
Wonders of the Deep

4 best friends have to embark on a wild journey. 1 is syren, three are not. With challenges, heartbreak and love the last year of High school will see how these friends grow.

LunaSoldier16 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 - Off to College

When I woke up, Shon wasn't beside me. I got dressed and opened the shop. The first person who came in was Jake.

"Hey Lyra. How are things?"

"It's going great, and you?"

"Going smoothly."

"That's good." I set down a flower pot. "Hey do you know where Shon is?"

"Shon? Ooooooh, did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh." he sat down on the counter, laughing.

"What are you doing, you don't own the place."

"Oh, babe. I do now."

"What? What did you do with Shon?"

"I did nothing, sweet heart."

"Right, and I'm supposed to believe that, why?"

"I did nothing to Shon. I might have had a talk or two, but that's all."

"What did you tell him?" Jake was now turning into a villain and I didn't like it. Someone has to teach him a lesson.

"Oh, some things here and there."

"Be specific."

He eyed me and smirked. "Why should I, baby? You didn't go on that date with me, remember?"

"Yeah because I didn't want to."

"Oh? And why was that?"

"Because Shon told me not to trust you."

"Why? Are you his pet or something?"

"No. Never have been. Now." I walked over to my phone and continued. "If you tell me what you did to Shon, listen to my rules, and leave, I might not call the cops on you."

He looked at me, clearly shocked as he got off the counter. "Okay, geez. Protective aren't we?"

"Tell me. Now."

"Okay, okay. He's off to college, if you want to, you still have time you can catch him on the docks before his ship leaves."

"What?!" I stood there, motionless.

Why didn't he tell me?

I quickly dropped everything and ran. I just ran. To the docks. I eyed everything frantically. Panting at the loss of air. I didn't leave the docks and I had nothing on me as I searched for him. He never showed up.

Am I too late? Was I too slow? But why would he leave us, leave me? Am I not good enough for him? Was it me? Am I the reason he left? Because I'm syren?

Thoughts swarmed my head as it got dark and cold. I sat on the docks and cried silently. He's gone, and I couldn't say goodbye.

I felt vibrations in the wood beneath my feet. I numbed them out by curling in a ball, in my sorrows. Panting can then be heard from a corner of the ship's maintenance building. I don't care. It's not him, it couldn't be. He's gone. Then I feel heat beside me as the person sat next to me and hugged me.

Do I know this person? Is it Kori? Ian?

I sniffle in and calm myself. "Who are you?"

The person hugged me tighter. My nose was clogged with snot so I couldn't smell the scent to see if I knew this person. It was dark and my vision was blurred from tears so I couldn't see clearly. The person's breathing was shaky. It matched mine. The arms felt familiar, but I didn't want to guess.


The person shook their head and squeezed me tighter. After a moment of silence to grab our bearings they let go, and wiped my tears gently away. I knew from his touch. He kissed me on the forehead. Warm tears crept down my cheeks again, and I buried my face in his chest, so he couldn't see me like this. He wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same to him. He stroked my back gently to stop me from shaking.


I continued. "I. I thought you left." I choked.

"Left? To where?"


"Why would I leave?"

"Because of me."

He took my head gently in his grip and made me look at him. Shon. He didn't leave.

"Because of you?"

I looked away and huddled in on myself. "Because I'm syren."

He grabbed my hands and gently kissed them both, on the back of the palms. "I finally got you to be mine. Why would I want to discard you?" His voice was sad, but soft. It soothed me.

"But Jake said…."

"Jake tricked you."

I looked at him. He was smiling, but also serious. Tears stained on his cheeks and his hair was messed up from running.

"He did?"

He nodded. "He also told me you left, so I came to your place, but you weren't there. I asked Kori and Ian, and they told you that you were here, looking for me. They said you thought I was off to college. That's when I ran straight here. For you. I thought you swam away, but then I heard you crying and-" he stopped and wrapped me in his jacket. It smelled just like him. It was big, like a wall guarding me from the cold. "How long were you here?"

"Since ten."


I nodded. I've been here for 12 hours. He picked me up and put me on his lap, facing him. Then he started to laugh.


"You really can't resist me can you?"

I blushed and he laughed again, ruffling my hair. He picked me up in his strong, safe arms. "I can walk."

"I know. I want to hold you though."

I smiled and closed my eyes, leaning into him.



"I'll never leave you, not even if you're a syren."

"I love you," was my only response.

"I love you too." He kissed my head as he carried me home.

"Shon?" I asked while sitting in a chair as I ate dinner.


"Why weren't you here? This morning I mean."

"Oh. I got a new job, and it pays a good amount. I wanted to surprise you, but plans changed." he laughed.

"Why is that? Getting another boat?" I smiled at his joke.

"No. It's for something else."

I didn't want to ask more because I was hungry and tired. I finished my food, and got ready for bed. Then Shon and I went to sleep in each other's arms.