
Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne

Sequa is the name of a vast but hidden place. This is a magical land where humans and animals live in peace and coexistence. There are 3 ruling kings Sequa and each of them guards the land, waters, and horizons. But these three sovereign kings do not stand at the top of the pyramid of power because all three are directly under the command of the great king! The great king is at the Peak of the hierarchy! The reigns of the 3 ruling kings are under his control. That way all living beings can live in peace without any disputes in the 3 territories. On the horizon, there is a very formidable garuda king. They have several islands floating in the air that can only be accessed by air, only the birds can occupy those places and they make them their homes and villages. In the vast land, there is a mighty lion king. With his presence, all beings can be orderly and peaceful. All the animals fear him because nothing can match his prowess. he is the figure behind the peaceful land of Sequa. In the deep ocean, there is a dragon king who guards the waters. He governs the entire waters of Sequa with his immense power, no aquatic animal dares to oppose him. These three kings had already taken an oath to be loyal to the great king after a long history. That's why Sequa can be a peaceful place for many years. But everything changes when the royal family of the great king betrays the king and kills him! Chaos ensued everywhere as a result of that betrayal and the three rulers were also seriously injured. The wife of the great king, the queen. Running away to save the fetus in her womb, because that's the only legitimate successor to the throne and the last hope for Sequa. Will the queen manage to escape and raise her husband's successor to the throne? and will the child succeed in reclaiming his father's throne? Stay tuned for the interesting story from Wonderland in Sequa : Return of the successor to the throne! and wait for the suspenseful and heartwarming stories that will decorate it! Happy reading!

worldside_11 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Medicine From The Hill Of Life

The ruler of Faruq tried his best to keep up with the two beasts.

As a creature that has lived for thousands of years, Faruq has extraordinary battle experience.

It wouldn't be easy to defeat him even though the two beasts each had a strength comparable to his.

"Take this!" Faruq shouted as he pounced forward.

His main focus right now was to injure Beem as his defense was the most vulnerable of the two.

He continued to arrange his claws into Beem's body, even though Laxi the rhino always protected his friend with his thick skin.


One header that Laxi launched at Faruq hit his body, he bounced a dozen meters and was seriously injured.

One rib was broken from the Rhino's attack, but the pain was nothing compared to his determination to save the queen.

So he got up once again even though his body had to stagger and it was difficult to walk, he fought to the last drop of blood!


"You seem pretty tough with that sword, my nephew." In a rhythmic tone, Edard praised the skill of his nephew, the great king Bilhelm.

"You should have known that long ago!" The great king Bilhelm was not at all provoked and enraged by every word Edard uttered.

He knew Edard wanted himself to fight emotions and anger so it was very easy to be brought down mentally and emotionally.

"But it's a shame, I can't see sword skills like that again in the future." Edard started acting. He had a sad expression on his face as if something bad had just happened.

"Because, you will die by my hands, my little nephew!" Edard shouted and dashed forward, he attacked Bilhelm with great intensity.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The sound of swords clashing was deafening. Two solid and sharp metals attacked each other fiercely making the sound so loud that it could be heard from a wide area.

The intensity of the fight between the two is getting higher and higher!

Faruq heard the sound of the sword from where he was fighting, and he stared intently at the kingdom, muttering the name of its king.

"My King!"

This time Edard and Bilhelm fought more optimally, no one was cornered because the two were buying and selling each other's attacks.

Bilhelm was quite surprised by this condition, because previously he had managed to corner Edard and inflicted several slashes on him.

But now, Edard seemed to be recovering and so mighty that it was very hard to take down.

"Is it possible?" in that battle, Bilhelm suddenly remembered something, and it was shown through his expression and the look in his eyes.

"Seems like you've noticed!" Edard chuckled as he dealt attack after a strike.

"You drink medicine from the hill of life?" Bilhelm asked but his hands remained focused on the defensive and attacking swords.

Then, to buy some time he took a few steps back to keep his distance.

His stamina was decreasing as the duration of the battle increased, it would be a loss for him if he continued to force such difficult sword duels especially after knowing Edard's current condition.

That old man, if he consumed the medicine from the hill of life it would be very difficult to defeat him unless there was a large enough difference in strength between them.

Because the drug will provide a tonic continuously to the body within the specified time.

The tonic that slowly spreads into the body will replenish the drained energy and heal the wounds, so as long as the tonic is still flowing in his body there is no way the opponent can win unless the opponent can give one deadly attack and directly attack the system in his body.

"You have sharp eyes and instincts! You're right, I did take the drug and now they are slowly releasing the tonic inside my body.

The wounds you made just now with great difficulty will soon be completely healed! How? Are you surprised?" his desire to ascend the throne made him prepare to become as strong as possible.

Bilhelm spat roughly. He hadn't the slightest thought that his opponent would be so stupid as to become stronger than him.

Why stupid?

The drug in question does not necessarily provide recovery to the person who takes it, but there are also bad side effects that he must accept if he is wrong in the stages of taking the drug.

Medicine from the hill of life was one of the most reliable medicines in Sequa to cure a serious illness or save someone who was already seriously injured.

But the problem is that medicine doesn't just heal but gives life energy, so if one wants to consume the medicine one has to be in a state of life and death.

So when medicine begins to act, treat, and distribute life energy to the body dying, the body can accommodate the distributed life energy because the condition of the body also requires it.

If a person consumes it with a body condition that is not too severe and his life energy is not drained at all, there will be damage to the body when the life energy from the drug enters the body.

Excess life energy occurs!

If it is like that, many parts of the body will be damaged to suppress the body's energy so that it remains stable and safe.

Edard should have known this risk, but he still drank it for the sake of getting a tonic and healing.

"You don't have the confidence to beat me with your strength? Is that what forced you to take medicine that will soon destroy your body?" Bilhelm didn't feel panic even though he knew the situation was very unfavorable for him.

"I can live either way, so there's no need to worry about me!" Edard sniffed coldly.

Whoa! Edard made another attack.

Stepping forward, he swung his sword straight at Bilhelm!


Bilhelm blocked his attack but it turned out to be a diversion because Edard immediately threw a kick toward Bilhelm's stomach while he was focusing on his sword.

Luckily Bilhelm was quite agile and managed to ward off Edard's leg that attacked him.