Zeke left the hospital room without another word, disappearing down the hallway of the compound. Azia watched him go, her heart heavy with regret. She was surprised to find she didn't want him to leave. They had been enjoying themselves. Finn's sudden appearance made everything change in a way she couldn't quite discern.
Finn was in a foul mood and he turned to Azia with a scowl. "How can you still possibly deny that the Knowles dog has feelings for you?" he demanded. "It's obvious to me and everyone else and it's kinda pathetic."
Azia was surprised and annoyed by Finn's behavior and haughty attitude. It wasn't like him to talk so harshly about someone else. They had been friends for several years and during all that time, Finn had always come across as light hearted--a friend to anyone and everyone. She stared up at his face, wondering what had gotten him so upset.