

TheGodLn · Action
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4 Chs

Way Out

Spider Man and Archer were walking a long, endless stone corridor.

Archer on the floor and Spider Man on the ceiling.

"Soooo...what are you up to, Mr. Birdman?" The masked hero asked.

"...hey, kid. You know that vigilantism is a crime, right?" The man asked him as they kept going further into the corridor.

"Oh, yeah. I usually get chased around by the cops and professional heroes. It's such a pain...! But thanks to my spider agility and reflexes, I always make them eat dust!! Haha ha!"

"Hah. Why not go to a academy, then? You could become a professional. Being a hero pays well, you know? And you're so young — what, eighteen? Nineteen?"

"Oh, I'm sure. But it's not my thing. I'm just a normal guy after all... So I want to keep my identity a secret. Not very confident in having my personal life messed up because of what I do under this mask — not that I do anything bad (I think). Ah and I'm sixteen."

"Hmm... Hey, there's a light ahead. Get ready, kid."

Archer pulled out an arrow.

"Come on, kid!"

They rushed to the light and ended at a park.

It looked like the central part of New Tiki City.

"...? We're still underground. That sunlight is fake and I can see the glass of the ceiling." Spider Man comments.

The park was empty, but an odd sound came from within the ground.

"What's happening?" Archer looked around.

And suddenly, a bright light assaulted the both of them.