
Maria Dela Cruz

Maria Dela Cruz was a famous debater of her school in Manila, she was advocating women empowerment and women's rights in a world where men are only allowed to hold power in office. At the age of 16 she studied political science in University of Santo Tomas, she strive for the better of her future. And at the age of 18 she became the youngest editor in Chief of the university school paper. At the age of 21 she became the youngest municipal mayor of her home town, by the time in office she applied her advocacy and started to campaign within her neighboring municipalities. At that time she gained popularity but despite of it she still continue to advocating women's rights. She was nominated to run for congress and lost the election, so she take the Harvard University entrance exam and has the biggest score among enrollees. She graduated top of the batch, she also received tons of awards. By that time she have decided to go back to the Philippines and continue her Political career. May 6 when she ran for congress and won the seat. hundreds of bills and laws about women's right were passed in the congress. Her childhood friend and also her classmate in Harvard, Carlos Montes Uy a top notcher in the bar exam, forced Maria to not to run for congress for the 3rd time.

"Maria, what if I run for congress? would I win?" Carlos Uy said. "But I will also run for congress for the 3rd time" Maria furiously answered. Carlos Uy started ruining Maria's image by this whistleblower accusing Maria for corruption, and by that time Maria's popularity started dying. so she started learning constitutional law in Harvard and continued learning about politics. When she was studying she met this top debater and turns out to be her opponent in the debate competition in Harvard. The man named Matthew Gonzaga started courting her and later on they married in Tagaytay. Maria was later on appointed as the senior advisor of the President. Her political career went high again sum up when she became the first lady of the Philippines. Her advocacy and love for women continues and keeps on growing. On their last year in the palace the president should've adress to the nation, the convoy of the president went to the capitol so that the president could address the whole country when suddenly a gunman shot the president. The president was later on announced dead. The people need the former first lady in office and her campaign for presidency started.

(ps. the characters and events are fictitious)

To be continued....