
Wonder for Truth

Elizabeth has one wish. That her mother gets over her illness and returns home. She was in her third school this year, and not likely her last. Her friends that followed her each time were arriving soon, that included Matthew. His beautifully mesmerizing eyes, cool skin, strong arms, and that voice seemed to speak to her very being. Elizabeth didn't have time to daydream about the impossibility of her and Matthew. She was too busy pulling her life together like a jigsaw puzzle, and she was always finding more pieces. Only she hadn't realized yet, she was missing some of the most important pieces. Matthew had decided this would be the town she learns the truth, and her mother agreed. He couldn't keep the lie anymore. It wasn't his story to tell, but it had to be him to tell it. When Elizabeth is poured into this world of Wonder, where everything she knew is no longer true, will she swim or drown?

KLucus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"Lizzy, oh I missed you, sweetheart." I pulled back and sat my bag on one of the chairs beside the bed. "Matthew, it's nice to see you again darling. How are you?"

Matthew's smile was one just like my mom's. "I'm great. Everything went just as planned. Thank you again Ms. Keller for giving me permission to set up the surprise." He went and gave her a careful hug as I did.

"Well, I'm just glad I didn't ruin the surprise. I never was very good at hiding things from Lizzy. Oh, it's so great to see you, sweetheart. I am sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday with the court date. How was it?" Her voice was so frail but it was better than it had been and that made me smile despite the question.

"The same as usual, the judge asked about school and home. I gave them my report cards, letters from teachers, and photos of our new home. They asked how I felt about the situation and I explained that I could never, ever imagine being away from you." I squeezed her hand.

"So they dropped the case?" She sounded hopeful, although I smiled at the question since these cases always ended the same.

"As always, dad was furious but he is also running out of judges in his area." My mom had a faint smile. She was worried, as any mother would be. I was less worried; the judges seemed to always leave it up to me. Although it did put a lot of pressure on me to keep my grades up and the house clean. At least now that Matthew was in town I knew any struggles with that area would be handled. They always did very well in classes, almost as if it was drilled into their brains before we even covered the topic. It wouldn't surprise me if their parents home schooled them on the side.

"Well, maybe he will accept your decision. I'll tell you what when I come home in the next few days I'll call and see if we can arrange a visit with him to be here instead. Just so he can see how well you are doing." Her hopeful voice held a slight tone of concern.

There was always the chance a plan to call my father would backfire. He may get angry with her, she may end up not being well enough to come home, and then his visit would only prove he was right in his mind, or even worse he could come and see everything was perfectly fine, but he still wouldn't give in to reason. Either way, it was a very slim chance of a successful plan.

"That would be great mom. I'm sure he'd love to come see us. He asked how you were doing before the hearing. I told him that you've been home more often and would soon only have to come for the actual treatments." It wasn't a complete lie, he had asked how she was, and I had answered him as I said. I just left out the part where he went on a ten minute rant about how I should never be left alone at home.

"Oh thank you sweetheart. So what is on the plan for today? Homework, movies, or should I call the cafeteria and ask for some food?" as she was talking I watched her frail hand reach for the phone.

"Well actually Ms. Keller, I hope it's okay but my mother has offered to bring us all some food while we visit. I figured we would eat and then you two could catch up until Elizabeth needed a ride home." Matthew hardly missed a beat in his smooth voice quickly explaining the nights' plans. Almost as if on cue Mrs. Tennison walked in with a large old style picnic basket, like the ones you would see in a movie.

"Oh that sounds wonderful, it feels like a treat to have an unplanned home cooked meal!" I helped my mom sit up a little better, and then Matthew moved her food tray over her bed.

"Lovely to meet you Ms. Keller, I hope you like hamburgers, broccoli and rolls. I also brought some homemade cake for dessert. I made a little personal recipe for the entrée so I hope you all like it." She seemed to float with her graceful walk to the table.

"Nice to meet you dear, and please call me Julie. That sounds just lovely! I could really go for something with a personal touch. Lizzy, Matthew, why don't you two pull the chairs up to the table and I'll find us all a nice movie on television." With that Mrs. Tennison took the basket and began unloading dish after dish of food.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Tennison. I really appreciate the meal." I couldn't help but smile. It felt like a family dinner, and I hadn't had one of those in a very long time.

"Please dear call me Leila, and it's the least I could do." She got out all the silverware and began making plates. My mom was sitting up, holding a fork, about to eat some green beans and had a smile I hadn't seen in months.

She was definitely feeling better and that made this night special just in itself. "I heard about a certain gift you received tonight?" Mrs. Tennison asked with a small smile forming.

"It was absolutely beautiful! We'll have to find a good place to put it." I couldn't help but smile.

"Absolutely, the living room could use some artwork!" My mom sounded almost more excited than I was.

"I think that is the perfect spot!"

"I can put it up tomorrow after school if you'd like?" Matthew added with a smile to my mother.

"Thank you dear." My mother smiled as she cut another small bite off of her burger.

"I think that is a nice idea. Speaking of which, Liz, have you thought about our invite to supper?" I turned my attention to Mrs. Tennison who was taking a bite of the broccoli.

"I have, I told Matthew that I can probably make Sunday night work just fine."

"Good." both of the mothers said in unison before each laughed at the overlap.

Once the small talk died down we relaxed and watched some movie that was on the hospital room television. I kept getting distracted by my mom. Every time I looked at her she would smile, I truly believed she was finally on the mend. She looked better than she had in months. I just couldn't believe my luck. Matthew cleaned up all the dishes after we finished eating. "Thank you Matthew and thank you Leila for that terrific meal. It was nice having a few extra faces here with us tonight."

"Anytime Julie. Now, I better be getting home to my other children before they eat the sofa. Matthew, I assume you will be taking Lizzy home?" He nodded with a smile, "Okay well don't be too long it is still a school night." With that, she packed up the basket and left the three of us there with full stomachs and big smiles on our faces.

"Well, sweetheart she has a point, it is a school night. Maybe you should be heading home. I'm sure I'll be home by next weekend as planned. So Saturday you make sure to pick out a great movie for us. I can't wait." Her sweet voice was one of the most perfect sounds in the world, even when she was sending me home. I could never leave her to be with my father. I missed him, but my mother was everything to me and she needed me.

"Okay mom, I promise to come by tomorrow for our catch-up talk." With that I gave her a hug, "I love you." I squeezed her as tight as I could without feeling like I would break her.

"I love you too darling, now get home and go to sleep." That motherly tone never faltered even when she was exhausted.

The ride home was quiet, making me drowsy as we neared my home. By the time we pulled up to my door, I was yawning and fighting to keep my eyes open. Matthew was at my door before I could even unbutton my seatbelt. "I got your bag, here, hold my arm." I let out a small smile of appreciation as I grabbed his arm for stability. He pulled me up and led the way to the door.

He quickly unlocked the door and pulled me inside. I heard my bag hit the floor before my feet became weightless. I was half asleep and couldn't have argued for him to let me walk if I wanted to. So instead I just laid my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the lift up the stairs.

"Thank you." I muttered as he sat me on my bed. He knelt down and took off my shoes before pulling my blanket out for me to crawl under.

"Of course, now get into bed. I'll make sure to lock the door on my way out." This wasn't the first time he had put me into bed. When I had the flu last year he had come over every day to make me dinner and tuck me in until I was on the mend. I smiled, feeling safe and secure in my blanket burrito as I cuddled up with my pillows.

"Thank you, good night Matthew." his name came out with a yawn as I finally drifted off, letting the calm empty sleep swallow my mind.

"Anytime, Elizabeth." His hand pushed my hair from my face as his lips met my forehead. With that he walked out of the room and closed the door.

The next morning I woke up and quickly turned off the alarm yelling at me from the table beside my bed. I slowly stretched letting all the tight muscles relax and breathe. My eyes opened slowly to see the picture from Matthew on my desk and I couldn't help but smile. He was truly a remarkable artist. How had he made something so realistic and beautiful so quickly?

I remembered that day at the park, and it did not feel like we had been there long enough for something so perfect to have been completed. As my feet hit the ground I shivered once from the chill of the cool floor through my socks. It was time to get ready for school. Then I heard the honk and looked out my window.

Matthew was right that it was raining again today, and his car was outside waiting for me. My phone began to ring and I answered it seeing his name on the screen. Matthew's voice with a small rain pattern behind it sounded through, "Don't rush, I was just letting you know I was out here. We have plenty of time."

"Thanks, I'll be out in about ten minutes. You can come in and wait if you want, or grab some breakfast. We both know you won't eat the school's." I smiled as I heard a small laugh from his end.

"I already ate, don't worry about it. See you soon." I hung up the phone and went to finish getting ready, not wanting to keep him waiting longer than necessary out in that rain.

I quickly ran to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then ran to my closet to find an outfit. Jeans and a t-shirt with a random design on it seemed as good as anything for the day. I changed and ran the brush through my hair before heading downstairs. I would eat at school so no need for breakfast here. I locked the door behind me and darted to the car with the rain hitting my head. It was a soft rain, not too strong just yet, but I felt it would get there. The sky was full of clouds, all gray and dark. I smiled a bit, if it continued to rain Matthew would probably give me a ride home again. That would be okay with me.

"Do you have an umbrella?" He asked as he laughed a bit at me shaking the water off of my head when the door closed and my seat belt was fastened.

"Oh yeah!" It was right by the door! Why didn't I grab it? "I forgot it."

"Well here, you can use mine today. I have an extra in the trunk." I smiled as he handed me the umbrella from yesterday.

"Thanks!" I put it by my feet so I couldn't forget it when we went to get out of the car at the school.

We pulled in just as Katherine and Marcus were getting out of their car. I also noticed Chris and Nick getting out of their truck and heading to the door. Their heads turned to look at us as we parked. "What's your first period?" I had a hunch it would be the same as mine.

"History." I was not disappointed.

"How do you manage that with every move?" He shrugged his shoulders feigning ignorance at my question. I shook my head as we got out. I opened the umbrella and climbed under it with my bag. He quickly grabbed his extra one from his trunk. "Okay, another story for another time?" He gave me a small smirk, the one that made my heart catch in my throat. Meaning I couldn't exactly say anything back to it.

I just smiled as we hurried inside. "You still need breakfast right?"

"That I do. You can head on to class though. I'll be fine." He didn't need to pretend to want to be around me. Besides, I would see him in History.

"Not a chance. You are the only one I know here, don't send me off alone already!" I laughed as if he was worried about being alone at the school.

"Fine, come along if you want." He laughed a bit as we entered the cafeteria.

We were coming through the end of the line, me with my food and him just tagging along for the ride, when Trey came up to us. "Hey hey, you are that girl's brother right?"

"Need to be more specific there pal." I shook my head.

"Trey, this is Matthew. Matthew, this is Trey."

"Oh yeah right, sorry." Trey put his hand out and Matthew grabbed it quickly. "Nice to meet ya. But yeah, that new girl. You're her brother, right? Katherine was her name I think?" Leave it to Trey to get right to the point and skip all formalities.

"Yeah, she's my sister." Matthew seemed to have absolutely zero interest in this line of questioning. Not that I could blame him. Trey wasn't exactly talking to him because he wanted to know about him at all.

"Is she seeing anyone? I know yall just moved and all, but like anyone long distance?" I chuckled a bit before taking a quick bite of the breakfast sandwich I had grabbed from the line.

"Nope, free as can be." Matthew looked at me and gave me a small smile. What was the smile for? What was he up to?

"Yo really!! Dude, think you could arrange us a chance to meet? She seems really cool. Ya know, if you don't mind I mean." I almost choked on my sandwich. He just asked Matthew to set him up with Katherine. I looked around, nope this wasn't a dream it was too normal everywhere else. Just our spot had the craziness.

"You have history first right?"

"How'd ya know?" That was a good question.

"She'll be there." Trey began to smile and fix his shirt before turning to head to class. It was probably the only time I'd see him be on time.

"Oh please let me see this! What do you think? Does he stand a chance?" I asked Matthew as we neared the classroom.

"Actually he probably does. He seems her type to be honest. We'll see, either way, it'll be a fun show. Five bucks he gets so nervous he says his name wrong?" Oh, a bet! He was on!

"I'll take that. I bet his name is right, but he messes up the second sentence." I knew Trey, he had already prepared that first sentence ten times and had it ready to go. After that, he had no idea.

We walked into the room and the teacher had a new seating chart on the board, probably to account for the three new students. This class had all stand-alone seats as the instructor wasn't very big on working with one another on assignments. I saw that I was in the back row with Matthew on one side and Nick on the other.

Chris was beside Nick with one other student next to him completing the back row. Trey, Katherine, Marcus, and some students I hadn't learned the names of were in the row in front of us. Lucy and Lilly had been moved to the front row with a row of random students between them and two rows of students between them and the rest of us. The class was now a full set of 25. We all quickly took our seats and I turned my attention to Trey as he turned to Katherine. Here it goes.