
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 16

Yanwu's men were doing business in a hotel, underground parking. They were selling more victims that Yanwu kept in his mansion for years. He decided to get rid of them because he wanted new women and victims. Plus, Yanwu needed to continue his business despite not having new victims. The men came up with a situation and sell the victims. Yanwu lost billions of yuans so they needed to get that money. The men did not want to do business at The Forbidden Harbor because of White Jaguar. The police would probably be at the harbor. They felt like a hotel was a better place. They even managed to switch off the locations on their phones and vans. They did not want White Jaguar to sabotage their leader's business again.

There was screaming and crying coming from the twenty vans. The victims were even trying to break the doors. The men were not interested in their screams. The only things they were interested in were selling the victims and getting five hundred million yuan. The men were assembling their big guns because Mr. Saidu's men were coming to get the victims. Yanwu's men did not any funny businesses to happen. Mr. Saidu was also coming because he wanted to examine the victims. He wanted the best women and girls. The men finished assembling their guns. All they had to do was just wait for Mr. Saidu to arrive.

Some of the men were watching for people. They were using the staff parking. It was eleven o'clock in the evening. The night shifts staff were coming in the next hour. They did not have much time because some people would come half an hour early. Five cars appeared in front of them. The men got their guns ready for their protection. The cars parked in front of them. The bright lights were turned off. Five men from each car came out of the car. Then a middle-aged African man came out of the car. He was straightening up his green silky suit to make himself look presentable. He was looking at Yanuw's men.

One Yanwu's man stepped forward. He bowed to the man. "Mr. Saidu, nice to see you. We never thought you come back to us after what happened that night.", he spoke.

"Yanwu does give the best women and girls and we are good friends. And I'm the only one who knows what he looks like. I'm also his biggest client so I want his business to get ongoing.", Mr. Saidu said.

"Thank you. Yanwu would be touched."

"I haven't seen him for a while. Where is he?"

"He doesn't like coming out in public. He has been becoming more paranoid since White Jaguar appeared."

"That's understandable. Let me see my new beauties.", Mr. Saidu was excited by this.

The men were happy that the conversation was short. Time was running out. The staff would be coming at any moment. Two men were going to open the twenty vans. They could hear the victims screaming and crying for help. Suddenly, the area was turned into darkness. All the lights including the sensor lights were turned off. The men stopped what they were doing. The area was in the darkness that the men could not see a thing, not even a mouse. They still could hear the victims screaming. Some of the men were getting upset because they were scared of getting caught. If they did get caught, they would still shoot at the person. Mr. Saidu looked at his men.

"Check what happened to lights. Make sure you keep yourself protected.", Mr. Saidu instructed his men.

"Yes sir.", they acknowledged.

Mr. Saidu turned to look at Yanwu's men. "You too.", he said to them.

"Don't worry Mr. Saidu, we got our big guns ready.", one man lifted his gun to show Mr. Saidu.

Mr. Saidu was impressed that Yanwu's men were way ahead. All of them were walking around to find the switch. They were going the split into teams to make it easier and quicker. Two men were silently shot dead. The rest of the men did not hear the two men falling. They were continuing to look for the switch. Three more men were shot dead but their falls were loud. Still, the alive men did not hear them. Someone jumped from the ceiling. The person was slowly strolling toward a man that was two meters away from his companions. It wrapped its arms around the man's neck and then started strangling him until he was dead. The man was struggling to call his men to come and save him. He even tried to shoot the person but that did not help. The person was too strong to fight. The person broke his neck in five seconds. The man landed on the hard ground, dead. The person jumped back to the ceiling.

The other men were still looking for the switch. Finally, one man found the switch. He pulled the red handle up. All the lights were turned back on. Mr. Saidu was happy about this that he wanted to get back to work. Before he could back, he found some of the men lying on the ground, dead. The other men joined the group and also saw their dead companion. They looked at each other in confusion. Everything was also so quiet. The victims were no more howling. Yanwu's men ran to their vehicles. Mr. Saidu and his men followed them. Yanwu's men found more men lying on the ground. They stopped in front of the vehicle hoping that the victims passed out or lost their voices. Their hopes went down the hill. All the victims disappeared from all the vehicles. They also found two more men dead. Ten more men were shot dead with arrows through their chests. Mr. Saidu and the men looked at the dead men. Mr. Saidu was becoming anxious because she found them.

"White Jaguar.", he whispered.

A bright white light appeared behind the men. All the men turned around to see the light. They immediately blocked their eyes because their light was too bright. Some men managed to see the light while the others were still struggling. There is a person sitting on a motorbike. Judging by the person's figure, it was a woman. She was dressed up in a white and black stripped-leathered jacket. Her helmet was black with some white flower patterns on it. The rest of the men managed to overcome the brightness of the light. They were looking at the woman in fear. The woman placed her hands on the helmet. Then she removed it and placed it on her bike. The men pointed their guns at her. Her face was covered with a white mask. Mr. Saidu came forward with a wicked smile. His teeth were covered in the show much gold. He stopped ten meters away from her.

"This is the second time you are sabotaging my business White Jaguar.", Mr. Saidu said.

White Jaguar did not respond to him. Some of them were getting impatient that they wanted to kill White Jaguar right now. White Jaguar was staring at them with her creepy plain mask.

Mr. Saidu tried again. "If tell us where the victims are, we will spare you.", he suggested.

She still did not respond to him. She knew it was a trick and a lie. Gangsters like him and Yanwu would never spare people. They were horrible people they only cared for themselves and treated women and girls like they were nothing to them. Mr. Saidu was getting slightly irritated with her.

"White Jaguar, there are five hundred million yuans on the line. Do you know how much it cost in Nigerian currency?", he asked her. She still did not respond because she did not care. "I knew you wouldn't answer my question. Listen to me, I want my victims so they can entertain me. Since you don't want to hand them over, I have no choice but to kill a beautiful woman like you. Even though I can see your face."

White Jaguar had no time for his nonsense. She had to finish this mission before the staff members arrive. Mr. Saidu did a hand gesture indicating that his men should kill her. They acknowledged his order. Even Yanwu's men did the same. All of them were pointing their advanced guns at her. White Jaguar was doing nothing. She was just watching them getting ready to shoot at her. The men started shooting at her. She took out a long thick silver stick. As soon as the bullets were coming closer to her, she started hitting them with her sticks. The men were still shooting at her. Her aiming was brilliant that not one bullet shot her. Mr. Saidu was getting frightened that she was not getting shot. White Jaguar spun her stick continuously until they ran out of bullets.

All the bullets were used. The men had no more extra bullets. White Jaguar finished with her stick for now. She took out five arrows from her bag. She placed them on the bow. She aimed at five men. The men were getting frightened that they decided to run away. Mr. Saidu was the first person to run away. Before the other men could run, five men were already on the ground with the arrows through their hearts. White Jaguar took out eight blades and shot eight men. But she did not kill them. She wanted the police to interrogate them and she could listen to the interrogation. She used the rest of her arrows to shoot the leftover men. She only wanted Mr. Saidu alive because he was the only one who knew what Yanwu looked like. All men were down, Mr. Saidu was the only alive. He looked around and saw all the men were down. He looked at White Jaguar. He went down on his knees to receive forgiveness from her. He put his hands together and started crying.

"Please forgive me. I promise I won't hurt any woman and girl again. I will treat them properly. I will treat them with respect. Please spare me.", he bowed and cried at the same time.

White Jaguar got out of her bike, leaving the engine and lights on. She walked towards Mr. Saidu with her stick in her hand. Mr. Saidu looked up and watched her coming toward him. He found her to look different because she was in a bun. Plus, she was using tight black jeans and a motorbike jacket. White Jaguar stopped in front of Mr. Saidu. He was looking at her with tears. White Jaguar did not care about the tears in his eyes. He watched many women and girls crying for their lives. They were fighting for their lives. He watched his men beating them up for nothing, kept them as slaves, and raped them. He had no mercy on those women and girls. Why should White Jaguar get him forgiveness? He was not going to change. White Jaguar lifted her stick and then slapped Mr. Saidu. He landed on the ground, knocked out. She could hear vehicles entering the parking. She ran towards her bike. Her mission was now complete for now.