
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 20 (Part 1)

Liang was driving into the big premises. Riya looked out at the window to the place. There was a huge garden with different types of flowers and roses. The garden was huge that it could be used for a function or a wedding. People could also have a picnic in the garden. A big house appeared in front of her. It was a European-styled house. The house looked more like a palace. It could have cost millions for Liang to buy this creamed-painted house. Liang stopped in front of an entrance. An elderly man dressed up in a black suit was walking to the car. Riya came out of the car while looking at the design. Liang came out of the car while looking at the man

"Liang, it's nice to see you again. How was your trip to America?", he asked.

"It was nice Bobby.", he hugged him.

Bobby released Liang and then looked at the woman. "And who are you my dear?", he asked.

Riya did not hear Bobby because she was into the designs. Liang looked at her. "Moods.", he called her.

Riya turned around. She did not even notice the man from the entrance. She walked towards the men. She stopped next to Liang and bowed to the man. "Hello, I'm Riya Moodley.", she introduced herself.

Bobby looked at her with a smile. "Moodley? I never heard of that surname before.", he was being honest.

"Moodley is only common in South Africa.", she eased his confusion.

"Oh, I'm Bobby Zhang.", he bowed to her.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang."

"You can call me Bobby. It's been a while since Liang brought a girl home."

"He saved me not long ago so I'm here to return him the favor."

Bobby looked at Liang. "My boy is brilliant in martial arts. We train together.", he said to her. Riya smiled at him. "Come in my dear, make yourself at home."

Riya bowed to Bobby and then started walking inside the house. Liang grabbed Bobby's hand. Bobby looked at him. "You need to check her back.", he said.


"She has whipped scars. Some of them are still fresh."

Bobby looked at Riya who was walking to the house. Then he looked back at Liang. "Was she beaten?"

"I think so.", Liang was being honest.

Riya walked inside the house. She was looking around the hallway. There were so many designs on the ceilings. This house was designed like a palace. Riya was so into the designs again that she did not realize the floor was slippery.

She could feel herself slippering. "Whoa!", she almost fell but she was grabbed by Liang. Riya grabbed Liang's arms to hold her balance and then look at him.

Bobby entered the hallway. "Sorry my dear, I should have warned you about the floor.", Bobby said.

"It's okay. Mr. Muscle caught me on time.", she said. She removed herself from Liang. She straightened herself and then looked around. "I'm interested in the designs."

"Liang's other parents used to live here before they moved to a new house. After Liang turned twenty-four, they wanted to give him some space because of his work. Liang kept this house. His father does love old-fashioned European palaces.", Bobby explained.

"Oh. So, it's just you two."

"Yep.", Liang answered.

Riya looked around the house. "My father and mother's family would be able to fit her. The problem is that they will cause so much trouble. My family will probably move out immediately.", she said.

"Your family is in South Africa?", Bobby asked.

"My mother and sister are in Seoul, South Korea. My father is late."

"Sorry, my dear. I will sort out a room for you."

Riya just realized what Bobby meant. "No, I'm not..."

"You will be staying here for the night. Not to mention that Yanwu's men are everywhere.", Bobby said in concern about her safety.

Before Riya could speak, Bobby was walking further to the house. Riya placed her hands on her forehead. Liang walked towards her. He nudged her shoulder. She looked at him. "Sorry about that. He is just scared about women going out in the evenings. But he will come back to normal once Yanwu is eliminated.", Liang said.

"It's okay. He seems nice."

"Yeah, he has been working here since my late parents were married."

"So long.", she was amazed.

"Let's go to the kitchen."

Liang walked further to the house. Riya followed him while looking at the designs. This house reminded her of the palaces from the Christmas movies. She wondered how the house would look when it was decorated with Christmas decorations. Liang and Riya were walking into the sitting room. Everything was neatly arranged with so much space. It was an opened spaced house which made it even better. They were walking into a kitchen. Riya immediately ran into the kitchen to check it out. It was a huge kitchen, more like an industrial kitchen. It was so neat, all the equipment was in one place. The ovens were in one area and the two stoves were on the independent counter. Riya was loved to sleep in this kitchen. She would rather marry the kitchen.

"I wish I could marry this kitchen.", she said softly.

Liang entered the kitchen. He stopped in front of her. His chest was touching her hair. "This is the first time I'm hearing someone say that.", he whispered in her ear.

Riya turned around when her face touch his chest. She immediately moved away. "I do want to have a nice kitchen.", she said.

"Oh. So, what are you making today?"

"We can make pasta, pizza, or chicken.", she suggested.

"Let's make pizza."

"And we can make some tarts later on."


Riya and Liang started looking for equipment and ingredients. Riya looked in the doubled large fridge and found so many things. Everything was well-organized and arranged according to their food categories. This made it easier for Riya to choose her ingredients. Liang was putting the equipment on the counter neatly for her. Riya placed whatever ingredients she needed on the counter.

They put everything on the counter. Now they were looking at them. "Are we making pizza dough from scratch?", he asked.

"Yep.", she answered.

"With yeast?"

"Nope. We will make a cheat pizza.", she said with excitement.

Liang was getting more excited than her. Riya and Liang put their aprons on together and began their work. Liang was making the sauce and chopping the ingredients for the pizza while Riya was making the dough. She was going to make a large pizza for themselves and Bobby. While Riya was making the dough, she was looking at the garden. It was also getting dark. By the time Riya and Liang finish making everything, it would be dinner time.