear to ear and her cheeks flushed.

She seemed very excited now.

Erellia coughed to clear her throat and continued.

"Ahem... In addition to the degrees of rarity, there is also what we call area of ​​effect. Every spell has an area of ​​effect, it is in its nature. There are Anti-Unit spells, like the Levitatio I showed you just now. There are Anti-Army, Anti-Group, Anti-City, Anti-Mountain spells and so on!"

Haha. Is this girl the type to be happy when people listen to her? Better remember that too.

But there was still a doubt in me.

"Hmm, Miss Erellia, can you teach me how to use that spell— Levitatio?" I asked.

"I'm still surprised that you've never seen a simple C rarity spell such as Levitatio… where are you from, anyways?" She questioned, before straightening her back and raising a finger with authority. "Okay, I will teach you."

She pointed her index at a flower vase.

"First off: you must decide your spell, you have to know which incantation you desire to cast — don't worry about affecting the surrounding, since the spells have areas of effect. As long as you know what you are targeting, the rest will be easy. Then, you have make a mental image of the desired outcome, and cast the spell—" Erellia spoke loudly, with conviction the final word. "Levitatio!"

The vase started floating across the glasshouse once more.

I am still very surprised, she really is using magic right in front of me… and if I was accepted into a magical school, it must mean that I am capable of performing magic too.

And she said that this incantation — Levitatio — is a simple common spell.

"As long as you make your cosmos flow inside your body, it'll be easy to perform the spell." Erellia added.

… I have no idea what a "cosmos" is, but it'll raise even more suspiciousness if I just tell her that I don't know about it too.

I'll just have to try with what I know.

"Hmm… I'm going to try."

I closed my eyes and said the words: "Levitatio—"

Suddenly, my whole body felt light like a feather. So this is the feeling of using magic? But I do wonder if I failed in making the bean sprout on top of the shelf I was looking at levitate.


A stupid sound came from the dark-haired elf's mouth. She was staring wide-eyed and I opened my eyes.

When I realized:


This feels weird. As if my body is not bound to the laws of gravity and inertia anymore.

With astounding ease, I float across the greenhouse, my petite figure moving aerodynamically under high-speed.

Some sort of power floods the deepest parts of my body, my very atoms, and it forces my essence to be drowned on that power. What an amazing feeling.

I've never felt something like this. The flying aside, this sense of power is overwhelming.

It's like using drugs.

Now I can't say that I would be surprised if I became addicted to using magic.

This is truly amazing, and the elf down there is still looking at me with a baffled face.

"You really are flying—" she said, her mouth agape. "Incredible. I've never seen anyone using Levitatio like that…"

Is that so? But I don't think I did anything special. Then again, I'm just an amateur.

Above and below, there is about 30 meters between the ceiling and the floor. I adjust my posture and avoid colliding with anything in the greenhouse as I soar around at nearly subsonic speed.

The brunette is just watching me with amused curiosity.

Once I get the hang of it, I decide to land on the floor by Erellia's side.

I sigh, as if to let the overwhelming power slip away from the coil of my body.

Erellia Arguitt held her chin in thought, now with a straight face.

"Maybe I underestimated you — Laploss Goldenrod — to use Levitatio like that… are you some kind of genius magus, perhaps?" she gave me a joking grin, before turning to the exit of the greenhouse.

"Leaving that aside... You should go get your uniform at the academy. The classes start tomorrow at 7, and end at 17."

After telling me that, the elf Erellia Arguitt started walking away.

"O-ohh…! Thank you for showing me that spell and explaining this stuff to me!"

She simply waved without turning around and left. Not that I could see her face, but I'm sure she had that stupid look from before.

Erellia must really like to be praised.


I guess I should go find the main building, then.