
wonders of love

Nwankwo_Favour_4220 · Urban
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4 Chs

chapter 3

"Let's go out and get a good bite. It'll help us let off steam," Max said. " I was starving before my mother stepped in and spoilt my day."

Although Helen was not in the mood for that, she gave in to his request so as to make him happy. She was prepared to bend backward to please this considerate, handsome man who had come to love her with all his heart .The fact that he had so far gone against the mother's advice had reassured her of how important and dear she had become to him. So she had only one thing on her mind and that was to make Max the center of her existence.

They took a shower together and feeling happy for holding tightly to their love against all odds, dressed up evening clothes and headed for their favorite restaurant. In the restaurant, they ate as if they not witnessed any scene earlier that day.

It was a week after Max's mother had stormed out of his residence that he became conscience stricken. He felt so worried that his mother would be crying her heart out over his love - life. He would try harder than ever before to find a way to pacify her and reassure her that he had not lost his mind and forgotten his dear mother who had gone through difficult times to see that he became successful in life. He had secretly accused his mother of been jealous when she said that Helen had stepped in to reap to marry from a well_to_do_family so that the expenses on the extended families would not bring him back to square one . He knew that this was among her fears and he would work harder to dispel it. He would not allow his mother to feel forsaken , abandoned, depressed and end up a nervous wreck.

He drove into his country home which was another edifice showcasing how successful he was in the battle of life. He parked the four_wheel drive jeep, climbed out and admired the flashy automobile for the way it handled the rough terrains .The heavy downpour that year had washed away the once motorable road , leaving deep gullies all over the place . He took a long , close look at the magnificent house and felt his head swell with pride. He then took in a longful of the clean air and felt refreshed . He congratulated himself for successfully putting behind him the memories of his poverty stricken days. How his soul craved for all the good things of life and he was glad he had made enough money to pick his choices which were the best and this has been part of the urge to marry the most beautiful woman he had ever come across so as to complete the picture. Helen might not have brains , but she had great looks and a happy disposition that many intelligent, rich women lackes well, he did not want to marry a woman who would become a competition in the house and make rules for him. He knew from experience that the best thing he wanted out of life was to marry a woman who would love Hime for his money and would Accord him respect as a great provider. Helen , really met the picture of the woman and the mother , living in her small world ,was trying to get a woman of substance for him .He would keep on explaining to her and wished she would understand and let him train and make Helen the woman he had ever wanted. He was sure that by the time he would have finished making her a complete woman, she would look back and would forever be grateful and show her appreciation in many ways.

He walked into the living room to meet his mother who looked weak and emaciated. She wore a sweater inspite of the hot weather, He was shocked and pitied her for he knew he was the cause of her sadness which was affecting her health.

He greetey her and sat opposite her , looking so sober.

"You're welcome," the mother said . "I'd thought you'd try to avoid me for a while after our argument."

"Nothing can push me to that level, ma," he said. "You look sick. When did this start ? You look robust just last week."

"It's just malaria caused by the hot weather. I've taken her herbs," She was trying to explain to Max that she had not taken I'll because of emotional pains.

Max was glad that he came at the right time. "You'll be going with me to receive proper medical care," he said ."Herbs are no longer as effective as they used to be"

"I'm beginning to feel a lot better," the woman said.

Max instead and she gave up . She left to go and prepare the local salad for him to eat.

Max was enjoying the meal , when she sat down opposite him and said , "More people told me that your girlfriend has had many abortions and must have lost her womb. They cannot all be wrong."

"Stop listening to them , ma" he said , feeling annoyed. " I wonder why people don't mind their business. If they come to me and tell me that , I'll tell them that technological_know_how will take care of that. Inventions and amazing breakthroughs in medical sciences perform more miracles than all the pastors put together."

"This your over_confidence would ruin your happiness in the future," the mother said.

"You are over_worrying ,ma."

"My worry is caused by my concern for your well-being."

"Thanks, ma. I know what I'm doing. why not relax and give us a chance."

It's hard for me to relax, knowing that your girlfriend is the devil reincarnate."

Max was shocked all the more by the words his mother used to describe Helen. He felt that convincing her would be like a camel trying to pass through the eye of a needle.

He gave up for the day and concentrated on his meal .

As he drove out of the compound later that day with his mother sitting in the front passenger's seat, he felt he would win his fight if he could keep his head. He would remain calm in the face of provocations. People would later find out that he was not a man to be pushed around.