
Wonder for Truth

Elizabeth has one wish. That her mother gets over her illness and returns home. She was in her third school this year, and not likely her last. Her friends that followed her each time were arriving soon, that included Matthew. His beautifully mesmerizing eyes, cool skin, strong arms, and that voice seemed to speak to her very being. Elizabeth didn't have time to daydream about the impossibility of her and Matthew. She was too busy pulling her life together like a jigsaw puzzle, and she was always finding more pieces. Only she hadn't realized yet, she was missing some of the most important pieces. Matthew had decided this would be the town she learns the truth, and her mother agreed. He couldn't keep the lie anymore. It wasn't his story to tell, but it had to be him to tell it. When Elizabeth is poured into this world of Wonder, where everything she knew is no longer true, will she swim or drown?

KLucus · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Matthew was waiting there for me. "It seems Trey wanted to walk Katherine to her next class and Marcus did the same with Lilly."

"Well, off to the gym then." I turned and saw Chris and Nick reaching the door, they always walked me to the gym since we had it together. "Hey guys." I greeted them with a smile.

"Hey there Liz, good day so far?" Nick asked with a smile.

"As it can be when we are here. How about you two? I asked motioning to them.

"Same, no complaints." Chris smiled, but it didn't seem like a sincere smile. It was almost forced.

"Well, care to join us on our walk to gym class?" Matthew asked the two cousins who both nodded. Nick pulled me into a sideways hug as we turned to head down the hallway.

"With the new seats in History, I can't bug you until gym class now!" I smiled and let out a small chuckle. That was true. "No more random notes about things unrelated to anything. Such a shame."

"Well, you can always tell her them in gym class instead." Chris said as he joined his cousin on my side. Matthew was on my other side and was quiet, but I noticed the pencil in his hand was starting to bend.

"I'm always up for random facts." I noticed a group of girls nearing us and quickly ducked out from under Nick's arm to move to the side with Matthew as we separated to get around them.

I saw a small smirk on Matthew's face. We walked into the gym with Nick and Chris right behind us. It looked like basketball practice today as the court had two sets of balls on either end. I was not ready for basketball. I went straight to the changing rooms and put on my gym clothes.

We had specific uniforms that the school labeled, washed, and put back into specific lockers with our names on it for each day. It was a simple t-shirt and long shorts that were loose on the legs but tight around our waist. Perfect for running in, if you had to run anyways.

I went back out and joined the group huddle of the students in the center of the room. Matthew, Marcus, Katherine, Chris, and Nick were already there with the other students in the class. "Okay guys break into two teams. I want two games going on. One on each end of the court. You are playing to five, no traveling, no carrying the ball, and the shots count as a single point no matter where you shoot from. Any questions?"

No one raised a hand, it wasn't our first time doing this. "Alright then let's go, move it!" He blew his whistle one loud time and I immediately backed up into the court side that was behind me. My friends and newer 'friends' all did the same. Coach took one look on either side and called out a single student to be the one to assign teams.

Our team leader started to talk and try to arrange two teams from our smaller group. "Okay, uhm I guess I'll just count off one and two. If you are one you are starting offense, two's you are starting defense." Seemed as good an idea as any. I didn't even notice as the Tennisons began to space themselves out. Not until the team leader called me a one and I looked over and realized Matthew was not a two, but had scooted over and was a one instead. Looking down the line Marcus and Katherine were also ones. Chris and Nick were twos. I took my place in my team's huddle as we started debating how best to go about our offense. Since our team leader had started with himself he was also one. "Okay, so who here is actually any good at shooting baskets?"

Matthew and Marcus both raised their hands, and they were the only ones. "Okay, well basically the goal is to get one of you to the hoop with the ball. Who is a good block, doesn't mind getting in the other team's way basically?" Katherine raised her hand along with a few other students. "Okay great, you guys work to keep the other players busy, keep them away from our shooters. "Finally, who are our movers? Who can move the ball, meaning you can dribble without losing it and go around anyone in your way, at least decently?" I raised my hand along with two other students. Shooting was a no for me, but moving the ball was my specialty.

I was small and it was usually easy to get around the bigger players. "Okay great you three will be the ones we get it to first and your job it to pass it to one of the new guys. Everyone else, just help where you can or at least don't make it harder." A lot of the remaining students nodded in understanding and we all took our spots on the floor. Our team leader was our team's tipper. Nick was the other team's tipper. He was the tallest so it wasn't exactly unusual for him to be the tipper on his team.

Nick got the ball first and immediately passed it to another student. Katherine was there faster than I could even follow. She quickly got the ball mid-dribble and passed it to me. I began to try and move it around the other team, seeing Matthew at the side with no one around him I tossed him the ball. He caught it and quickly threw it into the hoop. "One us. Alright your offense now guys." Another quick huddle, "Okay blockers, this is where you shine. Keep them away from the hoop got it?" A lot of mumbled yes and nods. "Okay, let's go."

Nick won the tipping again and his team tried to head to the hoop. Passing it back and forth it seemed they didn't have a specific person in mind, more of anyone who is free. Chris had the ball and went to shoot it but Matthew put his hand out just in time, jumping in front of the ball and catching it before it reached the basket. He quickly tossed it to Marcus who was off to the side with no one in the way. Marcus threw it into the basket quickly. "Yes! Two to us. Let's go!"

We all switched spots once more, another quick team huddle. "Just keep it up." Everyone was starting to get excited, a two point lead was a good start. This time our side won the tipping. The team leader passed it to one of the other movers who went to toss the ball to Matthew. Only they hadn't been paying attention enough to realize Nick was right beside him and with a quick move of his hand Nick had the ball and instead threw it up and into the basket.

"One for our side." Someone yelled from the other team. Another quick switch and the game continued. We made another two baskets, putting us at four to their one. Then Chris got a rebound shot bringing them to two points. The next round another student from their side made a layover shot. Three to four and our lead was almost over.

"Okay team." we were in another huddle, "They've been keeping Matthew and Marcus pretty well guarded. I say we try to throw them off the track. Anyone willing to try a shot?" A student I didn't know very well put her hand up. "Alright, everyone get her the ball, and Matthew and Marcus, I want you guys by the hoop for the rebound if we need it." We all nodded and headed back to the court.

Nick won the tipping but the ball was caught as he passed it to a teammate and it was thrown back to me on our side. I located the new shooter easily enough, no one was near her and they were all focused on the brothers. She caught the ball and immediately the other team headed to her. She threw it up quickly and it bounced out from the back board instead of going into the net. Matthew jumped up and caught it before it went too far and threw it back up only this time it went in the net. Our entire team erupted in cheers and shouts of excitement. We had won!

"Nicely done guys. Okay your game is up, go get changed and cleaned up." We headed back to the lockers passing the other team still playing. I heard them shout out it was one to four as we passed them. The changing rooms didn't have full showers, but it had some body wash and rags we could use along with baby wipes and then we were able to keep our own brushes or anything else approved by the school in our lockers.

I quickly changed, using the rag with some soap and water to clean off a bit before putting back on my other clothes. I tossed my gym outfit into the basket where it would be washed. As I went back to the main lockers the other team had joined us, clearly finishing their game already.

I went out to the gym floor again and saw Nick, Chris, Matthew, Marcus, and Katherine all standing across from one another. Nick and Chris were the faces I could see and they looked angry, truly ticked off. Something I had never seen before from them. "Don't step out of line, we aren't afraid of your little family." What did that mean?

"Don't you worry about it. We have nothing against pups. No intention of breaking any rules you care about either." Pups? What rules? Did they have pet dogs? The cousins had never mentioned any pets. Also, why did they tell them not to step out of line? There wasn't any reason to be afraid of the Tennison's family and even if there was they had no authority over them. I took another step to try and hear a bit better.

"Elizabeth, we were just congratulating one another on a great game. Nicely done guys." Matthew had to have known I was there before that. Why hadn't he let them know sooner.

"Yes, good game." Chris and Nick quickly put on a smile and then walked off.

"Well, the bell should be ringing soon, want to get a head start to study hall?" Katherine asked with a smile. I just nodded, having too many questions racing through my mind to answer out loud.

"Let's go then." Matthew put his hand out and I took it and let him wrap his arm around me as we walked past Chris and Nick to get to the door. His cool temperature reached me even through his jacket sleeves. "I'll tell you about it later." He said as I turned to face him with a questioning look. His siblings walked ahead of us and I waited. I didn't want to know later. I wanted to know now. "At my family dinner. Deal?" That was pretty soon. I shrugged, that would be soon enough.

"I guess it has to be." I turned back and his arm was around my shoulders once more as we headed to the room for study hall. There were no assigned seats here. The bell rang just as we reached the door. Katherine and Marcus were already there, Lilly and Trey came in and quickly joined our group. Lilly sat between Marcus and me with a huge grin on her face. Trey took the spot next to Marcus and Katherine.

I pulled out the book for English class. I wanted to finish the final chapter for next week's exam. Matthew pulled his out as well, keeping one hand on his book and the other on my shoulders. I heard the chatter of other students coming in and finding their seats. Then the quiet once everyone had something to work on. I was determined to not get distracted by Matthew or his arm that was so comfy it made me want to take a nap.

I finished the final chapter and leaned back to stretch a bit. I looked over and noticed Katherine was drawing something in her notebook with Trey watching over her shoulder commenting about it here and there. Marcus and Lilly were writing back and forth on a piece of paper. Both of them had grins and kept stifling a laugh as they read what the other had written. I looked over to see Matthew's eyes already locked on mine. His beautiful aquamarine eyes. "Did you like the start of the book?" He asked me with a smile forming on his face.

"I did actually. It's also one less thing I have to worry about later."

"Good, that means more time at our get together. By the way, did you want a ride to the hospital tonight?" His voice dropped lower than a whisper in the last sentence. I nodded with a smile, thankful he had thought of that because I hadn't even considered it.

The bell rang signaling lunch time and then the last class of the day. The end of the day was in sight and I was getting excited. I was ready to see my mom! We got to lunch and the Tennison's joined my usual table. Marcus finished off his plate and then Matthew slid him his, since he hadn't taken a bite. "You don't eat?" Trey asked with a laugh as Matthew pushed his tray over to his brother.

"Not school food. Our mom has spoiled me I guess."

"That's alright, I eat enough for us both." Marcus said with a smile and Lilly chuckled at his joke.

"He's just picky. He likes what he likes, and never anything else." Katherine said with a wink in my direction. I tilted my head. What did she mean by that?

"She isn't wrong."Matthew said with his eyes locked to mine.

"Nothing wrong with knowing what you like." I felt my cheeks flush at the sound of Matthew's voice. I tried to hide behind my hair and took another bite of my food.

"What about you?" Trey asked me, a smile still on his face.

"Oh, I like a lot of things." I shook my head and took another bite of the sandwich on my tray.

Chris and Nick hadn't shown up to lunch yet. I was getting worried when Lucy answered my unspoken question, "Oh by the way Liz, Chris wanted me to tell you he and Nick had to go home early. He said he hopes to see you this weekend though."

"Sucks they had to leave early, but thanks." Lucy smiled as she turned back to Lilly and Marcus to join in on the conversation the three of them were having before she had side stepped to tell me about the cousins.

The final bell rang telling us it was time to head to class. Math class with Mrs. Tennison. It brought a smile to my face. My favorite class with what I'm sure will be my favorite teacher. We got to class just as the tardy bell went off. Marcus, Matthew, and I quickly got to our seats. This time Mrs. Tennison was at the board with a page number on the board. "Alright everyone, get your books. I want to do a short review of some trouble areas I noticed during the catch up day. We will first take a quick look at variance a bit more." I smiled and got my book and notebook out quickly.

Mrs. Tennison went on about variations and when to consider a variation an outlier or sign of something wrong with the data for other reasons. Then she moved on to if the piece of data is an outlier what could be the cause from the sampling errors to problems with the study reliability. It was an excellent review about things we had learned at the start of the year.

I took the notes, even though I remembered all of it already. "Okay class now tonight's homework assignment is this worksheet. It's very short but a bit complicated if you didn't take notes on the vocabulary either the first time you learned it or today. You are going to design a sample study or research problem where you identify your sample, any possible bias or errors likely to occur, and then how you would know if your data is valid once it is received. This is due Monday." She turned to get the worksheets from her desk.

"Homework over a weekend, what a bitch." I heard the girl in the back whisper.

Mrs. Tennison didn't stop walking to her desk, "I heard that. You can write a letter for me right now. Explaining the sentence you just said word for word, and why that is inappropriate. I will sign the letter and send it home for parent signature." Mrs. Tennison turned back around to face the class, her eyes on the girl who had called her a bitch. "If it is not returned I will make a phone call and assign three days of detention instead."

"What that isn't fair. Come on, I'm sorry." the girl tried to whine and apologize immediately.

"An apology does not show you learned your lesson. In fact, arguing against the consequence shows me the opposite. Everything we do has a reaction. Including the words we say. Now, which way do you want? A hand-written explanation from yourself, or a phone call from me? Either way, your parents will learn about what you called me." I smiled, so proud of her for standing her ground. I had seen some teachers get walked over by things like this. Mrs. Tennison was clearly not one of them.

"Fine, I'll write the letter." The girl flipped to a blank page and I saw her start the letter.

Mrs. Tennison finished handing out the worksheets and smiled at each student as she did so, adding a comment about what they had done well on the work she saw. When she got to my table she gave me the same stunning smile, "Your work was wonderfully done! I'm sure you probably don't need this assignment, but I hope you have some fun with it anyways."

"Oh, I will!" My mind was already racing with ideas on what to make the mock study about.

"I'm finished with my letter." Mrs. Tennison walked over and signed the paper before turning back to the entire class.

"Okay guys we have about five minutes left, start cleaning up and I will see you all on Monday. If you need any help over the weekend my email is on the school website." I put the last of my things in my bag and looked up to Matthew.

"I love her!" Was all I said as he and Marcus both began to laugh. I joined in, just glad to have seen that girl get some type of consequence for what she said.

"Yeah, most do." The bell rang and sounded throughout the school. "Well, let's get to your locker so we can get out of here!"

"No locker on Fridays. I take everything home just in case I need it."

"Works with me. See you later brother. Bye mom, see you at home." Matthew called out as we headed to the door.